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UTC 1 : 58 27. Jul 2024
CEST 3 : 58 27. Jul 2024
PDT 18 : 58 26. Jul 2024
EDT 21 : 58 26. Jul 2024
Buff Khan Heart and lifeskill alchemy stones
15. Sep 2023, 10:32 (UTC)
774 8
Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 15. Sep 2023, 10:32 (UTC)
# 1

Family Name: BlackDesert
Region (NA/EU): NA/EU
Suggestions/Comments: Khan heart is a very rare item (never dropped one in 1k+ khans or in 130k+ barters) and has an avg price of 7bil in EU market. Splendid stone is worth 14b and is barely better than khan for twice the price and is so hard to get that only a very few have it.
At the moment, Khan heart is a joke and is being used only for the 25 mastery buff on equip when it allows to pass a mastery cap. Players use the lifeskill stone they need, then equip it back. 
Khan heart effects:
25 mastery on equip
-1.3s cook/alch on use
+13% proc on use
+70LT on use
+12% gathering drop rate

Let's compare it Treant stone that is gifted:
30% lifeskill xp
-1s alch on use
+10% proc on use
+50LT on use
+10% gathering drop rate

So we have to be uber carried or pay 7bil to get 25 mastery, 0.3s cook/alch, 3% proc, 20lt, 2% droprate?

We have artefacts that give 5% gathering drop rate, we have cristals that give 10 mastery for 400m, cristals that give a lot of LT, etc

Buff Khan heart to be a lot better than treant stone: 50mastery on equip + when activated: 50% lifeskill, 100mastery (that is avail in steller stone), 15% processing, 100LT, 15% drop gathering, fishing/gathering +2, -1.5s cooking/alch.
And maybe add to these stones some love for other lifeskills too. examples: less minigames on horse capture, more minigames when gathering, active fishing/harpooning time reduction, faster reload when hunting, easier reaload for sniping, more mastery procs when cooking/alch, double the mole chances for farming, parley reduction for bartering, etc.

And increase stats on better lifeskill stones accordingly to have some sort of hierarchy and logic.

22 206
Lv Privat
Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 19. Sep 2023, 19:58 (UTC)
# 2

the way i would love to see this change happen is using the method that grinders have for upgrading Vell heart... by adding ingredients to make it stronger.

I would love a system where you have to perform said lifeskill to get the increased stats on it.
Example: daily quests for the lifeskill we want that would reward the items needed.

22 206
Lv Privat
Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 19. Sep 2023, 23:18 (UTC)
# 3
On: Sep 15, 2023, 10:32 (UTC), Written by Fluffy

the way i would love to see this change happen is using the method that grinders have for upgrading Vell heart... by adding ingredients to make it stronger.

I would love a system where you have to perform said lifeskill to get the increased stats on it.
Example: daily quests for the lifeskill we want that would reward the items needed.

That would be cool BUT PLEASE NO MORE DAILY/WEEKLY QUESTS. Make it as some kind of progress achievement, for example you can upgrade khan heart for each life skill and each upgrade have 10 levels. For barter each upgrade would require 10k barters etc, for cooking maybe accumulated exp from cooking etc.

But stop making from BDO another daily quests based game like lost ark

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 20. Sep 2023, 18:04 (UTC)
# 4
Écrit le : 19 sept. 2023, 23:18 (UTC), par : Sealti

That would be cool BUT PLEASE NO MORE DAILY/WEEKLY QUESTS. Make it as some kind of progress achievement, for example you can upgrade khan heart for each life skill and each upgrade have 10 levels. For barter each upgrade would require 10k barters etc, for cooking maybe accumulated exp from cooking etc.

But stop making from BDO another daily quests based game like lost ark

What i mean with daily quests is a way to not be able to get it in a day, but doing the lifeskill it is supposed to buff.
My vell came form market because i neve could drop one (i attended more than 90% of them since release). Improvement came from market too because i never spend 10 mins grinding elvia. Feels bad when you get the content whitout even playing for it.

having to do the lifeskill to get the improvement seems a necessity znd z good reward for those actually playing.

The best (worst!) example is training, where to get T9 or even T10, you don't need to ever ride a horse!

22 206
Lv Privat
Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 20. Sep 2023, 19:48 (UTC)
# 5
On: Sep 20, 2023, 18:04 (UTC), Written by Fluffy

What i mean with daily quests is a way to not be able to get it in a day, but doing the lifeskill it is supposed to buff.
My vell came form market because i neve could drop one (i attended more than 90% of them since release). Improvement came from market too because i never spend 10 mins grinding elvia. Feels bad when you get the content whitout even playing for it.

having to do the lifeskill to get the improvement seems a necessity znd z good reward for those actually playing.

The best (worst!) example is training, where to get T9 or even T10, you don't need to ever ride a horse!

I agree, it shouldn't be doable in a day (or even a month) but it should reward people who can spend more time. Someone who doing 3 barter refresh per day should get it 3 times faster than someone who doing 1 refresh per day etc. Don't lock it behind any additional daily/weekly limits.
T10 example is not exactly true - you need flowers of oblivion and you can't get them without imperial horse delivery. 

But overall I agree that khan heart upgrades for specific life skills would be nice addition

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 20. Sep 2023, 23:09 (UTC)
# 6

How about merge the two stones into one with simple alchemy and if you need to seperate them, use heating.

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 21. Sep 2023, 09:35 (UTC)
# 7
Écrit le : 20 sept. 2023, 19:48 (UTC), par : Sealti

T10 example is not exactly true - you need flowers of oblivion and you can't get them without imperial horse delivery. 

No, just buy horses from market, sell during event, and easy hundreds of flowers.

Écrit le : 20 sept. 2023, 23:09 (UTC), par : Wizzleboom

How about merge the two stones into one with simple alchemy and if you need to seperate them, use heating.

Yes, that's a good solution.
But lifeskill stones still need a buff. And i like the part where we need to play...

22 206
Lv Privat
Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 22. Apr 2024, 14:50 (UTC)
# 8

7 months after and not only didn't we get some sort of upgrade, it is now "gifted" by killing him 3 times making it's value drop even more.
i love that it's not rng anymore, but 3 kills... just give it in daily rewards.

As a sailor, i'm not using it anymore since sailor log. 
Loot from the sea, being useless to sea content, good job!

22 206
Lv Privat


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