Black Desert beginnt in Kürze.

Das Spiel wird gestartet, wenn Ihr den Launcher installiert habt.

Installiert den Launcher, um das Spiel zu starten.

Sollte der Launcher bereits installiert worden sein, wird das Spiel gestartet.
Startet den Launcher manuell, wenn er sich nicht automatisch öffnet.


1 Ladet die Datei BlackDesert_Installer_NAEU.exe herunter und installiert den „Black Desert“-Launcher.

2 Bitte startet das Spiel, sobald die Installation beendet ist.


UTC 2 : 17 27. Jul 2024
CEST 4 : 17 27. Jul 2024
PDT 19 : 17 26. Jul 2024
EDT 22 : 17 26. Jul 2024
PA we're upset
09. Apr 2024, 23:45 (UTC)
3495 51
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Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 09. Apr 2024, 23:45 (UTC)
# 1

Sorry no introductions today, no greetings, no nothing, i'm just going to get straight to it.

Dear PA,

       We're upset, and we've been upset for a long time. The crystal restore coupon that was released today was the final straw in my hopes, in our hopes that this game can be great. It's clear this company prioritizes profit over players. You know, I made a whole unreleased topic about how gluttonous you are, yet, I decided to put that on hold & not post it, to instead write this. We're disappointed, we're hurt, some of us are lost, some of us are numb and feel nothing while others think this is ok and don't care. Personally I don't even know how to feel. I just hate how the singlehandedly most controversial topic in your game today your solution was to make us pay for it? I'm convinced this was done out of pure laziness & the urgent need of a 'quick buck'. Out of all the solutions that has been proposed by your dedicated community, you chose the one that no one even asked for? It's such a slap in the face. It's clear your tactics are simply predatory and prey on the easily sucesptible. It's funny because I used to wonder why you guys cater to the New Player Experience so much and now it finally makes sense to me. It's because the people who are unaware are more likely to make mistakes or make purchases for things they otherwise don't really need. You make progression pain-stakingly daunting on purpose so that players are more inclined to spend money in order to advance at a quicker pace. You divide the playerbase because you know it's easier to manipulate your players alone as opposed to when they are in a group. Why do you think they are so many solo-spots? Why does owpvp & karma system encourage players to actively fight against eachother, instead of collaborating? You want to keep us divided, you want to keep us from the truth & most importantly you want to keep us spending our money on your game. A person can't spend money on a game they don't play, you guys recognize this and thats why you will employ every predatory tactic to keep your players playing. It reminds me of that mid- 2000's documentary 'super-size me', (those of you on the forums who have seen it, will know what im talking about here; & those of you who haven't I recommend searching it up, as my words won't do it the justice it deserves). "But, but, but- we gave you guys permanent season + catch up mechanics", and you know the more I think about it, it's really just another tactic to milk as much money from the population as you can. A Player Cannot Spend Money In A Game They Dont Play. So these 'catch up mechanics' are really there to keep the current players playing, incentivize the ones that quit to come back and make the new players feel like their goals can be reasonably obtained at a 'minimal' cost. I'll say it again, A Player Cannot Spend Money In A Game They Dont Play. Furthermore, nobody enjoys grinding in this game, like bffr, it's at most enjoyable for max 30mins. Most of us have just made a habit of it tbh, no one really likes going to work but if you wanna get paid you clock in right? The pretty graphics, intricate combat, vast open world, thats the allure. You make the game look all shiny, with all the nice bells and whistles, so players are more inclined to shut their mouths and open their wallets. And then once he/she has ventured deep enough into the world they either realize what a waste of time this has been or feel they're already too far in to stop now, so they keep going. It's a never ending cycle really and its disgusting. We want change, & we need it now, stop exploiting us, stop letting us down & for the love of god stop making us feel like we chose the wrong game. Make us feel heard, provide reassurance, hold Q & A's and engage with your community across ALL your regions for BDO regularly, that's all we're asking. Or are we asking for too much?


A Very Hurt Community

Thank you for your time

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 10. Apr 2024, 10:52 (UTC)
# 2
On: Apr 9, 2024, 23:45 (UTC), Written by katharinabluu

Sorry no introductions today, no greetings, no nothing, i'm just going to get straight to it.

Dear PA,

       We're upset, and we've been upset for a long time. The crystal restore coupon that was released today was the final straw in my hopes, in our hopes that this game can be great. It's clear this company prioritizes profit over players. You know, I made a whole unreleased topic about how gluttonous you are, yet, I decided to put that on hold & not post it, to instead write this. We're disappointed, we're hurt, some of us are lost, some of us are numb and feel nothing while others think this is ok and don't care. Personally I don't even know how to feel. I just hate how the singlehandedly most controversial topic in your game today your solution was to make us pay for it? I'm convinced this was done out of pure laziness & the urgent need of a 'quick buck'. Out of all the solutions that has been proposed by your dedicated community, you chose the one that no one even asked for? It's such a slap in the face. It's clear your tactics are simply predatory and prey on the easily sucesptible. It's funny because I used to wonder why you guys cater to the New Player Experience so much and now it finally makes sense to me. It's because the people who are unaware are more likely to make mistakes or make purchases for things they otherwise don't really need. You make progression pain-stakingly daunting on purpose so that players are more inclined to spend money in order to advance at a quicker pace. You divide the playerbase because you know it's easier to manipulate your players alone as opposed to when they are in a group. Why do you think they are so many solo-spots? Why does owpvp & karma system encourage players to actively fight against eachother, instead of collaborating? You want to keep us divided, you want to keep us from the truth & most importantly you want to keep us spending our money on your game. A person can't spend money on a game they don't play, you guys recognize this and thats why you will employ every predatory tactic to keep your players playing. It reminds me of that mid- 2000's documentary 'super-size me', (those of you on the forums who have seen it, will know what im talking about here; & those of you who haven't I recommend searching it up, as my words won't do it the justice it deserves). "But, but, but- we gave you guys permanent season + catch up mechanics", and you know the more I think about it, it's really just another tactic to milk as much money from the population as you can. A Player Cannot Spend Money In A Game They Dont Play. So these 'catch up mechanics' are really there to keep the current players playing, incentivize the ones that quit to come back and make the new players feel like their goals can be reasonably obtained at a 'minimal' cost. I'll say it again, A Player Cannot Spend Money In A Game They Dont Play. Furthermore, nobody enjoys grinding in this game, like bffr, it's at most enjoyable for max 30mins. Most of us have just made a habit of it tbh, no one really likes going to work but if you wanna get paid you clock in right? The pretty graphics, intricate combat, vast open world, thats the allure. You make the game look all shiny, with all the nice bells and whistles, so players are more inclined to shut their mouths and open their wallets. And then once he/she has ventured deep enough into the world they either realize what a waste of time this has been or feel they're already too far in to stop now, so they keep going. It's a never ending cycle really and its disgusting. We want change, & we need it now, stop exploiting us, stop letting us down & for the love of god stop making us feel like we chose the wrong game. Make us feel heard, provide reassurance, hold Q & A's and engage with your community across ALL your regions for BDO regularly, that's all we're asking. Or are we asking for too much?


A Very Hurt Community

Thank you for your time

I feelings you my brother, this game is such a disappointment right now. 

Crystal protection should be additional value pack bonus because we have to pay for it anyway. 

Soon Throne and Liberty starts, if they don't fck up people will move from bdo to throne and this game will be even more dead. 

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 10. Apr 2024, 17:00 (UTC)
# 3
On: Apr 10, 2024, 10:52 (UTC), Written by Vashenu

I feelings you my brother, this game is such a disappointment right now. 

Crystal protection should be additional value pack bonus because we have to pay for it anyway. 

Soon Throne and Liberty starts, if they don't fck up people will move from bdo to throne and this game will be even more dead. 

i hope its any good, as it is TL is a 1 month game till you see how grindy and pointless it is.

48 1797
Lv 61
Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 10. Apr 2024, 18:36 (UTC)
# 4

Didnt read that wall of text but I guess we can all agree that this coupon meant the end of all hopes to ever get this crystal system changed. Very sad... they saw the outcry on this subject and yet they decided to monetize on this stupid system. Very low blow.

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 10. Apr 2024, 21:48 (UTC)
# 5
On: Apr 10, 2024, 18:36 (UTC), Written by viisakas

Didnt read that wall of text but I guess we can all agree that this coupon meant the end of all hopes to ever get this crystal system changed. Very sad... they saw the outcry on this subject and yet they decided to monetize on this stupid system. Very low blow.

They should have added something similar to what Tera had to protect your crystals. Crystalbind I think the scrolls were called. They protected your crystals for a limited time. You could earn them in the game. It'd be nice if this game would do that. Have a scroll, potion, or whatever to safeguard your crystals for a limited time that you can get in-game (rewards or crafting). If they're worried about people abusing it in PvP (since there's supposed to be consequences for going red if you're not on Arsha), have it protect them in PvE only.

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 10. Apr 2024, 22:08 (UTC)
# 6

A link to the Pearl Shop, in the disconnect screen. I was confident that I wanted to disconnect after seeing this. 12k hours, hoping this game would turn into a community, but its all about the "grats, you gambled and won!" in the end.

It's all about making number go up, and bragging to your friends, rather that using that item to help your friends. Making meals for your guild? Nope, buy em. Crafting gear for them? Nope, go quest and get your own, or grind for hours to just buy something, to go do it all over again. MassiveSinglePlayerOnlineGamblingGame.

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 10. Apr 2024, 22:36 (UTC)
# 7
On: Apr 10, 2024, 22:07 (UTC), Written by irondood

A link to the Pearl Shop, in the disconnect screen. I was confident that I wanted to disconnect after seeing this. 12k hours, hoping this game would turn into a community, but its all about the "grats, you gambled and won!" in the end.

It's all about making number go up, and bragging to your friends, rather that using that item to help your friends. Making meals for your guild? Nope, buy em. Crafting gear for them? Nope, go quest and get your own, or grind for hours to just buy something, to go do it all over again. MassiveSinglePlayerOnlineGamblingGame.

It'd be so nice if we could craft things for our guildies (you know, like in most games). Do things to help your friends and guildmates. Not gamble to win for bragging rights. It would encourage people to help each other out and cooperate in the game. In it's current state it's very cutthroat. You're not really a guild, its a band of mercs (you pay them). Players are supposed to play against each other, yet they frown upon 'forced PvP.' Okay, so encourage players to help each other by joining guilds that can help you get gear by either crafting it for you or helping you earn it. Allow guild members to store items in the guild bank that others can use. Such as gear, mats, food, or potions. It would be up to the GM to give certain privleges to members depending on rank. So new members can't empty your bank and leave you hanging high and dry. Give players who are more competitive an actual outlet; joinable factions for openworld PvP. Where anyone regardless of gear level or guild rank can join. Work together in your faction to get rewards which would improve your rank to where you'd earn even better rewards. Have daily quests where you have to kill a certian amount of players in the opposing faction, gather specific items, capture keeps, ect. Don't like PvP? Don't join a faction. You'd only be able to engage in PvP with players of the opposing faction. Problem solved. It would still encourage players to help each other (within their own faction) while giving the PvPers something to do that's actually fun and rewarding. Not battlegrounds, arenas, or other instanced PvP. Have a cooldown period if you leave a faction to join another one. Like a week. You'd also lose your rank (in faction) and start at the bottom. Have it cost a certain amount of silver to join/leave. To prevent or discourage people from hopping factions. Stop with all the instances. They solve nothing. Actually fix the problems. 

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 11. Apr 2024, 00:04 (UTC)
# 8

Why is it always one step forward and two steps back with this game, bro. 

Back when you were doing seasons and giving away dream horses, people were coming back to this game in droves. It felt like we were so back. I remember people like me, who'd been  players since the early access, cautiously returning because other players were telling them it was better now, and they weren't wrong. Yes, the cash shop was still there. But the game itself was like 10 dollars and so much was given away in the game anyway that unless you really wanted a tent or something, it didn't feel too bad. You guys did all that, and the game was flourishing. Numbers were blowing up. You did the one (1) good thing. 

And then, as if to compensate for it, you dismantled the gvg system, blew up the karma system even more, made these weird slightly nerfed instances where people can just run around in a closet for an hour, and now you're just slapping the cash shop at a really big problem that people have been begging you to fix for years. It's simply impossible to recommend this game. You keep messing it up and then begging people to come back with little prizes or whatever too, like y'all knew they were cooking some bullshit up when they gave everyone 20bil for free. 

Lv Privat
Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 11. Apr 2024, 00:21 (UTC)
# 9
On: Apr 10, 2024, 10:52 (UTC), Written by Vashenu

Soon Throne and Liberty starts, if they don't fck up people will move from bdo to throne and this game will be even more dead. 

Why would anyone even consider another korean soulless grinder cash-grab p2w casino with rigged rng to be an option to spend time of their only life, I woder...

It's pretty much clear what ToL will be. Take off your rose glasses.

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 11. Apr 2024, 00:28 (UTC)
# 10

The first two years I played, It was still early-mid game, with it's amazing lore, that I was going through, because seasons and rush mechanics were just getting started.  Things were awesome and this game actually had immersion.  Then, over these past two years, I noticed that art and immersion were being destroyed for the sake of simplicity, and that catch-up and grind as all PA cares about anymore.

BDO...... Brain-Dead-Online......

It's still fun when I don't think much about how this game really has no point anymore.  You don't have to do anything to get to a certain point, but if you want to get any better, time to sell your brain and your soul.

Every other "improvement" has been a deletion of something, and if they actually worked to "improve" something, it was in the wrong direction, e.g., soundtrack implementation, player character sounds, trade system rework, key input cut-off, the new "immersion" (they really don't know what this word means) UI, etc...........

It woud be cool if this world was alive, if they (PA) actually worked to give it meaning and life.

What is the meaning they have for us right now?  Pay us $, solo-grind, kill your fellow players, and brag about it, but don't be mean, or you'll be banned.....  Oh, and maybe doll-up and get a snapshot, and post it for people to admire.

All this hard work for a simple arena/ barbie simulator game.


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