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UTC 1 : 39 27. Jul 2024
CEST 3 : 39 27. Jul 2024
PDT 18 : 39 26. Jul 2024
EDT 21 : 39 26. Jul 2024
What were the weapons, armor and accessories Top Tier in 2015?
21. Apr 2024, 23:30 (UTC)
869 11
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Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 21. Apr 2024, 23:33 (UTC)
# 1

I understand that when the game was launched in Europe there were no Tungrad's, nor the boss armor or boss weapons. I am right?
Then I would like to have a character that is full pen, but full pen with Top Tier of 2015 and imagine that all this agony to enhance Fallen team Good never happened.

I am thinking of armor of "Taritas" since I like precission.
Knot Ornamental Saiyer
Krieggmesser Elsh.
But But in regard to accessory what were the top of rings, earrings, belt and necklace?

I really want to have fun and not stress so much because wanted to be End Game player.

Greetings. GM, players and Bdo Company.

Some Screenshot to illuminated this post

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 22. Apr 2024, 04:59 (UTC)
# 2

I think in the beginning there was no pen, +15 was Max gear, and the best at that time was probably grunil armor set, i dont if it existed from the beginning or came later on, people wanted it because of the 2 crystal slots on every piece, Max hp and all AP set effect.

(there might be differences for example taritas for witch/wizard)

for accessories I don't know what was considered best but the most players used Bares accessories

and as off hand just the one which gave most ap

it might be different for pvp

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 22. Apr 2024, 16:19 (UTC)
# 3

At the launch of NAEU (in March 2016), the best equip was Agerian Armor (Grunil came later with the release of Mediah.) and Yuria main weapon and +15 ws the highest enhancement possible.

Bares was a very popular accessory but Mark of Shadow and Ogre Ring where also available and BIS at the time.

3 1255
Lv Privat
Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 22. Apr 2024, 12:44 (UTC)
# 4

for armor there was agerian for most classes and taritas for a tanky class like valk
for weapon kzarka was the BIS but it was very rare, you could use Liberto which was 
rare too but not like kzarka, but most people had Yuria main weapon, for offhand
there were many, I just don't remember their names, all were green grade tho
for necklace Ogre ring was BIS, peasants like me had bares lll, ring was Mark of shadow
earrings, I think those were bares too... and for the belt that was the tree belt that drops near Trent
and that's it

also the max enchantment level was +15

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 22. Apr 2024, 13:07 (UTC)
# 5
On: Apr 22, 2024, 12:44 (UTC), Written by Saki

for armor there was agerian for most classes and taritas for a tanky class like valk
for weapon kzarka was the BIS but it was very rare, you could use Liberto which was 
rare too but not like kzarka, but most people had Yuria main weapon, for offhand
there were many, I just don't remember their names, all were green grade tho
for necklace Ogre ring was BIS, peasants like me had bares lll, ring was Mark of shadow
earrings, I think those were bares too... and for the belt that was the tree belt that drops near Trent
and that's it

also the max enchantment level was +15

Witch earings and coral ones were desired too. Not sure if they come later.

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 22. Apr 2024, 15:24 (UTC)
# 6
On: Apr 22, 2024, 13:07 (UTC), Written by IWalkAlone

Witch earings and coral ones were desired too. Not sure if they come later.

yes, you are right, witch earrings were the BIS I forgot those hahaha, thanks!

red coral came later when they added the pirate islands

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 22. Apr 2024, 22:49 (UTC)
# 7

Gear caps when the game launched back in March of 2016 was +15 for weapons/armor and pen for accessories. BiS was +15 liverto, +15 ap offhand, +15 agerian set, duo-tri mark of shadows, duo-tri witch earrings, duo-tri tree spirit belt, and a duo-tri ogre ring. Most people were running around with +13 Yuria weapons and duo bares accessories. Boss gear wasn't added until a month or two after launch, iirc. I can't remember if it was before or after Mediah, though. We got Mediah at the very end of March, though. Pri-Pen Weapons/Armor came with Valencia update in July of that year. I also believe Orcawhale was the only one with a tri ogre ring, and he tapped it after Mediah came out, iirc.

So if you want a gear set equivalent to top end of launch month, it would only set you back a few hours of grinding at most. Seasons already gives you better or equivalent accessories, so you can skip them if you want, and the weapons/armor won't even set you back more than a couple hundred mil. If you want the actual accessories, that will be the only thing you actually have to grind out any sort of money for.

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 24. Apr 2024, 17:54 (UTC)
# 8
On: Apr 22, 2024, 13:07 (UTC), Written by IWalkAlone

Witch earings and coral ones were desired too. Not sure if they come later.

Witch was farmed over at hexe marie. It's one of those things from the very start. 

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 24. Apr 2024, 18:30 (UTC)
# 9
On: Apr 22, 2024, 09:13 (UTC), Written by Megta

At the launch of NAEU (in March 2016), the best equip was Agerian Armor (Grunil came later with the release of Mediah.) and Yuria main weapon and +15 ws the highest enhancement possible.

Bares was a very popular accessory but Mark of Shadow and Ogre Ring where also available and BIS at the time.

I played at launch, but quit and only started seriously playing during the Mediah expansion.  However, was Agerian really BiS?  I thought it was Heve, Rocaba, or Taritas since they were two-slots and Agerian was only a one-slot (crystals).  Yuria was BiS for main weapon, and yes, Bares were popular accessories with MoS and Ogre being of Debo status of that day.  Having a DUO Ogre was amazing, TRI, godly (hello BladeBoques).

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 03. Mai 2024, 08:05 (UTC)
# 10

"What were the weapons, armor and accessories Top Tier in 2015? "

Basically, the same as today, since you can't use your high gear with everything capped! 😉

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