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UTC 2 : 2 27. Jul 2024
CEST 4 : 2 27. Jul 2024
PDT 19 : 2 26. Jul 2024
EDT 22 : 2 26. Jul 2024
Guild league with weak guild
15. Feb 2024, 16:58 (UTC)
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Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 15. Feb 2024, 20:18 (UTC)
# 1

Family Name: SeedofYggdrasil 

Region (NA/EU): EU

Comments: Last week my guild tried out the new guild league. But we are a lifeskill guild, so we are not really strong. But in 5 matches we only got 1 win, because we are matched a lot with strong guilds.

Suggestions: Allow weaker guilds to start with less MMR, e.g. 200 instead of 400, and make it less likely for a Lifeskill guild to compete against a PvP guild. (Edit: Or give us a surrender button, so we don't need to get farmed for 10min)

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 15. Feb 2024, 17:51 (UTC)
# 2

its a pvp game mode bud

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 15. Feb 2024, 20:16 (UTC)
# 3
On: Feb 15, 2024, 17:51 (UTC), Written by asdsadfas

its a pvp game mode bud

Idk why you wouldn't want to make it accessible to more players. It would be a win-win situation for all PvPers

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 15. Feb 2024, 21:31 (UTC)
# 4

This would be nice for smaller guilds, lifeskill guilds with only a few PvP players, etc

137 1147
Lv Privat
Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 15. Feb 2024, 22:53 (UTC)
# 5
On: Feb 15, 2024, 20:16 (UTC), Written by SeedofYggdrasil

Idk why you wouldn't want to make it accessible to more players. It would be a win-win situation for all PvPers

Because most of BDO's version of "PvPers" would rather fight and fodderize others to the point their PvP scene completley collapse, instead of having accessible PvP that produces good fights. They are not here for the fights, they are here to just easily dominate and grief others through IRL wealth, or spending copious amount of hours getting the gear to fodderize others. There is a reason why most of BDO's version of "PvPers" wouldn't be caught dead playing actually PvP games, that are designed to produce good fights. They are basically a legal version of a cyber bully.

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 15. Feb 2024, 23:09 (UTC)
# 6
On: Feb 15, 2024, 22:51 (UTC), Written by EgoAdAstra

Because most of BDO's version of "PvPers" would rather fight and fodderize others to the point their PvP scene completley collapse, instead of having accessible PvP that produces good fights. They are not here for the fights, they are here to just easily dominate and grief others through IRL wealth, or spending copious amount of hours getting the gear to fodderize others. There is a reason why most of BDO's version of "PvPers" wouldn't be caught dead playing actually PvP games, that are designed to produce good fights. They are basically a legal version of a cyber bully.

So by your word is exactly what those people want. Guilds like the OP. Easy targets. But I must tell you. Because you liked to kill inocent and low geared players, doesnt mean all PvPers are like you ;)

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 15. Feb 2024, 23:41 (UTC)
# 7
On: Feb 15, 2024, 23:09 (UTC), Written by IWalkAlone

So by your word is exactly what those people want. Guilds like the OP. Easy targets. But I must tell you. Because you liked to kill inocent and low geared players, doesnt mean all PvPers are like you ;)

So here is the thing about me, I'll fight anyone. However, unlike the overwhelming majority of BDO's version of "PvPers" once I figure out the player I am fighting has no chance of standing their ground against me, or myself against them. I get bored and more on, until I find someone that will provide me with a good fight. 

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 16. Feb 2024, 00:10 (UTC)
# 8
On: Feb 15, 2024, 22:51 (UTC), Written by EgoAdAstra

Because most of BDO's version of "PvPers" would rather fight and fodderize others to the point their PvP scene completley collapse, instead of having accessible PvP that produces good fights. They are not here for the fights, they are here to just easily dominate and grief others through IRL wealth, or spending copious amount of hours getting the gear to fodderize others. There is a reason why most of BDO's version of "PvPers" wouldn't be caught dead playing actually PvP games, that are designed to produce good fights. They are basically a legal version of a cyber bully.

By its very design, the pvp in this game is a complete utter joke and will never be anything but a complete utter joke unless most of the game's systems are ripped to shreds and overhauled. You can become more powerful in the game much easier and faster than others by just spending real money and being a freak with more free time to hit monsters.

This alone totally destroys any notion of BDO being a game that can host actual competition and pvp where anyone cares outside of the people that have invested real life money into their account. Anyone trying to tell you "THIS IS A PVP GAME GET GUD" is just delusional, role playing, or trolling.

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 16. Feb 2024, 01:36 (UTC)
# 9
On: Feb 16, 2024, 00:10 (UTC), Written by Zandafolf

By its very design, the pvp in this game is a complete utter joke and will never be anything but a complete utter joke unless most of the game's systems are ripped to shreds and overhauled. You can become more powerful in the game much easier and faster than others by just spending real money and being a freak with more free time to hit monsters.

This alone totally destroys any notion of BDO being a game that can host actual competition and pvp where anyone cares outside of the people that have invested real life money into their account. Anyone trying to tell you "THIS IS A PVP GAME GET GUD" is just delusional, role playing, or trolling.

I highly agree with your statement. And honestly, this video quite thoroughly highlights the typical behavior of BDO's version of "PvPer"

Now, if that person were truly into PvP and not just griefing for their twisted entertainment, they would have left after realizing they could dominate me, just as I would have in their shoes.And look for a person who can provide them with a good fight. But no, instead, they decided to grief and bully me into oblivion. Actually, after that interaction and a 2.5-mile run around town to blow off steam and think about some things. I'm seriously debating whether or not I should even continue to play this game.

However, one thing I will definitely do is post that video on every single social media platform I can. Who knows, maybe it will make Black Desert Online more popular and garner more attention and activity for BDO's version of "PvPers". I think that would be a win for BDO.

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 16. Feb 2024, 03:02 (UTC)
# 10
On: Feb 16, 2024, 01:36 (UTC), Written by EgoAdAstra

I highly agree with your statement. And honestly, this video quite thoroughly highlights the typical behavior of BDO's version of "PvPer"

Now, if that person were truly into PvP and not just griefing for their twisted entertainment, they would have left after realizing they could dominate me, just as I would have in their shoes.And look for a person who can provide them with a good fight. But no, instead, they decided to grief and bully me into oblivion. Actually, after that interaction and a 2.5-mile run around town to blow off steam and think about some things. I'm seriously debating whether or not I should even continue to play this game.

However, one thing I will definitely do is post that video on every single social media platform I can. Who knows, maybe it will make Black Desert Online more popular and garner more attention and activity for BDO's version of "PvPers". I think that would be a win for BDO.

Where's the griefing? You're on Arsha, the guy saw you, killed you and took your spot. Also, both you and that striker are questionable af.

On: Feb 16, 2024, 00:10 (UTC), Written by Zandafolf

By its very design, the pvp in this game is a complete utter joke and will never be anything but a complete utter joke unless most of the game's systems are ripped to shreds and overhauled. You can become more powerful in the game much easier and faster than others by just spending real money and being a freak with more free time to hit monsters.

This alone totally destroys any notion of BDO being a game that can host actual competition and pvp where anyone cares outside of the people that have invested real life money into their account. Anyone trying to tell you "THIS IS A PVP GAME GET GUD" is just delusional, role playing, or trolling.

Like 90% of the PvP in BDO is capped. Sure you can get ahead if you spend inordinate amounts of money or nolife grind the game, but it doesn't matter for most PvP content anyways. Only recently did they add stuff where gear matters with War of the Roses and Guild League. If you don't want to deal with hardcapped players oneshotting you, just go play T3s or something.

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