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UTC 1 : 27 27. Jul 2024
CEST 3 : 27 27. Jul 2024
PDT 18 : 27 26. Jul 2024
EDT 21 : 27 26. Jul 2024
Remove PvP Resists
12. Jan 2024, 04:02 (UTC)
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Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 12. Jan 2024, 04:15 (UTC)
# 1

 Hello, I am a BDO Partner and Youtube/Twitch creator and have been for some years now. I enjoy BDO mainly for the PVP content. As most of us who follow updates are aware, BDO is currently planning some big changes towards balancing PVP. This is absolutely the perfect time to take advantage of balance work and do something all the PVPers have been asking for since I started playing BDO 4 years ago...


I'm not just tired of losing to resists, moreso I am tired of WINNING  due to resists. 

I understand some classes are balanced around resists as a mechanic, so since PA is currently working on heavy changes to class balancing this is the perfect time to adjust for that factor and finally rid the game of this obnoxious RNG mechanic that doesn't benefit ANY specific group of players. Some arguments are made that resists help new players, but a 40% chance to get a second chance isn't actually helping when fighting an experienced player who ALSO has a 40% chance for second chances.

I would ask for resists to only be removed for at LEAST Arena of Solare as it is a competitive mode, but again, resists are a part of class balance as some classes have higher resists/ignore resist functions. Fully adjusting the balancing to support the removal is the best bet, and this is now the BEST time to do so. 

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 12. Jan 2024, 04:17 (UTC)
# 2

Make it Happen.

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 12. Jan 2024, 04:26 (UTC)
# 3

remove resist and give grab immune to certain moves like corsair will be nice(only to some moves that cannot be canceled or etc)

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 12. Jan 2024, 05:22 (UTC)
# 4
On: Jan 12, 2024, 04:02 (UTC), Written by Goldsteinburg

 Hello, I am a BDO Partner and Youtube/Twitch creator and have been for some years now. I enjoy BDO mainly for the PVP content. As most of us who follow updates are aware, BDO is currently planning some big changes towards balancing PVP. This is absolutely the perfect time to take advantage of balance work and do something all the PVPers have been asking for since I started playing BDO 4 years ago...


I'm not just tired of losing to resists, moreso I am tired of WINNING  due to resists. 

I understand some classes are balanced around resists as a mechanic, so since PA is currently working on heavy changes to class balancing this is the perfect time to adjust for that factor and finally rid the game of this obnoxious RNG mechanic that doesn't benefit ANY specific group of players. Some arguments are made that resists help new players, but a 40% chance to get a second chance isn't actually helping when fighting an experienced player who ALSO has a 40% chance for second chances.

I would ask for resists to only be removed for at LEAST Arena of Solare as it is a competitive mode, but again, resists are a part of class balance as some classes have higher resists/ignore resist functions. Fully adjusting the balancing to support the removal is the best bet, and this is now the BEST time to do so. 

100% agree, remove resists entirely from pvp. Make it skilled based combat. You can always put rng boxes on pearlshop for who likes to gamble.

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Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 12. Jan 2024, 07:05 (UTC)
# 6
On: Jan 12, 2024, 05:22 (UTC), Written by WHATINTHEHECK

100% agree, remove resists entirely from pvp. Make it skilled based combat. You can always put rng boxes on pearlshop for who likes to gamble.

Honestly, this is not a bad idea. The developers should remove resists in PvP. Then give every spec of a class that don't have a grapple ability, a break gapple ability on at least a 20 second cool down. Thoese two changes alone would redeem BDO PvP scene integrity a little. Which would make BDO's PvP scene more appealing to actually PvPers outside of BDO.

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 12. Jan 2024, 08:18 (UTC)
# 7

Its a warrior posting.
You want to remove grab resist, just say that bro.

As someone else already commented, if you get rid of grab resist, then there needs to be some form of antigrab that all classes can opt for such as via a skill.

You also want to get rid of rng?

Make downsmash guaranteed.

AoS matchmaking is rng and quite often, is the deciding factor of the match in terms of grabs/ooks/utility map/roofCampers.

Evasion / Accuracy is rng. Not sure how that is any different to Resist / Ignore Resist.

Are you aware that your damage is literally a dice roll every time you cast a skill, your weapons have ap RANGE.

Heck, if you go real deep into the damage calculation, YOUR CHARACTER BASE AP IS A DICE ROLL.

On bad rng, you can be doing 4% less damage than good rng. Let that sink in.

I'm going to get hate for this unpopular opinion. But leave resists alone.

Lv Privat
Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 12. Jan 2024, 08:10 (UTC)
# 8

Yes, remove PvP resistances and adjust game balance as necesary.

Pearl Abyss has always been dreadful at making followup changes. It's about time they start doing it right.

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 12. Jan 2024, 08:33 (UTC)
# 9
On: Jan 12, 2024, 07:59 (UTC), Written by Ascenn

Its a warrior posting.
You want to remove grab resist, just say that bro.

As someone else already commented, if you get rid of grab resist, then there needs to be some form of antigrab that all classes can opt for such as via a skill.

You also want to get rid of rng?

Make downsmash guaranteed.

AoS matchmaking is rng and quite often, is the deciding factor of the match in terms of grabs/ooks/utility map/roofCampers.

Evasion / Accuracy is rng. Not sure how that is any different to Resist / Ignore Resist.

Are you aware that your damage is literally a dice roll every time you cast a skill, your weapons have ap RANGE.

Heck, if you go real deep into the damage calculation, YOUR CHARACTER BASE AP IS A DICE ROLL.

On bad rng, you can be doing 4% less damage than good rng. Let that sink in.

I'm going to get hate for this unpopular opinion. But leave resists alone.

Not sure what game you're playing, but grab resist isn't something warriors experience as we have a natrual 30% ignore grapple resist passive :) however I DO feel grapple resist is a problem for other classes that don't have ignore grapple passive such as awake ranger. I think their idea of balance for that is that on a missed grab classes without ignore grapple passive can instantly go back into protection on a missed grab with little to no "missed grab" animation. Warrior has ignore grapple, but if he misses it is easily punishable as he has a LONG missed grapple animation. So, if they DID remove grapple I would think the other classes with instant grapple recovery should get nerfed and have their grapple recovery time increased to match classes like Warrior. Again, this post has nothing to do with grapple resist though... that's not something I experience on my Warrior. I do enjoy resisting other classes grapples like ninjas trying to blockjump grab me though :) but again, it's not rewarding achieving a win because I got lucky and rolled a resist when I was outplayed.

I see what you mean about damage rng, and accuracy evasion rng, I also agree, evasion/accuracy are a silly mechanic that should be removed. It is the reason why uncapped and different versions of capped PvP cause such balancing problems. If they didnt have to balance around different gear sets for PvPs Capped areas and can focus on simply "damage and tankiness" it would be much easier to have a more widespread balance in the game - but that's an issue for another time.

Are you solely against removing resists simply because of grapple? it already has a countermeasure, "iframes", any melee class that doesn't have a grapple will have loads of iFrames to help them battle the grab, relying on grapple resist in the current game is pretty silly as you again are relying completely on RNG if you expect it to work. I'm more against resists as when comboing and re-ccing a target the chance that they resist and now kill you due to a lucky roll is pretty silly as there is ZERO skill involved in that outcome. The only time grapple resist works is against new players who don't run proper gear. As I said, resists are mostly for stomping new players, even though it is likely a design to HELP new players it is completely counterintuitive. 

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 12. Jan 2024, 08:39 (UTC)
# 10
On: Jan 12, 2024, 08:33 (UTC), Written by Goldsteinburg

Not sure what game you're playing, but grab resist isn't something warriors experience as we have a natrual 30% ignore grapple resist passive :) however I DO feel grapple resist is a problem for other classes that don't have ignore grapple passive such as awake ranger. I think their idea of balance for that is that on a missed grab classes without ignore grapple passive can instantly go back into protection on a missed grab with little to no "missed grab" animation. Warrior has ignore grapple, but if he misses it is easily punishable as he has a LONG missed grapple animation. So, if they DID remove grapple I would think the other classes with instant grapple recovery should get nerfed and have their grapple recovery time increased to match classes like Warrior. Again, this post has nothing to do with grapple resist though... that's not something I experience on my Warrior. I do enjoy resisting other classes grapples like ninjas trying to blockjump grab me though :) but again, it's not rewarding achieving a win because I got lucky and rolled a resist when I was outplayed.

I see what you mean about damage rng, and accuracy evasion rng, I also agree, evasion/accuracy are a silly mechanic that should be removed. It is the reason why uncapped and different versions of capped PvP cause such balancing problems. If they didnt have to balance around different gear sets for PvPs Capped areas and can focus on simply "damage and tankiness" it would be much easier to have a more widespread balance in the game - but that's an issue for another time.

Are you solely against removing resists simply because of grapple? it already has a countermeasure, "iframes", any melee class that doesn't have a grapple will have loads of iFrames to help them battle the grab, relying on grapple resist in the current game is pretty silly as you again are relying completely on RNG if you expect it to work. I'm more against resists as when comboing and re-ccing a target the chance that they resist and now kill you due to a lucky roll is pretty silly as there is ZERO skill involved in that outcome. The only time grapple resist works is against new players who don't run proper gear. As I said, resists are mostly for stomping new players, even though it is likely a design to HELP new players it is completely counterintuitive. 

Fair points on the grab stuff.

On the re-cc resist though, how does this balance into large scale (capped) where typically people will be running maximum resists. Also where people will typicall run an ignore-resist for their main cc. Are we ruining build diversity by doing this where everyone will just run raw damage/defence setups.

Lv Privat
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