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UTC 1 : 13 27. Jul 2024
CEST 3 : 13 27. Jul 2024
PDT 18 : 13 26. Jul 2024
EDT 21 : 13 26. Jul 2024
World Bosses QoL!
24. Jan 2024, 15:45 (UTC)
548 5
Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 24. Jan 2024, 15:45 (UTC)
# 1

Name: Tyraoh
Region: EU

Hello! i have a great suggestion (i have very "great" bad suggestions but this one might work!)

World bosses now are quite.. meh... to attend, its like "yeah i will go there because i have an alt boss char so i can switch fast kill and go back to my grind or slack or w/e". at least this is what i do.

My Suggestion is:
1. Increase the difficulties of world bosses to be a challenge even for everybody! (the bosses will deal % damage of player's max HP)
2. Make the world boss have a DMG leaderboard, top 20-30-50- any amount of players will receive extra rewards for their prestation.
3. Reward players on their %dmg dealt to the bosses (exception: Everybody will get participation reward)
4. Make so world bosses doesn't appear so often (now we have loads of world bosses spawning everyday), i'd say it would be better it bosses that spawn (1-2-3 per 24hrs) will be at set times BUT RANDOM ANNOUNCEMENTS. now we know what boss and when they will spawn, but the system could randomly spawn a boss (exluding vell and garmoth) and players can head to these if they want to. Very important! characters that can't go a past damage point will only get participation rewards and some RNG stuff. 
5. An example of rewards for participation: 500mil in gold bars, x10-x15 boss auras, Flawless Magical Black Stones, Flawless Chaotic Black Stones, Memory fragments, Cron stones, and other stuff. 
6. If the Boss despawn (after 30min, might be also recommended to change the timer to be 1hr before despawn), it will take the current leaderboard and share the rewards.

If you dislike a point, please leave a reply and reformulate the way you want to be. I really want to see World Bosses in Black Desert Online be a content players could consider to progress their account and be also more challengeing, now its quite boring and everybody expects the boss to die fast so they can just go back to grind.

There are players that don't feel like grinding / don't enjoy it. At least this is how i feel. There is no competition in a grindspot to get the jackpot if you do more work than the other players so most of the time i just grind for 10min and then leave. I'd rather hunt bosses or work on my manor furniture than do PvE content.

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 17. Feb 2024, 00:39 (UTC)
# 2
On: Jan 24, 2024, 15:45 (UTC), Written by TYRANTxoxo

Name: Tyraoh
Region: EU

Hello! i have a great suggestion (i have very "great" bad suggestions but this one might work!)

World bosses now are quite.. meh... to attend, its like "yeah i will go there because i have an alt boss char so i can switch fast kill and go back to my grind or slack or w/e". at least this is what i do.

My Suggestion is:
1. Increase the difficulties of world bosses to be a challenge even for everybody! (the bosses will deal % damage of player's max HP)
2. Make the world boss have a DMG leaderboard, top 20-30-50- any amount of players will receive extra rewards for their prestation.
3. Reward players on their %dmg dealt to the bosses (exception: Everybody will get participation reward)
4. Make so world bosses doesn't appear so often (now we have loads of world bosses spawning everyday), i'd say it would be better it bosses that spawn (1-2-3 per 24hrs) will be at set times BUT RANDOM ANNOUNCEMENTS. now we know what boss and when they will spawn, but the system could randomly spawn a boss (exluding vell and garmoth) and players can head to these if they want to. Very important! characters that can't go a past damage point will only get participation rewards and some RNG stuff. 
5. An example of rewards for participation: 500mil in gold bars, x10-x15 boss auras, Flawless Magical Black Stones, Flawless Chaotic Black Stones, Memory fragments, Cron stones, and other stuff. 
6. If the Boss despawn (after 30min, might be also recommended to change the timer to be 1hr before despawn), it will take the current leaderboard and share the rewards.

If you dislike a point, please leave a reply and reformulate the way you want to be. I really want to see World Bosses in Black Desert Online be a content players could consider to progress their account and be also more challengeing, now its quite boring and everybody expects the boss to die fast so they can just go back to grind.

There are players that don't feel like grinding / don't enjoy it. At least this is how i feel. There is no competition in a grindspot to get the jackpot if you do more work than the other players so most of the time i just grind for 10min and then leave. I'd rather hunt bosses or work on my manor furniture than do PvE content.

1 No, they did that to bloodstorm nouver and now he is nuking half the desert along side your char, main or alt doesnt matter
2 No - only benefits whales and rng carried ppl who are lucky enough to have the best gear in-game to dish out the dmg
3 No- pretty much same as point , except u added "participation reward" if they didnt give u any loot for participating there is no point in going
4 No - ppl cant always be online due to different schedules ( work, study, family, social life). rn we know when a boss spawn and with what little game time we have each week can plan around that to work out the WB we do want to hit when we can hit them. Making this RNG as well will cause most players to miss the relevant bosses like nouver which they need for the garmoth quest.
5 Yes  - WB need better loot, their current drops arent worth switching chars for
6 Never seen any WB despawn, maybe quint/muraka but ppl dont do those except for the journal and thats a 1 time kill only.

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 17. Feb 2024, 02:31 (UTC)
# 3
On: Feb 17, 2024, 00:39 (UTC), Written by SolisInvicti

6 Never seen any WB despawn, maybe quint/muraka but ppl dont do those except for the journal and thats a 1 time kill only.

TC Kutum regularly despawns when it spawns in off-hours. 

The other nightmare world bosses will occasionally get close to despawning.  May have seen this happen to SB Karanda once.

Quint never does, but Muraka has been despawning for months now.  Last summer it never did either.  I keep trying in case people want to start showing up again. Not sure why we get only 15 minutes to do two bosses, while the others are 30 minutes for one.

I have seen regular world bosses come within a minute of despawning, but we always seem to manage.

Will see what happens this summer, maybe more people will be back to doing these again.  Or maybe it was just that new player bubble last year.  


As for switching to boss alts all the time, it becomes a habit after a while.  As with most things in BDO, it's a numbers game, the more you do, the more chances you get to get something valuable.  Sometimes a lot of effort gets nothing, sometimes barely tagging in before the end gets top rewards.  You never know.

The little trickle of drops is nice, but I mostly do bosses just to do them.  It's a game, right?  Do what you enjoy.  The nightmare versions are a nice challenge.  This is not min-max stuff, nor does it need to be.   A lot of changes that are being made to this game are taking away from that part. 


i am a human - undefined - i'm not a robot.

seriously, fix this, any reply that takes more than a couple of minutes gets interrupted by this malfunctioning unnecessary 'protection'.

13 1017
Lv Privat
Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 23. Feb 2024, 03:16 (UTC)
# 4

Sorry this post is so long, but I have a lot to say on the topic and you asked us to elaborate, so I did.

I honestly don't see a need to change them much aside from buffing their drops. Especially Garmoth is the biggest waste of time. I have done most garmoths that ever spawned since its release. Only missed maybe half a year total due to breaks. Only gotten the heart twice. Others in my shoes once or not even once.

Let's say you can expect a heart or pet once every 2 years. Disastrously low rate. Other loot should make up for that. Instead getting 3 crons - originally 6 mil but now 9 is some kind of jackpot already. The caphras bundle is obviously very rare, too.

95% of your garmoth runs you will spend about 10 minutes not counting preparation and leaving for maybe 20 mil tops. It is actually the worst boss in terms of loot hands down. No auras, very little gold, no real caphras to speak of and very few crons. Every single other boss, even Vell, earns you more on average. Though, Vell is the second-worst.

Even with Quint and Muraka you are guaranteed an ogre ring every couple of runs because of the mutant enhancer buffs. I typically get one Ogre Ring every 3 or 4 runs. It's still not much, but it's better than Garmoth.

Even disregarding all of that and looking at the other bosses' loot. People go ham as soon as there is a seal event but the time spent doesn't justify the loot you get. I think the best value is actually exchanging the seals for marni fuel. 1 seal is then 20 mil on its own. Add that to the other loot of normal world bosses, which has some gold, about 2 auras and occasionally a weapon and without counting advice of valks as I find them hard to quantify, you're maybe looking at about 50-ish mil on average? Tops? 50 mil is probably too high an estimate. Depends on how lucky you are with BOA and weapon box drops.

The amped up bosses were meant to get people excited again. The big draw was being able to get PRI and higher weapons. I have done most of these bosses since their release as well. Never even a single PRI or better, they may as well not have added them. If I check within my guild, only 3 people ever got 1 improved weapon box and that's it. Only the extra auras make them slightly more worth it. However, they kill your characters a lot easier. PA still has not disabled crystal breaks from bosses and now they also removed the cheapest crystals that I used for my boss alts. Swiftness and such. Fantastic.

The problem is that you can risk-free earn much more than the bosses provide you with EVEN with decent RNG (= you drop a standard weapon box or a base or PRI accessory from a BOA) with just tuvala gear at quite many spots, in less time than it takes to kill some of these bosses.
Sure bosses that die in 2-5 minutes and give you like 50 mil on average is alright. But that is like I said probably a high estimate. And the amped bosses, especially thundercloud kutum who almost nobody likes, can take 15+ minutes to kill, if they don't despawn. Say you have tuvala gear and you earn a low amount of silver per hour by todays standards, 500 mil. That is much more worth your time than most boss runs will ever be. And again, Garmoth is the biggest waste of time because she provides almost no additional baseline loot that doesn't depend on hitting the jackpot (heart/pet) or mini jackpot (caphras bundle).

What would make it worth it? Well, PA is very bad at making other activities than grinding keep up with the current economy and sometimes destroy the market with events on top of that, making many activities pretty bad for money. Boss hunting though is one of the more rusted ones and the solution is simple. Make them worth more. Their current value does not reflect the state of the game in the slightest. But every time they buff them, its by either a super small amount, or by adding a new RNG item you will get once or twice a year. Or even never. That's not buffing.
I don't understand how they have all this data on their game but don't understand how ridiculously low they set odds and rewards. But it can even take ages for them to update grind spots and even then they rather add a new mechanic than fix the problem.

Now onto your points... 1: No. Not with how little they are worth and not with how crystals still break. If they make them more of a challenge, I would welcome that, but they would NEED to be worthwhile. They aren't even worthwhile now. I do them out of habit more than anything. I look at a clock and I immediately think "x minutes until the next boss" even when I'm not home. I have a problem, I know. That's what 7,5 years of playing this has done.

2. It's been stated in the past that this is kind of how it works, without showing us numbers or making it clear how exactly. I agree that it is annoying that if you fought a boss for 20 minutes and someone else just hit it once and they get a box but not you, but we also should not make the best loot rely on the highest gear. Bosses have always been a means for poorer players to get a bit of a casual money infusion. That should probably stay that way - just be buffed overall since as I mentioned the loot does not reflect the current economy whatsoever.

3. same as 2.
4. No please for the love of Elion, do not let them go back to random spawn times! That is how they worked in the past and it is the most horrible thing ever. I even want field bosses to stick to a standard schedule. It is absolutely awful as someone with autism to never know what to expect. If a boss I'm waiting for hasn't spawned I can sacrifice my meal or sleep for it. And it feels awful to come back from work or wake up in the weekend and be told "oh, you missed it". Absolutely the worst kind of RNG. If it goes back to this I'm done with boss hunting even if they buff it.

5. it's no new point but an example.
6. Pretty much covered.

See, I prefer hunting bosses over many other activities too, but while in the past when we made 10 - 50 mil an hour, dropping a weapon woth 100 mil was a huge thing, now we can earn anywhere from 500 to 2500 mil per hour and while boss weapons are priced at about 150 - 250 mil now, in most cases you won't get them anyway and even if you do it's not by far as worth it as it once was.
The rest I already explained. The long and short of it is that it just isn't lucrative enough. And you're not going to fix it by gating rewards to only people with the highest gear. They need to be buffed across the board to be more in line with the current economy. Especially waste-of-time-Garmoth.

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 23. Feb 2024, 15:45 (UTC)
# 5

1. Higher difficult - ok, % dmg - no (high nerf to evasion/dr builds).

3. It could be good way to provide additional goal to get better gear (currently in BDO there is no point to get best gear, atoraxxion is very easy even for 300ap boys, boss rush is normalized, every spot except dehkia ash forest is easy as heck, almost every pvp is capped/normalized). But in reality this idea will be DOA - everyone who cares about bosses have tuvala alt there, no one will leave spot and go through half of the world on main character just to kill 5 minute boss. Crystals break on bosses also would not help in that.

4. Definitely no. More spawns per day = more chance that everyone that wants to kill them will be able to. Random spawns are random - someone will catch 10 bosses, someone else won't catch any. Also random content is always dogshit, if there is specific time for them to spawn then I can plan what I will do. I hate when I just started grinding on dehkia, activated lantern and 10 minutes later boss that I want to kill spawned.

5. Game doesn't need more raw silver input. Rewards should be in items that are needed - like memory shards (current drop), mythical feathers etc.
6. Only better version of bosses might disappear but only during night (and mostly nouver/kutum only). But those bosses will leave drop if you dealt damage to them even if they disappear.



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