Family Name: DarethZ
Region (NA/EU): NA
Transport should also be enabled when travel seperately is enable. In general, there should be no restrictions when travel seperately is enabled. Simply restricting characters with trade items from traveling together would be sufficient; they could automatically be set to travel seperately on trade item acquistion and be unable to travel together again until trade item was sold or otherwise out of inventory.
Good idea!
Also should prevent the toggle from being changed when trade items are in your inventory.
Transport should also be enabled when travel seperately is enable. In general, there should be no restrictions when travel seperately is enabled. Simply restricting characters with trade items from traveling together would be sufficient; they could automatically be set to travel seperately on trade item acquistion and be unable to travel together again until trade item was sold or otherwise out of inventory.
if this happened and you had tyour tag with you for the meny resons, as soon as you looted a fish or an brooze/silver/gold coin or any of the other trade items that are freely picked up as loot your tagged char would become stranded, say your tag leeching exp and are grinding padix for the ring, you get so meny coins and your tag will just get stuck there
Yes we definitely need an update on this, it is simply outdated.
Even if I could transport crates on tagged chars, it would only ease up leveling trading life skill by a lot, but nothing crazy in money gains, you save time
I agree, if the travel separetaly box is checked, there should be no tagging related restrictions. It's crazy how I have to have multiple lifeskillers/mains just to turn in imperial boxes and fish still.
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