Since todays patch the camera goes crazy when you talk to NPCs including the Black spirit if you stay on the UI for a little while.
Even after leaving the NPC UI the camera keeps moving around and zooming on its own. Its really vomit inducing and it seems a game restart is needed to get the game back to normal.
My camera moves / zooms out when idle
Ingame announcements says that they are aware of the issues. Hope we get a hotfix.
I do hope they fix this quickly, I get nausea if I try to play, doing NW with this bug was horrible. I'm not playing anymore until they fix it.
Lets share some crazy cam movement pictures xD
Btw i was not doing or clicking anything.
Yep, i also meet the same issue!!!
Not sure if it is related, but since the patch on thursday in idle my camera zooms in and out moves from left to right without me touching anything. It's driving me nuts
Also having the same problem, on three different PCs, since the last patch. No gamepad connected. No other hardware changes. Lots of people complaining about the same issue in chat, in-game.
FWIW, it looked/looks like an issue with the screensaver camera function kicking in prematurely then panning erroneously all over. I disabled screensaver and restarted but no fix for me, but I'd hazzard a guess it's definitely related to screensaver cam functions, somehow.
Ok, scratch that last comment - turning off the screensaver camera and doing a full reboot does appear to have disabled the camera flipping issue, so far. 10 minutes in without issues, and it's been constant since the patch. In case it helps anyone else, or devs figuring out the cause.
Edit: seems to have fixed it, after 45m+.