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1 Ladet die Datei BlackDesert_Installer_NAEU.exe herunter und installiert den „Black Desert“-Launcher.

2 Bitte startet das Spiel, sobald die Installation beendet ist.


UTC 21 : 36 18. Jan 2025
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#Allgemeines_Gameplay #Update
harsh criticism that not everyone would like
18. Nov 2024, 16:12 (UTC)
1106 17
1 2
Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 18. Nov 2024, 16:54 (UTC)
# 1

Yesterday, November 17th, the members of VoS had to say goodbye to our guild due to the terrible state of the game. It seems incredible to me that a guild like VoS had to withdraw due to the current bad situation of the game regarding PvP and all the capping that exists in the game. Literally, we progress and make our team to end up being slaves of a PvE in which we can't even use all the equipment we get. The final goal of the game is currently in PvE, a PvE in which you have to be +12h/day to get something, and even then, you need months and months of progress, just to get a single item and try to improve it, because of course, the idea of not being a slave doesn't exist for those who don't use their wallets. And even then, we are months to get a single piece and then it fails when it comes to improving it, not to mention the high cost of crones and the high cost of the same. After months or years of effort, you get the piece and a couple of months later, they give it to you for free so you can keep playing with something that is still capped. When you want to switch to doing some PvP, you encounter problems like sieges/nodewars being mostly capped and if there isn't X amount of guilds in X territories, there is no node. That's sad, not to mention the imbalance between classes. It's not normal for me to choose an "assassin" class (I put it in quotes because it's very loosely defined) and a "tank" class comes with 15k health and 1000 DR and cleans you up like it's wiping its nose. On the other hand, we also have the issue of desync, that BDO wonder that makes us die all the time in unspeakable ways or bugs our game. All that without mentioning the professions, in which most are AFK because they are super boring. As I said before, yesterday the VoS guild ended up making the decision to disband due to the reasons explained above. But anyway, what more can you ask of a game with great potential, which they are suffocating day by day? They prefer to lose people like DeathNine, who has been playing the game for over 8 years and is an incredible person, to reward other people, they prefer to screw up the game for other players no matter how that other person feels. But at the end of the day, it's my opinion and what does the opinion of one more player or one less player matter? After all, the important thing is already done, which is to bill. Anyway, having said that, keep it up Pearl Abyss, so games like Lost ArkArk SurvivalThrone and Liberty and a long etcetera will pass over you like a herd of elephants passes over the long and extensive savannas of Africa.

this post is also in spanish for all that want to sare it and leave your support:

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 18. Nov 2024, 16:53 (UTC)
# 2

sorry, but how many posts like this till you understand that they are pointless?

you log off and stay logged off, thats the only way PA will notice.

58 2040
Lv 61
Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 18. Nov 2024, 17:28 (UTC)
# 3

Relatable. Even my guild died.

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 18. Nov 2024, 17:37 (UTC)
# 4

Game already half way to drain, will die very soon due to the inconpetence of the developers!

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 18. Nov 2024, 18:37 (UTC)
# 5

Nothing new honestly, this issue gets complains from atleast a year ago continuously without any improvements. Tell me that I'm wrong saying Metin2 was more fun and enjoyable, there was much more pvp there then here because alot of people have more chances to improve gear reaching the overall ballance to stand up for both pve/pvp, but here its an insane time eater. A very clear example is this new Khazard acc's, its hard to get those and even harder to make them work upgrading " full depended of RNG", players are like 60% complaining and 40% that don't care because in the meanwhile they stacked rss and silver for this moment, sooner or later will come an improved/easier method to enhance them, or maybe not. Thing is, in this state make non-sense to do any upgrades when:


PVE:  Near impossible to get a maxed gear upgraded due to insane low chance, grind spots capped, grind spots maintaining the silver/h to 800m-1b+, accessories value degrading, crystals/artifacts  value dropping.


Life skill: In most cases you don't play - AFK, silver/h not worth compared to cost investment, Ocean dead content for years, value pack dependent


PVP: Uses same PVE gear different crystals/artifacts, desync, unballanced classes, weak pvp modes, empty world pvp / arsha, damage output vs dr not working properly and there are more but I give up searching some fixes for better player experience.


Seems they keep changing things around without applying any good feedbacks from forum, with this new acc's update I just refuse to came back and grind even more hours then before just to fail the enhacements, they complicate things even more adding sort of stones sht and other stuffs when their ideea was to simplify this kind of items e.g ( black stone armor and weapon to black stone )

Don't get me wrong but everyone should reach a level that can fight to others, otherwise no one will do pvp which already happen right now. A cool thing that I saw in Throne and Liberty was events, world events ( peace or conflict ) well yea in that game works just fine, here I doubt it but it could be interesting if someone have brain to put thing together. If developers are just not able to improve the game anymore and anytime soon then let it go, was a cool game which now worth playing occasionally. Waiting for same funny usless Winter rewards/login in rewards event, bring the dusted gabbage rewards from cellars ! :)

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 18. Nov 2024, 22:31 (UTC)
# 6

F :( <3

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 19. Nov 2024, 11:29 (UTC)
# 7

RIP our dear VOS <3

Lv Privat
Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 19. Nov 2024, 11:37 (UTC)
# 8

after playing throne and liberty and realizing BDO is still the better product in every way possible. i decided to stay and hope.

maybe we get some better devs back after Crimson Desert is out.

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 20. Nov 2024, 00:58 (UTC)
# 9
On: Nov 19, 2024, 11:37 (UTC), Written by spregtseuchweg

after playing throne and liberty and realizing BDO is still the better product in every way possible. i decided to stay and hope.

maybe we get some better devs back after Crimson Desert is out.

@legionarul explains some of the many & specific details of where BDO falls short

@spregt "BDO is just better in every way possible"

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 20. Nov 2024, 10:05 (UTC)
# 10
Am 20. Nov 2024, 00:58 (UTC), von M3Infinity

@legionarul explains some of the many & specific details of where BDO falls short

@spregt "BDO is just better in every way possible"

imagine how utter garbage TnL has to be, especially the pvp

1 2

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