It's about time that you buff old classes in pve. The current state of Musa awakening in pve is in a bad state, also other classes struggle a lot.
A lot of old classes struggly mechanically in PvE and unfortunately it is not as simple as "give more damage". Core technical changes to class also risks disrupting their place (or lack thereof) in the PvP setting. Many would need large reworks and I don't really see PA investing in that any time soon, sadly.
its all classes who need a fix, the hit system they revamp has screwed alot of classes, they all need proper reworks for this new age of bdo in both pve and pvp.
PA has to start doing PVP dmg and PVE dmg on skills, leave pve separated from pvp
clap: 100 x5
35% pvp
100% pve
but lets be real, they know this already, they just dont want to do it, for whatever reason.
This suggestion is the most common sense solution, they know 100%
PA has to start doing PVP dmg and PVE dmg on skills, leave pve separated from pvp
clap: 100 x5
35% pvp
100% pve
but lets be real, they know this already, they just dont want to do it, for whatever reason.
This suggestion is the most common sense solution, they know 100%
??? Thats the way it works since ever. Every skill has PvE damage, and a PvP damage modifier that decreases the PvP damage. That way you can easily buff a skill for PvE without changing the damage for PvP. So like... it already works this way.
to be real they want you to play new class that where they make there money so they do not care about the older class at all
I play one class a valk and that will be all I ever play
??? Thats the way it works since ever. Every skill has PvE damage, and a PvP damage modifier that decreases the PvP damage. That way you can easily buff a skill for PvE without changing the damage for PvP. So like... it already works this way.
then why are they messing with dmg values???
clearly it doesnt work that way.
Maybe it was planned to work that way but i guess spaghetti code and now they have to adjust dmg values.
then why are they messing with dmg values???
clearly it doesnt work that way.
Maybe it was planned to work that way but i guess spaghetti code and now they have to adjust dmg values.
The only times they change PvE values downwards is when a class is shown to have too strong performance, e.g. dosa recently. Otherwise, it always goes up, while PvP modifiers are increased to keep PvP damage the same. That part really is no concern. As much as PvP (and PvE) balancing sucks, that is like the one part where PA actually knows what they are doing
Most (if not all) older classes need a good overhaul or a rework. It's not just their damage, it's MECHANICS. Which are sadly dated. Most can't keep up with the newer classes and are easily outdone in nearly every aspect of the game.
I play one class a valk and that will be all I ever play
Our class has been gutted so bad, it's insane. Our class is practically F tier in both PvE and PvP now, aside from our 100%.
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