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UTC 1 : 33 27. Jul 2024
CEST 3 : 33 27. Jul 2024
PDT 18 : 33 26. Jul 2024
EDT 21 : 33 26. Jul 2024
A discussion about the monetization of BDO and price totals.
15. Sep 2023, 00:46 (UTC)
719 8
Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 15. Sep 2023, 00:46 (UTC)
# 1

Okay, first, I want to preface this by saying: I absolutely have no problem spending money to help support the BDO project, which I love. Seriously, I've spent, and I don't regret it. However, we really should talk about the pricing model and the way I feel it's currently working. Let's look at the "Daily Special" event that pops up regularly now. Currently, it costs 3,500 pearls for 14 additional items... I mean, sure, one of the boxes has an outfit set with some good choices, and there are buffs and pets included, but $35 on top of the Value Pack, on top of the buy-in for each season experience, collectively add up to A LOT.

So, naturally, I feel it's important to say: "Well, you don't have to buy it." And that's 100% true. But you see, Pearl Abyss, when you price things like this and give me very good reasons to hard-pass on these sales, what you're doing as a company is conditioning me to keep on passing by these events as they roll out one after another. The more I look at them and say, "Nope, not paying that," the EASIER it becomes!

This season, I didn't even buy the season pass, and I'm sitting on about 11k pearls. Why? The pricing model really does need to be tweaked. There's a gap between the price-value relationship for what we, the players, are receiving vs. providing (paying). Until the balance shifts back into the players' direction, I fear more and more players will find it increasingly easy to just say "no thanks" and avoid making purchases, which, truthfully, sucks because it's pretty obvious that without a source of income, BDO won't last forever.

I hope the marketing team is able to understand where I'm coming from here. It's not that I don't want to spend money on the game. I led with that for a reason. It's more than the pricing is too high for what we're currently receiving.

Thanks for reading.

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 17. Sep 2023, 03:22 (UTC)
# 2

And, I forgot to mention--making value passes cheaper to buy and attaching a higher gold price in game wouldn't be a bad idea either. The market moves them VERY slow...basically no one puts them up with any regularity b/c the cost/return ratio is so off-balance.

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 17. Sep 2023, 13:51 (UTC)
# 3

It's always funny to see these thread and think, "Oh yeah! Let's talk about monetization!"  and then it's about stuff that I never even buy.

I've done all seasons and never bought a season pass. Never got the daily special either.

Let's talk about fairy RNG, horse skill RNG, pet RNG, melting costumes for Crons, the price of the VP+Kama+Old Moon "subscription".

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 17. Sep 2023, 17:56 (UTC)
# 4

Lets talk about 60 euro ship skins.

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 17. Sep 2023, 17:58 (UTC)
# 5

.............Reall is this Topic real? :D

Bro you don't have to buy those season pass and Daily Special......

Use your pearl for things that makes sense.

You have access to the whole game for free, to all content for free, all expansion for free. Pearl Abyss is not asking a single cent, they give a ton of goodies, ton of qualitiy of life changes.

They just give you possibility to buy it. It is a choice. Having it or not doesn't impact the gameplay at all.

I don't know what you are talking about, it is ridiculous.

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 18. Sep 2023, 05:53 (UTC)
# 6

If they would reduce the Pearl costs overall for EU for atleast 25-33% they would get more sales. Even the bundles and desls are horrible. 

Also please find a solution to the 3 subs, either combine old-moon book and Kamasylvia-sub so we only need to buy 2 subs /month  or find another solution to not have to micromanage these subs.  

10 122
Lv Privat
Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 29. Sep 2023, 21:35 (UTC)
# 7
On: Sep 18, 2023, 05:53 (UTC), Written by Steifan

If they would reduce the Pearl costs overall for EU for atleast 25-33% they would get more sales. Even the bundles and desls are horrible. 

Also please find a solution to the 3 subs, either combine old-moon book and Kamasylvia-sub so we only need to buy 2 subs /month  or find another solution to not have to micromanage these subs.  

Yes, that's my point exactly. I have money, and sometimes I buy season passes--but, lately I've just passed on it. 3.5k pearls for the daily special and another 3k for the season pass just isn't worth the price point. I actually love this game and want it to flourish for many years to come--and, if I'm passing on these things /w a bunch of pearls just sitting in my vault, surely others are as well. A tad lower on the price point and more overall sales/engagement would almost certainly lead to higher profits. 

Thanks Steifan for rephrasing what I was trying to say!

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 29. Sep 2023, 21:49 (UTC)
# 8
On: Sep 29, 2023, 21:33 (UTC), Written by Truen

A tad lower on the price point and more overall sales/engagement would almost certainly lead to higher profits. 

That's not how economic works. While less price means more sales, that doesn't automatically means more profit since they aren't scale linearly.

And given how P2W freemium games work, lowering the price have minor effect on the sales, as usually the ones who even buy such things are not price sensitive customers (a.k.a whales).

244 4634
Lv 63


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