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Startet den Launcher manuell, wenn er sich nicht automatisch öffnet.


1 Ladet die Datei BlackDesert_Installer_NAEU.exe herunter und installiert den „Black Desert“-Launcher.

2 Bitte startet das Spiel, sobald die Installation beendet ist.


UTC 2 : 11 27. Jul 2024
CEST 4 : 11 27. Jul 2024
PDT 19 : 11 26. Jul 2024
EDT 22 : 11 26. Jul 2024
This game is just not as fun as it used to be
27. Apr 2024, 16:29 (UTC)
3007 42
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Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 27. Apr 2024, 16:29 (UTC)
# 1

Hello, I just want to start off as saying this post is not me bashing Black Desert Online or Peral Abyss it more of a massive feedback  letter from things that you have already seen or heard from many people and most of it is my own experinces. I have been playing this game for a long long time tbh this game started my PC gaming journey I got my first gaming PC to play this game before I was playing games like Elsword, Aion, Fiesta and Warframe on a old dell and HP  laptop then this game came out. I had my ups and downs with this game even deleted my old account and came back and started from scratch.  I have seen the rise and fall of guilds, players, content creators and even some in game features that are gone and classes that nobody plays because they are out right forgotten.  I will be listing off things below that are mostly my issues with the game and issues I have heard many many people says.
Desync and Lag: First and formost I know a "fix" is coming with the central servers and who knows it might be the greatest thing NA and EU sees in a long long time but as of right now the lag and Desync has been out of control.  To the point you have some people blinking in and out of the game off of pure movement alone like awake drak and awake nova. You have people getting cced out of super armor because the server says no you was not doing that teehee die I guess. 

PVE has gotten boring and lost it WOW factor: PVE has gotten very very boreing even with the new spots its just grind in a circle until you get lucky and get what you need it is ashame that at 700gs plus that the max a person can get is 1.8 bill in an hour if they are lucky while people with way less gear can make one bill an hour on a normal day. Why is it that people who have worked so hard for their gear are not rewarded with more such as maybe letting us make around 3 bill an hour on just trash alone. Every new spot that comes out is just the same song and dance with a lil bit of some new mechaic but the last time PVE content even amazed or hyped up anyone was when dungeons and black shirne first came out but we need group spots to be more enjoyable and not just a 2 man or 3 man but a 5 man grind spot for once that would be game changing and actually exciting.

Not listening to Feedback and class balancing: This is a big one that everyone brings up. Pearl abyss you have just left some classes to rot while buffing other classes to the point of no return. You ask for our feedback but igrone most suggesstions when it comes to pvp and class changes. It almost feels like you dont look at the data or anything when it comes to pvp or how some classes legit cant grind in pve.

I`ll make it short here there is more I wanna say but I did not want this to be a rambleing so I kept it short and simple. I am not going to quit or anything but I do hope some of the changes and fixes coming really changes things because people are upset

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Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 29. Apr 2024, 14:13 (UTC)
# 3
On: Apr 27, 2024, 16:29 (UTC), Written by Taquain

Desync and Lag: First and formost I know a "fix" is coming with the central servers and who knows it might be the greatest thing NA and EU sees in a long long time but as of right now the lag and Desync has been out of control.  To the point you have some people blinking in and out of the game off of pure movement alone like awake drak and awake nova. You have people getting cced out of super armor because the server says no you was not doing that teehee die I guess. 

PVE has gotten boring and lost it WOW factor: PVE has gotten very very boreing even with the new spots its just grind in a circle until you get lucky and get what you need it is ashame that at 700gs plus that the max a person can get is 1.8 bill in an hour if they are lucky while people with way less gear can make one bill an hour on a normal day. Why is it that people who have worked so hard for their gear are not rewarded with more such as maybe letting us make around 3 bill an hour on just trash alone. Every new spot that comes out is just the same song and dance with a lil bit of some new mechaic but the last time PVE content even amazed or hyped up anyone was when dungeons and black shirne first came out but we need group spots to be more enjoyable and not just a 2 man or 3 man but a 5 man grind spot for once that would be game changing and actually exciting.

Not listening to Feedback and class balancing: This is a big one that everyone brings up. Pearl abyss you have just left some classes to rot while buffing other classes to the point of no return. You ask for our feedback but igrone most suggesstions when it comes to pvp and class changes. It almost feels like you dont look at the data or anything when it comes to pvp or how some classes legit cant grind in pve.

Perfectly pointed, PVE becomes very booring and without any good rewards, grind until you get the thing. Most of spots bring 1b/h, 1-2 spots 1,6-2b. The only boost they know to do is Hexe from 1-2 to 1-3 tl per mob instead of 2-4 / 3-4 but hey you'll probably get DISTO which is 320m and drops.. once at 3-5-10 bosses =)

Suggestion was already proposed to boost end game spots up to 2-3b, but if they boost spots to 3b/h others could make more then 3b maybe 5b/h which will increase the income drastically which imo is fair, play alot and hard = good silver/h rewards but they keep all spots under 2b for a reason, to endless grind in circle. I got most of gear except deborekas but honestly i'm sick of pushing 5-10x more from now to get those debos just to have exactly nothing else to do after getting them, maybe end game Fishing afk.

Indeed they don't listen feedbacks at all for pve changes, atleast they improve some lifeskills which is great.

At pvp is another issue with CC from nowhere, jumps back and other desync, when I reported this huge desync they blame my internet, when i reported game crashing in many situations like processing or switch server or grinding / pvp / gvg and so on they also blame me not directly but to understand that could be my internet issue or other stuff hardware / software but not their game, then I gave up.

Yea it is what it is, if they improve it fine and if not then will do other here like sailing - lifeskill until we get bored and quit the game.

Lv Privat
Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 29. Apr 2024, 15:07 (UTC)
# 4
On: Apr 29, 2024, 14:13 (UTC), Written by Legionarul

PVE becomes very booring and without any good rewards,

On: Apr 29, 2024, 14:13 (UTC), Written by Legionarul

Suggestion was already proposed to boost end game spots up to 2-3b, 

Grinding is boring and the only reward you want is more grinding?

This game requires a colossal boost of everything, especially life skills, enchant without item level drop, deboreka accessories drop 10-15 per hour so that everyone can click for pen every day.

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 03. Mai 2024, 16:40 (UTC)
# 5
On: Apr 29, 2024, 15:07 (UTC), Written by Senemedar

Grinding is boring and the only reward you want is more grinding?

This game requires a colossal boost of everything, especially life skills, enchant without item level drop, deboreka accessories drop 10-15 per hour so that everyone can click for pen every day.

You had me in the first half until you said enchant without item level drop and increase the whole deboreka thing. This MMO unlike many others does not require you to get end game gear everytime their some new update unlike GW2, WOW and FFXIV most of the gear you get at end game once you get it your pretty much set for years if not pretty much your bdo life only thing that changes if your necklace, belt, earrings and rings. If  gearing up was easier then they would make us do it more. Once again the issue is not getting the gear the issue is to get the gear and not feel rewarded. Its insulting that someone below 700GS can make 1b while people at 700GS plus is making the same money unless you get lucky, gamble the stuff you get while grinding, play a meta class

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 03. Mai 2024, 17:09 (UTC)
# 6
On: May 3, 2024, 16:40 (UTC), Written by Taquain

You had me in the first half until you said enchant without item level drop and increase the whole deboreka thing. This MMO unlike many others does not require you to get end game gear everytime their some new update unlike GW2, WOW and FFXIV most of the gear you get at end game once you get it your pretty much set for years if not pretty much your bdo life only thing that changes if your necklace, belt, earrings and rings. If  gearing up was easier then they would make us do it more. Once again the issue is not getting the gear the issue is to get the gear and not feel rewarded. Its insulting that someone below 700GS can make 1b while people at 700GS plus is making the same money unless you get lucky, gamble the stuff you get while grinding, play a meta class

To stack on this, Debos should have been orange grade not yellow grade accessories.  Debos is the first time since Yellow Accessories came out that we have gone up drastically in a tier.  The last time this happened was when we were all using blue accessories and they added gold accessories.  We used to fight over who got to grind Crescents and Basis because they were BiS same as Debos are now.  The only difference is that the Debos are the same "tier" as the existing accessories.  

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 03. Mai 2024, 17:42 (UTC)
# 7

This game need gamedesigner knowing their job, and not only buisiness manager thinking about how to make player spend more money.

That's what PVE need.

Lv Privat
Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 03. Mai 2024, 18:30 (UTC)
# 8
On: May 3, 2024, 17:42 (UTC), Written by Unknownn

This game need gamedesigner knowing their job, and not only buisiness manager thinking about how to make player spend more money.

That's what PVE need.

I think what you are saying is that the devs need to focus on game design instead of monetization.  In which case, 100% agree.

Side not, just guessing english is not your first language and you are using google translate.  In which case props for doing that.

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 04. Mai 2024, 05:14 (UTC)
# 9
On: May 3, 2024, 18:30 (UTC), Written by FearlessLy

I think what you are saying is that the devs need to focus on game design instead of monetization.  In which case, 100% agree.

Side not, just guessing english is not your first language and you are using google translate.  In which case props for doing that.

Agreed. They need to focus on the game design and improving it rather than cheap cashgrabs. Sadly they seem to have the mindset of a used car salesman.

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 04. Mai 2024, 09:04 (UTC)
# 10

I've been snorting insane copium that this year's heidal ball will give us everything we've been asking for, it breaks my heart the state that this game is in honestly

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