Black Desert will begin in a moment.

Install the Black Desert Launcher if the game doesn't start.

Install the Black Desert Launcher to start the game.

The launcher will appear if it's installed.
If it doesn't, try to run your downloaded launcher.

Install Guide

1 Run BlackDesert_Installer_NAEU.exe to install the Black Desert launcher.

2 Start the game once installation is complete.


UTC 11 : 43 Sep 14, 2024
CEST 13 : 43 Sep 14, 2024
PDT 4 : 43 Sep 14, 2024
EDT 7 : 43 Sep 14, 2024
The Verdict On "Why BDO NEEDS SALAMI"
Jul 20, 2021, 06:31 (UTC)
3524 17
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Last Edit : Jul 20, 2021, 06:31 (UTC)
# 1

You've said it yourself game masters of our lovely community

You've said it yourself community.

Everyone spent a long time on this, I just organized it to come out.

Now BDO honor your words.

+1 extra for pepperoni.

Last Edit : Jul 20, 2021, 06:33 (UTC)
# 2
  • Service Region (Server) : North America
  • Current In-game Channel : Balenos
  • Character Name : CloakedHero
  • Date/Time : Forever
  • Item Name and Quantity : Salami 0
2021-03-22 13:49:34
Black Desert Salami
Addressed to: Game masters of BDO, incorporated request by many
Salami Overview in Black Desert Online and why it needs to be incorporated.

What Salami looks like.
Salami is a food that lives in the real world that needs to be put into black desert online for many reasons. One of the main reasons is that salami is a necessity in black desert online is that it can last in the desert and last in the ice regions that are soon to come. Salami is a favorite food of the papu’s which they can digest within their nature and offers major power to many of the players of black desert online. Although not everyone loves salami which is ludicrous, salami can offer power to players in real life, on pizza as well as in game. As this must give at least 10 Ap to players. It can be made with dead mice, cheese, salami bought from a chef and salt. Understanding the importance of salami and how it plays into black desert online is extremely important.
Why salami is useful
Salami is used as a salted meat. It was one of the original rations aboard the italian seas vessels so it can be used for rations as well. Salami also has been statistically proven to raise and increase pearl box sales by 68888.69%. If we understand this importance of salami then we can incorporate it to feed sailors and the like in black desert online. Salami also tastes great and is used in much of the cuisine today.

How to incorporate salami and where to find it.
Salami can be found in many places in black desert online either through farming, slaughtering pigs and getting lucky for a few of them or finding them as drops from monsters. Salami can also be obtained on the rare occasion by incorporating a new fish to the game called the “Salami fish” which can be alternatively used for the soup, which can be called “Dead mouse soup.” This will be sailors favorite dish. Salami can also be obtained by cooking with multiple meats such as sheep, pigs, lions meat and deer meat. However, each meat must be at least 10 or 20 as a deciding factor.
Salami is generally sold for very inexpensive in the real world for approximately 5$ to 8$. Therefore in game salami from the chef can be sold for the equivalency of such. About 6,000 silver per piece would be what salami would be sold for if we consider the current economy of black desert online. This can be going up per grade of the salami of special cut, normal cut and rare cut. Spicy salami can be the rare cut acquired from heating it up in the sun.

National Salami Day takes place on September 7th and is celebrated in virtually every culture. It tells us about the curing of meat and is educational to black desert onlines player base. This can be incorporated very easily as an item with these possible uses. It’s an important part of the world that is severely underlooked as it is consumed every single day. There are bell peppers in black desert online, there are apples. So why not the good ol’ salami!
[GM]Vell2021-03-26 09:08:25

Greetings Adventurer,


Thank you for reaching out to the Black Desert support team about your needs of salami. We do our best to help with as many issues as we can, and I just want to let you know that we have received your query and we will be doing our best to resolve it as quickly as we can.


Due to the nature of the request, it may take some time to fully resolve the issue but please keep an eye out for another reply, and in the meantime, please let us know if you need assistance with any other issues.


If you have any further questions, don't hesitate to contact us once more! 


Kind regards, 

GM Krogdalo

The Black Desert Support Team 

Feel free to continue your adventure on our official DiscordFacebookTwitter or Forum!

2021-03-30 19:10:38
I shall keep an eye out for the reply on when salami shall be put into our grand game of the black deserts. For I look forward to my character tasting the dead mouse soup and my sailors being strengthened by the cured salami.
[GM]Vell2021-04-02 10:43:58

Hey there, 


Thank you for providing the idea for the game we will inform our team of this one. 


Stay safe on your future adventures and have a great day. :)


Kind regards, 

GM Krogdalo

The Black Desert Support Team 

Feel free to continue your adventure on our official DiscordFacebookTwitter or Forum!

2021-04-04 02:21:30
Thank you for taking the time to reply! Please let me know what the team has said when you have referred the idea. Despite the slight of jokes, I truly believe, with the rest of the community that salami is a good addition to the game
[GM]Vell2021-04-05 09:27:39

Hey there,


I have added your feedback request to add salami to the game. You can check our official website for an announcement and updates for any incoming events.


If you have any further questions, don't hesitate to contact us once more! 


Kind regards, 

GM Krogdalo

The Black Desert Support Team 

Feel free to continue your adventure on our official DiscordFacebookTwitter, or Forum!

2021-04-10 16:06:01
Thank you for adding the feedback request to the forums? If you can, I would love it if you could verbally ask your team to add salami to the game. I understand that there is already the "Grilled Sausage Dish" which is similar but being able to link an item called salami would just make it that much better.

I hope this isn't pestering you too much, but we as a community of BDO speak out here as it has become a popular item of wishlist in the game. Also, why do you guys not have limes or lemons?
[GM]Vell2021-04-12 09:24:41

hey there, 


I understand your concern but our team is currently prioritizing issues with the game. You can wait for an update on the notice on our official website if your request has been approve.


Stay safe on your future adventures and have a great day. 


Kind regards, 

GM Krogdalo

The Black Desert Support Team 

Feel free to continue your adventure on our official DiscordFacebookTwitter, or Forum!

2021-04-12 14:15:46
Thank you for understanding our concerns about salami needs and your swift responses. We will lookout for the addition of salami to the game and thank you for being willing to do so!

Will inquire in about 6 months.

Also, how's your day/night going?
[GM]Vell2021-04-15 15:46:32

Hey there, 


Thank you for understanding, keep checking for any announcement regarding the request for salami in the game. I hope that your character will taste the salami soon! :)


Keep on grinding Adventurer!


Kind regards, 

GM Krogdalo

The Black Desert Support Team 

Feel free to continue your adventure on our official DiscordFacebookTwitter or Forum!

2021-05-17 14:48:36
As you can see, after 6 months of pursuing black desert online. I asked many people to send me screenshots back of their love of salami if they ever did submit a ticket on their own. Many in fact ended up doing so and I have quite a few more screenshots. Thank you for the Game masters swift replies and clearly many of them on the side of inputting it into the game. Salami is clearly something that many people would have as a positive result in the community. Many clear statements and arguments have hopefully brought this to your full team's attention. The community wants it.


[GM]Hastur2021-05-17 23:04:41
Hey CloakedHero!

GM Hastur here, following up on your quest towards adding Salami as part of Black Desert Online. Thanks for sharing proof that others are eagerly requesting it! 

While we cannot guarantee or provide an estimate date, as this such changes may require a substantial amount of time and effort, rest assured that we read and forward all feedback and ideas.

At this stage, we suggest you keep on checking our patches, updates and forums regularly to be informed of our future new activities.

Meanwhile, should you need any other help about any other topic, just don't hesitate to create a new ticket.

Kind regards,
GM Hastur
The Black Desert Support Team
Last Edit : Jul 20, 2021, 06:37 (UTC)
# 3

Its just what I've always wanted from BDO.

Last Edit : Jul 20, 2021, 06:49 (UTC)
# 4

Look. I like your idea too, but why are you showing us what the support wrote to you on the ticket system? I fail to see the point of the topic.

Last Edit : Jul 20, 2021, 07:08 (UTC)
# 5

Accountability. It was requested. Nothing more than that! Now, discuss. Root for it. Smell it in your mind, BDO can almost taste it.

On: Jul 20, 2021, 06:36 (UTC), Written by Muncha

Its just what I've always wanted from BDO.

Me too young man, me too.


Last Edit : Jul 20, 2021, 07:13 (UTC)
# 6

I think the point CloakedHero is trying to get accross is the GMs are all keen to implement the suggestion of salami in the game.



Last Edit : Jul 20, 2021, 07:10 (UTC)
# 7


Give some credit! Salami will improve the gameplay.

Last Edit : Jul 20, 2021, 07:21 (UTC)
# 8

imagine 1 single person being so bored the he/she end up wasting several hrs of GM's working hrs with absurd sugestions that contribute 0 to improving the gameplay in BDO

Last Edit : Jul 20, 2021, 07:30 (UTC)
# 9

Imagine one replier, so bored they gave their opinion that wouldn't contribute to the thread because they hate salami.

Which is why salami needs to also be inputted to thwart off people like yourself to have more fun in the game. Therefore, being a great addition to the game providing laughter as well as buff abilities, feeding sailors and much less adding more cooking options to the very dry cooking options currently available.
Last Edit : Jul 20, 2021, 14:16 (UTC)
# 10

New quest idea in Liliya Island. 

Cats can have a little salami. Quest giver - One of the cats 
Quest objective , give every cat on Liliya Island a piece of salami.

2nd Quest - Cats can have a lot more salami - Give Every cat in BDO a piece of salami. 

Reward Title - Cats can have little a salami (keep the typo)

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