Black Desert beginnt in Kürze.

Das Spiel wird gestartet, wenn Ihr den Launcher installiert habt.

Installiert den Launcher, um das Spiel zu starten.

Sollte der Launcher bereits installiert worden sein, wird das Spiel gestartet.
Startet den Launcher manuell, wenn er sich nicht automatisch öffnet.


1 Ladet die Datei BlackDesert_Installer_NAEU.exe herunter und installiert den „Black Desert“-Launcher.

2 Bitte startet das Spiel, sobald die Installation beendet ist.


UTC 2 : 23 27. Jul 2024
CEST 4 : 23 27. Jul 2024
PDT 19 : 23 26. Jul 2024
EDT 22 : 23 26. Jul 2024
Useful Websites
28. Jan 2021, 04:12 (UTC)
3901 10
1 2
Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 05. Jan 2023, 18:16 (UTC)
# 1

Balzor's Site

   Contains a break down of active and in-active Life Skills

   Many miscellaneous guides


BDO Codex

   A very useful website that displays many recipes for Life Skills

   Contains Quest information

   Knowledge Information

BDO Planner

   Able to add and remove any items with any enhancements to see stats

   Allows you to create a hypothetical character build

   Perfect website to use to test secondary builds


Famme's Map

   Fantastic map that shows you everything across the land of Black Desert Online

   Fishing hotspots

   Shows Nodes, material locations, and horse locations



   Caphras Calculator

   Grind Tracker

   Market Alerts

   Enhance Calculator


   Tracks all World Bosses

   Displays remaining time on spawns

   Shows date and time of all World Boss spawns

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 28. Jan 2021, 07:40 (UTC)
# 2

Thank you!

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 31. Jan 2021, 12:55 (UTC)
# 3

Thank you very much!

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 03. Feb 2021, 08:56 (UTC)
# 4

@Cujoh Really usefull resources, thanks!

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 10. Feb 2021, 10:10 (UTC)
# 5

Hi ! id like to add BDOplanner,  a website that allow you to create a hypothetic character, and give him any stuff, very usefull to get a way to your objective (wethier it is ap, dp, mastery...


Im sry for my strange english, since im French. <3

Der Verfasser hat den Inhalt gelöscht.
Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 27. Feb 2021, 14:41 (UTC)
# 7

Fammes websites is the one i sure used most in those nearly 5 years, i will never remember the  horse levels i have to aim for at specific tiers for breeding. Add to that the breeding rate of now 14 got slowly increased over time; used 4 horse calculators over the years but Fammes horse calculator is sure the best.


Im still using next to BDO Codex for info, guess old habbit to check both if im unsure.


Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 05. Jan 2023, 18:16 (UTC)
# 8
On: Feb 10, 2021, 10:10 (UTC), Written by RaraHann

Hi ! id like to add BDOplanner,  a website that allow you to create a hypothetic character, and give him any stuff, very usefull to get a way to your objective (wethier it is ap, dp, mastery...


Im sry for my strange english, since im French. <3

Forgot to mention I had added this to the list, apologies for the delayed reply!

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 28. Feb 2021, 01:10 (UTC)
# 9

Hey, there's also Velia Inn (, has boss timer/schedule, imperial/scrolls profit calculator; random stuff. Might be useful for some people.

Disclaimer: I made it.

0 1
Lv Privat
Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 05. Jan 2023, 18:17 (UTC)
# 10

Added and

1 2

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