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UTC 2 : 14 27. Jul 2024
CEST 4 : 14 27. Jul 2024
PDT 19 : 14 26. Jul 2024
EDT 22 : 14 26. Jul 2024
About to lose our first horse
15. Mrz 2024, 14:36 (UTC)
1296 51
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Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 15. Mrz 2024, 14:36 (UTC)
# 1

The following post came to my attention this morning and triggered some sad conversation on a discord I'm on :

tl;dr  Tier 1 to 5 horses owned by each family will be deleted and silver compensation according to their values will be given via mail.

I'm totally conscious this probably isn't an issue for most of the community and newer players and therefore, this feedback will probably lead nowhere. But after a discussion on our discord, it seems like some people are actually feeling like I do with this announcement. For this reason, I think it is still worth mentioning.

On a technical point of view, this change makes absolute sense. There is no mechanical reason to use T5 horses or lower as all wild horses are T6 already. You can get a better one in under a minute.

 However, I would like to point to a different side of things. BDO is a sandbox for the most part. There are a dozen independant progression  paths you can take. And people care about their progression and to keep traces of it. While discussing in our discord server, it appears some of us actually kept their very first horse or very first courser and somewhat care about this. Just like with Shai and her donkey, that horse is completely useless compared to what we have around these days. Yet, some will take it for a ride sometimes or maybe they'll put in on an alt who doesn't need to move around much or they'll even leave it in a stable as a trophy or souvenir. But many want to keep it as a memento of their progression. 

BDO mounts are different than what you find in most other games. They have levels, they have skills you may or may not get based on RNG and they have RNG stats. This create a connection to your mount, whether it is because it is your very first one or because it was your first courser ever, etc. By erasing those horses from our stables, you are erasing the proof of our progression and our accomplishments over the years. It's a little thing, but little thing is what makes BDO great for many of us.

It would be greatly appreciated if those horses weren't removed.

- Thesaurus [NA]

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 16. Mrz 2024, 17:17 (UTC)
# 2

As a new player, I apologize for any changes the developers are implementing to simplify the game for newer players. If it affects the current playerbase in a negative way I don't support it and I'd rather go through the game the way it was meant to be just like the original players - many whom are friendly, welcoming, and very helpful to new players like me <3

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 15. Mrz 2024, 17:26 (UTC)
# 3
On: Mar 15, 2024, 14:36 (UTC), Written by ThesaurusNA

On a technical point of view, this change makes absolute sense. There is no mechanical reason to use T5 horses or lower as all wild horses are T6 already. You can get a better one in under a minute.

T5 and lower are trained much faster to lvl 15 to be submitted to the imperial for T10 materials, and currently this is the only reason for training horses, because each player got two T9 horses, so no one will buy even the best T8 horses, and their price, even after increases, is still ridiculously low compared to the time needed for training.

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 15. Mrz 2024, 17:42 (UTC)
# 4

This is just a result of poorly controlled power creep.

PA let it get out of hand, and now they think they need to rim the fat instead of making it relevant.

PA: Fat has its place in the body.  It is essential.  The "bloat" you created from poorly implemented additions ruins the beginning of the game for everyone.  I'm glad I started when I did.  Playing games that have the beginnings be purely catch-up mechanics is BLEH.

Some try to play this game for immersion.  What you are consistently doing is making is worse for us.  You take things that maybe end gamers and newbs who are too impatient to read up on stuff think are useless and meaningless and you pander to them.  That leaves the rest of us that love every aspect of the game to feel the hurt.


I was a newb once, still am in certain aspects, and I figured stuff out.  And I'm not that smart.  It takes me a while to catch on.  But if I care enough, I will and I did.  This game was so cool, it made it worth it.

Now it's Ketchup Desert Online.  Nothing really substantial here.  Just a tasty condiment, that one will tire of after a while because the meat of it is getting thinner and thinner and thinner, as there is no essential "fat" to support it.


Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 15. Mrz 2024, 17:42 (UTC)
# 5

Wow, this kind of sucks. I like the way my t5 horses look. The blood bay and the black one with the flaxen mane and tail. They looked like nice quarter horses. Before it's all over with all we'll have left are the t8 horses, dream, and mythical...

I understand why they're doing it, doesn't mean I like it. It'd be nice if there was a wide variety of mounts. Everyone pretty much has the same's boring. I kind of wish they didn't come out with the dream horses now as it made all of the other in game mounts obsolete. Sometimes it's nice to just ride a normal looking mount. Or ride something other than the same 3 horses everyone else rides...

Currently there are two varieties of Dine and Doom (t9 and t10) and three varieties of Arduanatt via skins (t9 and white icy t10 and red & black t10). That's all. 

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 15. Mrz 2024, 18:16 (UTC)
# 6

I actively use several t5 coursers.  I also want to save my early mounts.  And the t1 - t5 appearances are unique.  What is it hurting to leave these alone?

If they simply must make a change, just elevate t1 - t5 to t6.  No harm there.  They are doing it with mount registrations/seals anyway, so just do it with the mounts themselves too.

Or better yet, leave it alone.

Yet another database consolidation move.  But I'm sure they'll dig deep to find some obscure thread to say "see, you asked for this, aren't we great".  

Moving all gear to Heidel storage: "If your Heidel Storage is full, you can withdraw existing items to be able to take out the sent horse gear.".  Hahahahaha right...

And yes, the t9 giveaway was a mistake in so many ways.  


edit: to be clear:

I don't want that trivial amount of silver, I want to keep my mounts.

Thank you.

13 1017
Lv Privat
Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 15. Mrz 2024, 18:48 (UTC)
# 7
On: Mar 15, 2024, 18:10 (UTC), Written by Entropoid

I actively use several t5 coursers.  I also want to save my early mounts.  And the t1 - t5 appearances are unique.  What is it hurting to leave these alone?

If they simply must make a change, just elevate t1 - t5 to t6.  No harm there.  They are doing it with mount registrations/seals anyway, so just do it with the mounts themselves too.

Or better yet, leave it alone.

Yet another database consolidation move.  But I'm sure they'll dig deep to find some obscure thread to say "see, you asked for this, aren't we great".  

Moving all gear to Heidel storage: "If your Heidel Storage is full, you can withdraw existing items to be able to take out the sent horse gear.".  Hahahahaha right...

And yes, the t9 giveaway was a mistake in so many ways.  


edit: to be clear:

I don't want that trivial amount of silver, I want to keep my mounts.

Thank you.

Yeah, it's like that old saying, "if it aint broke, don't fix it." Sadly PA ignores that and does it anyway, regardless of how their players feel about it...

Think I'll stable my horses for a while and use only Heilang, Donkeys, Camels, and Elephants. They can keep their dream horses...

What they're going to do is only have the t9 and t10 mounts available and they're going to add skins for variety. But here's the thing, the skins wont be able to be placed on the market, they'll be pearl shop only. Then they'll say, "after listening to player feedback we decided to add more unique looks for the mythical and dream horses. They are available for you to purchase on the Pearl Shop. Get yours today!"

There's a reason they're starting to get rid of the low tier horses, and all of the mount leveling items and events. As well as the t9 giveaways. Not to mention all of the gold t8 horses you get for free. They're not exactly being subtle about it...

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 15. Mrz 2024, 19:30 (UTC)
# 8

Yes, please just elevate their Tiers to 6. I've kept my first T5 horse I got from playing through the main story for the first time and I still like/use my CaptainButterCup. For me, it's just sentimental and this change makes me sad.

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 15. Mrz 2024, 19:56 (UTC)
# 9

Once you removed t1-t5 from the wild and upped the ones available to tame, raising training skill took a bit more, but it was understandable, yet if you were gonna remove lower tier horses, should've done it back then, not now. I dont feel like switching the T9s between alts all the time and keep it with my main and on rare ocassions I do switch it, specially since through the many horses I've trained, I gave a few T5s with the right skills to some of my alts instead. Getting higher tier coursers takes more RNG and most of the time they dont come to fruition and it's the same cycle til they go, so now you'll just swipe that work away for some silver?? You already hindered somewhat the work of horse trainers by giving away two dream horses, but many ppl surely have lower tier horses for their alts, can't be just a few of us who does it. Also, and on a good point mentioned above, making skins for T9, T10 is boring, T10s being mostly white is boring, t10 doom is bluish white, t10 dine? white, and you even made a white skin for t10 arduanatt to move away from a nice black and red, rather than an elegant solution, it feels lazy. There are no other main mounts, since rarely anyone uses a mini elephant or the camels, they're rare too. The various tiers and skins for horses gives a nice touch to the game, next we'll know training skill will be gone, no more T8? it'll all be dream and mythicals and they'll become nothing special, but generic. Some amount of silver for the horses we've trained for long doesn't match the connection and in-game memories many surely have of their training process, and specially those first ones who became coursers, you should have a better mechanic than just taking them away, like another comment said, raise their tier, give them the acquired skills and a skin selection if any, not just some silver, we all get silver in many ways already, but we dont get coursers all that easily and those who enjoy the horse training mechanic particulary are the ones getting hurt by this actually obscure change. If it hadn't been brought to my attention, I would've lost my alts horses overnight on the next maintenance with no way of knowing, since I haven't seen an in-world message of this change about to take place. I even saved T5s with black coathing in the hopes of raising them to keep breeding for some better horses with skins that are no longer easy to buy nor get in the wild. This is the kind of variety we used to go for and enjoy on our process to achieving T8s and then getting good ones for awakenings. Now feels definitely on the route to ketchup, just for the sake of simplicity. I haven't seen ppl complaining about how varied horses were. If you wanna wipe something away from the game, how about those ugly and useless blue Awakening Weapon boxes instead? Find a better route to replace lower tier horses still around. Do Better.

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 15. Mrz 2024, 19:58 (UTC)
# 10

I like having tokens of the older game on my account to see where I came from. Can we stop with this ridiculous push to remove legacy items from the game that people collect for fun?

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