All of Bukpo houses don't apear on map, so you can't buy it (near village name there is number 0/6, so it seems that 6 houses should be there). In Yukjo Street there are 4 houses visible, but another 2 are missing (in Yukjo Street should be 6 houses).
also in NA as well
All of Bukpo houses don't apear on map, so you can't buy it (near village name there is number 0/6, so it seems that 6 houses should be there). In Yukjo Street there are 4 houses visible, but another 2 are missing (in Yukjo Street should be 6 houses).
It's not a bug, it's a nerf they forgot to cover up. A few other towns in the game have this as well, they deleted the houses but didn't delete the data about them.