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UTC 10 : 59 07. Sep 2024
CEST 12 : 59 07. Sep 2024
PDT 3 : 59 07. Sep 2024
EDT 6 : 59 07. Sep 2024
Create a treasure item for elvia
06. Mrz 2024, 15:48 (UTC)
306 3
Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 06. Mrz 2024, 15:59 (UTC)
# 1

Family Name: BlackDesert

Region (NA/EU): NA/EU


All treasure item in the world can only be found outside of elvia realm. As the game like and player to (for reason) to farm treasure pieces, why not introduce one for elvia realm ?

 I dont have many ideas yet of what sorts of treasure item can be introduce but we can talk about it.

We know that the treasure item are more QoL content . In the first hand, on fast transportation (Nol, Archeologist map, Telescope, compass).In the other hand on aesthetic (Nouver outfit, Orzesca) or the merchant ring (wich is a QoL too but its stronger than the others with the reduction of taxes). So basically, if we want to introduce and new treasure *personnaly* we need to exclude the fast transportation (as we already have lots of). Maybe an outfit ? probably, but I think its better to farm for something that can be more likely usefull that something aesthetic.

For my opinion Im minding for a treasure wich can increase drop rate (like +10% permanent drop on elvia realm only).

I know that all the treasure have a common use and have their utility on all situation. But it can be likely as the merchant ring (but for drop rate). Basically, we all grind for a reason and its surely for Item/money. So why not increasing our drop rate with a treasure ?

What do you think ? and what other idea do you have ? 

NB : Sorry for my language if its not correct but its not my native one and keep improving thx in advance

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 06. Mrz 2024, 21:10 (UTC)
# 2

i always thought it would be cool to have an unlimited duration multi aspect elvia weapon as a treasure item. it could be called sylvia's weapon and would be fire, lightning, and water all in one. before someone says this would be op remember it's for a theoretical treasure item and you would need to work for it at at least 3 of the serendia spots

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 06. Mrz 2024, 23:37 (UTC)
# 3
Écrit le : 6 mars 2024, 21:10 (UTC), par : Blasto

i always thought it would be cool to have an unlimited duration multi aspect elvia weapon as a treasure item. it could be called sylvia's weapon and would be fire, lightning, and water all in one. before someone says this would be op remember it's for a theoretical treasure item and you would need to work for it at at least 3 of the serendia spots

It can be real fun to have but definitly too op for my opinion. Maybe an item wich can give the buff for a short time and with a cooldown (like few hours)



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