Black Desert beginnt in Kürze.

Das Spiel wird gestartet, wenn Ihr den Launcher installiert habt.

Installiert den Launcher, um das Spiel zu starten.

Sollte der Launcher bereits installiert worden sein, wird das Spiel gestartet.
Startet den Launcher manuell, wenn er sich nicht automatisch öffnet.


1 Ladet die Datei BlackDesert_Installer_NAEU.exe herunter und installiert den „Black Desert“-Launcher.

2 Bitte startet das Spiel, sobald die Installation beendet ist.


UTC 1 : 34 27. Jul 2024
CEST 3 : 34 27. Jul 2024
PDT 18 : 34 26. Jul 2024
EDT 21 : 34 26. Jul 2024
Is using a powershell script to set BlackDesert64.exe processor affinity bannable or not?
23. Apr 2024, 12:18 (UTC)
1555 9
Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 23. Apr 2024, 12:18 (UTC)
# 1


I dont know if this is even the right place to post this but i hope its okay.

I wanted to ask if it would be bannable if i made a script that would automatically change the affinity mask of the bdo process to 5554 (In the windows OS)
It would just exist so I dont have to set the affinity manually every time i start bdo but so i can start bdo and run the script.
The affinity is there so bdo only uses cores 2,4,6,8,10,12,14 of my cpu since bdo really does not like virtual/logical cores.
It does not give me a gameplay advantage and it does not interfere with the game. It just does what i can do manually in task manager anyway faster.
I woul;d rather not get smited by the new anticheat.
Thank you very much in advance for the reply and have a wonderful day!

Here is the script that i would be using (i know its written horribly but i have no idea about programming and i pieced together what i have to do with random tutorials)

The .bat file that will run the script:

The script itself:

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Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 30. Apr 2024, 08:47 (UTC)
# 3
Hello MiaUwU,
We do not recommend the modification of any files of the game.
Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 30. Apr 2024, 11:45 (UTC)
# 4
On: Apr 30, 2024, 08:47 (UTC), Written by [CM]Cadry
Hello MiaUwU,
We do not recommend the modification of any files of the game.

Its not modification of files, its just forcing the game to go on to select cores.

As ryzen has issues with multiple ccxs sounds like intels newer gens have the same problem. Its because bdo is on a old engine an PA refuse to update the game to support these newer technologies so the community have to limit it as PA do not support infinite fabric out of the box  ans the latency from this bridge causes bdo to have unstable framerates out side the fact bdo cant handle more than 6 cores.

The script is not detectable as it doesnt touch the files, all it does is tell windows to put the games PID(process identification) to only utilize selected cores for the windows scheduler.

People do this in bat files but PowerShell is probably better as windows scheduler sometimes doesnt take to bat files well overriding it. Also possibly more efficent.

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 30. Apr 2024, 11:50 (UTC)
# 5
On: Apr 23, 2024, 12:18 (UTC), Written by MiaUwU


I dont know if this is even the right place to post this but i hope its okay.

I wanted to ask if it would be bannable if i made a script that would automatically change the affinity mask of the bdo process to 5554 (In the windows OS)
It would just exist so I dont have to set the affinity manually every time i start bdo but so i can start bdo and run the script.
The affinity is there so bdo only uses cores 2,4,6,8,10,12,14 of my cpu since bdo really does not like virtual/logical cores.
It does not give me a gameplay advantage and it does not interfere with the game. It just does what i can do manually in task manager anyway faster.
I woul;d rather not get smited by the new anticheat.
Thank you very much in advance for the reply and have a wonderful day!

Here is the script that i would be using (i know its written horribly but i have no idea about programming and i pieced together what i have to do with random tutorials)

The .bat file that will run the script:

The script itself:

Iirc this is the proper script so you dont have two files:

$app_name = "D:\BDO\blackdesert.exe"

$app_arguments = "" # Add arguments here if needed

$pinfo = New-Object System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo

$pinfo.FileName = $app_name

$pinfo.Arguments = $app_arguments

$p = New-Object System.Diagnostics.Process

$p.StartInfo = $pinfo


$p.ProcessorAffinity = 0x00000000000005554

Check app name and process affinity. You wont be editing any files an if you want to know exactly how it works i simplified it with the reply to Cadry.

If you have issues you can add the following to the top line

Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted

But i dont recommend this unless you know this is exactly what you want applied to bdo each time you start it , so make sure no typos under affinity or location. As this can be tempermental with windows scheduler(it hates syntax errors simply), if you can create it to be signed there is guides i just dont remember an i usually either go remote-signed or unrestricted

Explanation on the script:

This script is written in PowerShell and is intended to start the Black Desert Online game executable (blackdesert.exe) with specific processor affinity settings.

Here's what each part of the script does:

  1. $app_name = "D:\BDO\blackdesert.exe": This line assigns the file path of the Black Desert Online executable to the variable $app_name.

  2. $app_arguments = "": This line initializes an empty string variable named $app_arguments. It's meant to hold any additional command-line arguments that might be passed to the executable, but in this case, it's left empty.

  3. $pinfo = New-Object System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo: This line creates a new instance of the ProcessStartInfo class, which provides information about and control over the process.

  4. $pinfo.FileName = $app_name: Here, the FileName property of the ProcessStartInfo object is set to the value of $app_name, which is the file path of the Black Desert Online executable.

  5. $pinfo.Arguments = $app_arguments: This line sets the Arguments property of the ProcessStartInfo object to the value of $app_arguments, which is currently an empty string.

  6. $p = New-Object System.Diagnostics.Process: This line creates a new instance of the Process class, which represents a system process.

  7. $p.StartInfo = $pinfo: Here, the StartInfo property of the Process object is set to the ProcessStartInfo object created earlier. This associates the process with the information about how it should be started.

  8. $p.Start(): This line starts the process using the information provided in the StartInfo property.

  9. $p.ProcessorAffinity = 0x00000000000005554: Finally, this line sets the processor affinity of the process to 0x00000000000005554, which is a hexadecimal bitmask specifying which CPUs the process can run on.

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 30. Apr 2024, 17:30 (UTC)
# 6

If you're unsure about using a script, I can recommend ProcessLasso (or just your task manager as long as the affinities and priority aren't being reset, I found that PL makes it so those settings never reset). Ever since they added XignCode and removed EAC, you can simply change prio and affinity in your task manager. ProcessLasso has the one downside that it will nag your after a while to buy the full version, but you can keep using it indefinitely anyways

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 02. Mai 2024, 18:14 (UTC)
# 7

It is full legal, you dont interfering with any games files or any process instruction sended to processor, you only do automatic optimalization process legally it is on par with programs like RAM cleaner...

I use ReShade MOD for graphic enchant and script to auto-set high priority for BDO process and I never have any problems with anty-cheat

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 05. Mai 2024, 07:50 (UTC)
# 8
On: Apr 30, 2024, 08:47 (UTC), Written by [CM]Cadry
Hello MiaUwU,
We do not recommend the modification of any files of the game.

I don't want to come off as rude but...
Did you actually read my post?
I did not go to lengths to explain exactly what my (scuffed) code does and also to show you the code itself just to have my post...
"read" by a GM that them gives me an answer that has nothing to do with my question other than the only thing that i said the script does NOT do?

My inquiry has also been left on read to this day...

I love this game, i don't want to get banned...but your engine sucks and i have better things to do than setting affinity manually every time.
I would greatly apprechiate if you could read my post and give me an actual answer.
Have a nice day.

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 05. Mai 2024, 07:56 (UTC)
# 9
On: Apr 30, 2024, 11:33 (UTC), Written by TitanOfWar

Iirc this is the proper script so you dont have two files:

$app_name = "D:\BDO\blackdesert.exe"

$app_arguments = "" # Add arguments here if needed

$pinfo = New-Object System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo

$pinfo.FileName = $app_name

$pinfo.Arguments = $app_arguments

$p = New-Object System.Diagnostics.Process

$p.StartInfo = $pinfo


$p.ProcessorAffinity = 0x00000000000005554

Check app name and process affinity. You wont be editing any files an if you want to know exactly how it works i simplified it with the reply to Cadry.

If you have issues you can add the following to the top line

Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted

But i dont recommend this unless you know this is exactly what you want applied to bdo each time you start it , so make sure no typos under affinity or location. As this can be tempermental with windows scheduler(it hates syntax errors simply), if you can create it to be signed there is guides i just dont remember an i usually either go remote-signed or unrestricted

Explanation on the script:

This script is written in PowerShell and is intended to start the Black Desert Online game executable (blackdesert.exe) with specific processor affinity settings.

Here's what each part of the script does:

  1. $app_name = "D:\BDO\blackdesert.exe": This line assigns the file path of the Black Desert Online executable to the variable $app_name.

  2. $app_arguments = "": This line initializes an empty string variable named $app_arguments. It's meant to hold any additional command-line arguments that might be passed to the executable, but in this case, it's left empty.

  3. $pinfo = New-Object System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo: This line creates a new instance of the ProcessStartInfo class, which provides information about and control over the process.

  4. $pinfo.FileName = $app_name: Here, the FileName property of the ProcessStartInfo object is set to the value of $app_name, which is the file path of the Black Desert Online executable.

  5. $pinfo.Arguments = $app_arguments: This line sets the Arguments property of the ProcessStartInfo object to the value of $app_arguments, which is currently an empty string.

  6. $p = New-Object System.Diagnostics.Process: This line creates a new instance of the Process class, which represents a system process.

  7. $p.StartInfo = $pinfo: Here, the StartInfo property of the Process object is set to the ProcessStartInfo object created earlier. This associates the process with the information about how it should be started.

  8. $p.Start(): This line starts the process using the information provided in the StartInfo property.

  9. $p.ProcessorAffinity = 0x00000000000005554: Finally, this line sets the processor affinity of the process to 0x00000000000005554, which is a hexadecimal bitmask specifying which CPUs the process can run on.

Thank you very much for the code fix!
Though since i don't really understand much aboutprogramming (and even less about programming in powershell) i will (for now) leave it at my scuffed little mess of a code. But when i have time i will look at your post again (i faved) and use that! <3
Only because i want to take my time and properly understand what i am about to run :3

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 05. Mai 2024, 07:57 (UTC)
# 10
On: Apr 30, 2024, 17:30 (UTC), Written by Xion

If you're unsure about using a script, I can recommend ProcessLasso (or just your task manager as long as the affinities and priority aren't being reset, I found that PL makes it so those settings never reset). Ever since they added XignCode and removed EAC, you can simply change prio and affinity in your task manager. ProcessLasso has the one downside that it will nag your after a while to buy the full version, but you can keep using it indefinitely anyways

Yeah i used to have process lasso but it got kinda annoying and i didnt want it to run all the time anyway :/
Thank you though!


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