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1 Ladet die Datei BlackDesert_Installer_NAEU.exe herunter und installiert den „Black Desert“-Launcher.

2 Bitte startet das Spiel, sobald die Installation beendet ist.


UTC 1 : 40 27. Jul 2024
CEST 3 : 40 27. Jul 2024
PDT 18 : 40 26. Jul 2024
EDT 21 : 40 26. Jul 2024
Warrior gets all devtime, other classes get neglected
01. Mrz 2024, 02:16 (UTC)
2415 11
1 2
Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 01. Mrz 2024, 02:16 (UTC)
# 1


Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 01. Mrz 2024, 10:36 (UTC)
# 2
Écrit le : 1 mars 2024, 02:16 (UTC), par : GreenShadow


Many classes got Pearl Abyss' attention the last few years.

Now they are working on Warrior since two weeks, y'all crying. It's insane.

I'm actually glad they're fixing some bugs on the class while trying to make it better.

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 01. Mrz 2024, 13:21 (UTC)
# 3

they cant fix elementalization for 2 years for awakened casters, just saying.

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 02. Mrz 2024, 14:53 (UTC)
# 4

They are able to work on classes in parallel you know....even in the recent patch notes there are changes to several classes, including an attempt at patching up elementalization for casters. By this logic, should they just drop these classes too? It is all in your head.

It may just be easier to work on warrior cause the kit isn't complicated, it is pretty basic at its core. You literally have block, grab and a handful of skills. Literally, the skill tree is tiny and the flows can be treated as independent skills aside from hilt strike. They are probably going for the lowest hanging fruit and working their way up to the more intricate items on the list.

I do not think warrior is in a good state for the current game, even with their attempts at trying to make it relevant in anything outside of 1v1s for the main uncapped content of the game. 

Feels mediocre in RBF (like the rest of the non-meta melees), useless in guild league, asked to re-roll for siege or do special teams, DR punching bag that involves sitting around for 2 minutes or more to heal back to full and losing it all in seconds.

Not going to lie, warrior gets a lot of hate from the community. But God forbid I come in here and tell the devs to neglect one class to work on some other class due to some selfish whim. Let's be real here, there are like eight relevant classes in this game maybe less, you are down bad if you are not one of them. The least we can do is try not to push each other down at the bottom of the barrel.

Lv Privat
Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 02. Mrz 2024, 19:12 (UTC)
# 5
On: Mar 2, 2024, 14:42 (UTC), Written by Waylar

They are able to work on classes in parallel you know....even in the recent patch notes there are changes to several classes, including an attempt at patching up elementalization for casters. By this logic, should they just drop these classes too? It is all in your head.

It may just be easier to work on warrior cause the kit isn't complicated, it is pretty basic at its core. You literally have block, grab and a handful of skills. Literally, the skill tree is tiny and the flows can be treated as independent skills aside from hilt strike. They are probably going for the lowest hanging fruit and working their way up to the more intricate items on the list.

I do not think warrior is in a good state for the current game, even with their attempts at trying to make it relevant in anything outside of 1v1s for the main uncapped content of the game. 

Feels mediocre in RBF (like the rest of the non-meta melees), useless in guild league, asked to re-roll for siege or do special teams, DR punching bag that involves sitting around for 2 minutes or more to heal back to full and losing it all in seconds.

Not going to lie, warrior gets a lot of hate from the community. But God forbid I come in here and tell the devs to neglect one class to work on some other class due to some selfish whim. Let's be real here, there are like eight relevant classes in this game maybe less, you are down bad if you are not one of them. The least we can do is try not to push each other down at the bottom of the barrel.

It doesnt matter in the end because PA doesnt listen to feedback.
There is a reason i do low effort posts like these, because it doesnt matter.

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 02. Mrz 2024, 19:15 (UTC)
# 6
On: Mar 2, 2024, 14:42 (UTC), Written by Waylar

They are able to work on classes in parallel you know....even in the recent patch notes there are changes to several classes, including an attempt at patching up elementalization for casters. By this logic, should they just drop these classes too? It is all in your head.

It may just be easier to work on warrior cause the kit isn't complicated, it is pretty basic at its core. You literally have block, grab and a handful of skills. Literally, the skill tree is tiny and the flows can be treated as independent skills aside from hilt strike. They are probably going for the lowest hanging fruit and working their way up to the more intricate items on the list.

I do not think warrior is in a good state for the current game, even with their attempts at trying to make it relevant in anything outside of 1v1s for the main uncapped content of the game. 

Feels mediocre in RBF (like the rest of the non-meta melees), useless in guild league, asked to re-roll for siege or do special teams, DR punching bag that involves sitting around for 2 minutes or more to heal back to full and losing it all in seconds.

Not going to lie, warrior gets a lot of hate from the community. But God forbid I come in here and tell the devs to neglect one class to work on some other class due to some selfish whim. Let's be real here, there are like eight relevant classes in this game maybe less, you are down bad if you are not one of them. The least we can do is try not to push each other down at the bottom of the barrel.

And honestly i have been waiting for far too long for my own class.
They have bias with classes or against certain classes. Its just is what it is.

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 04. Mrz 2024, 22:13 (UTC)
# 7

The warrior hate is crazy you people never complain about other classes who are far worse and far more op then warriors when they get bug fixes when they get buffs but oh no WARRIOR gets ANYTHING and its a problem maybe be as vocal as the warrior community we have been fighting with the devs for years because. You people keep trying to get the class to die all because you got solar flare grabbed once in your life.

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 20. Mrz 2024, 08:13 (UTC)
# 8

Warrior in a bad state so many gaps grab long cd sa barely works if you don't got full awareness and high apm then warrior not going to work they keep crippling us ppl complain about us a lot cus we the oldest , but all the other class got major grab warrior point blank we miss we get cc our we must time our grab or be aware if we do , if ppl going complain play the class first it or ppl just suck n can't dodge a grab .-. 

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 01. Apr 2024, 01:16 (UTC)
# 9

buff warrior

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 30. Apr 2024, 19:22 (UTC)
# 10

Like, you're raging because the Warrior Awakening got bug fixes and a buff that feels more like a nerf in 1v1 and has no impact in mass PvP. It's kind of a joke to bother us, while other evasion classes are practically immortal and deal massive damage, like Zerkers, Drakanias, and Valkyries wreak havoc, and you, you're raging against a class that doesn't tank anymore, has four Super Armors, no protected movement, a block that's like a piece of paper, and requires high APM to be competitive. It's been four years since we've had major buffs on the class, meanwhile, others have been significantly improved. But if you don't believe us, play Warrior, you'll see how fun it is to watch our block explode in one spell, then burn standing because we have nothing left to protect us.

21 83
Lv 66
1 2

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