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1 Run BlackDesert_Installer_NAEU.exe to install the Black Desert launcher.

2 Start the game once installation is complete.


UTC 1 : 16 Jul 27, 2024
CEST 3 : 16 Jul 27, 2024
PDT 18 : 16 Jul 26, 2024
EDT 21 : 16 Jul 26, 2024
Valkyrie Class reboot
Oct 15, 2021, 10:32 (UTC)
1891 7
Last Edit : Oct 15, 2021, 15:14 (UTC)
# 1

I do not even know were to start with this... I wish i could be constructive but litterally when its Garbage its Garbage.
Underwhelming maybe?

Does WTF<----- Represent it?


Ok so lets start with the promo video for the Valk, everyone showed it off like it was something to behold and the 1st comments out of my mouth were WOW i am impressed a Dev actually learned how to do a proper combo...
Now that i see what they did i can simply ask DID you clowns making that video put more Effort into learning that combo and do 500 retakes than the 10 hours you put in on some half ass attempt at a class reboot????

Were is the same treatment that the warrior got on AOE damage? Were is the extra PVE damage to improve the class this current form is litterally 10% more.. Tell me DEV's @PA how in the HELL do you give so much work into the striker a class that was strong already and one of the top grinders in the game, you buff the crap out of warrior then litterally dont do SHIT to the valk not that i am supprised at this becouse your attention span is that of a Fruit Fly you get cought up in the 1st few classes than like a kid without his medication for ADD/ADHD you move on to other things then remember after the 11th hour oh yah i still have 12 classes left to work on... SHAME ON YOU AND SHAME ON ME FOR SOMEWHAT BELEIVING THAT YOU WOULD GO THE EXTRA MILE..

#1 Reducing cool down times on Shield chase and increase distance(does not address the issue with movement LITERALLY the extra distance is what 1 inch on the screen ?!?!?!? WTF seriously )
#2 You removed the crit damage from Divine power a year ago becouse people Cried it did to much damage then you turn around and increase damage and decreased cool down on a skill you nerfed?!?!? WTF.
#3 you do zero rework on AOE damage of any of the skills but you give more agro control in PVE ?!?!?!?!?! FOR WHAT ?!?!?!? YOU DID F ALL TO HELP PVE
#4● River: Ensla's divine skills have been changed as follows.

- The attack range of the skill has been increased. (WHAT EXTRA RANGE ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT ONE EXTRA NPC FOOT?!?!?! NOTHING CHANGED)
- An effect that draws the attention of monsters when landing while using a skill has been added. (REALLY?!?!?!?! THAT HELPS ALOT FFS)
- Skill damage and cooldown have been changed.(REALLY JUST F OFF AT THIS POINT)


I COULD CONTINUE but litterally this did nothing to change a thing i am very upset.. this leaves me little hope for my other main that i play the mystic.
You really could of knocked it out of the park here.

I am not even getting started on the Awakening end you guys litterly ditched what in the hell is wrong with you people.


Last Edit : Oct 15, 2021, 11:14 (UTC)
# 2




This is literally what i thought.. why in the F Hell buff all other Classes to heaven treat them like first born and kick valk again down the cliff?!


In the vid u showed us i thought: Uh okay, looks like kinda faster Animations.. hopefully we get some nice Movement changes too..


My expectation was low and u still maneged it to dissapoint me.. dissapointment is not even close to what i feel about this!

I dont even want a OP Valk.. i want a Valk wich can be compaired with other classes. A Valk wich is not only playable because it looks cool!

1 3
Lv Private
Last Edit : Oct 15, 2021, 11:42 (UTC)
# 3
On: Oct 15, 2021, 11:14 (UTC), Written by Pata




This is literally what i thought.. why in the F Hell buff all other Classes to heaven treat them like first born and kick valk again down the cliff?!


In the vid u showed us i thought: Uh okay, looks like kinda faster Animations.. hopefully we get some nice Movement changes too..


My expectation was low and u still maneged it to dissapoint me.. dissapointment is not even close to what i feel about this!

I dont even want a OP Valk.. i want a Valk wich can be compaired with other classes. A Valk wich is not only playable because it looks cool!


I agree 100%, After i saw that video yah know were they had to use the 100% rage on Judgement to start with like they had actualy did something to the AOE damage of the skills... or was it the part were they add in screen vibrations to make make it look like hey guys check it out we added in that extra 300 damage????
To add insult to injury they decrease cool down on skills that really dont change fix a thing...

After watching that clip like yourself i set that bar REALLY LOW.. what was promised a class reboot.. what we got was the consolation prize at the county fair... i spent 3 hours on test server (grinding and BA) they not only destroyed that low bar i set, but i think its cement shoes and sleeping with the fishes now or better yet..


Last Edit : Oct 15, 2021, 11:53 (UTC)
# 4
Am 15. Okt 2021, 11:42 (UTC), von ReconKangas

I agree 100%, After i saw that video yah know were they had to use the 100% rage on Judgement to start with like they had actualy did something to the AOE damage of the skills... or was it the part were they add in screen vibrations to make make it look like hey guys check it out we added in that extra 300 damage????
To add insult to injury they decrease cool down on skills that really dont change fix a thing...

After watching that clip like yourself i set that bar REALLY LOW.. what was promised a class reboot.. what we got was the consolation prize at the county fair... i spent 3 hours on test server (grinding and BA) they not only destroyed that low bar i set, but i think its cement shoes and sleeping with the fishes now or better yet..




"or was it the part were they add in screen vibrations to make make it look like hey guys check it out we added in that extra 300 damage????" Exactly what i thought haha.

Maybe it was the right deccision to play in the last season a Warrior.. but i whould def. feel filthy for playing this activly in PVP and have to wash my hands after a session of grinding.


I realy hope the are gonna Change some of the "rEwOrK~"

Perfect Pic btw :D

1 3
Lv Private
Last Edit : Oct 15, 2021, 14:22 (UTC)
# 5

I'm going to do my best to stay constructive here.. I am a valkyrie main.. I've been playing since the pre-release of the game.. and I am an alt-oholic. I have played almost every class in the game at some point.. just to try out the mechanics and see what each of them play like.. but valk is definitely my main. I understand that the intentions for valk, are to be a fortress of a character.. so damage may not be her strongsuit.. but unfortunately neither is her tankiness.. every other ,non ranged, class in the game has some form of protected movement.. all the other shield classes in the game have more durable blocks.. our AoE is small.. I mean what is the point of the valk at this stage in the game? We were turned into vacuum-bots for PVP, only for the nova to come out and do that as well.. these changes improve QoL marginally.. but do nothing for the class overall, they have removed key protections from a class that already is severely lacking and as a trade off added miniscule damage increases.. as a player that has played most classes in the game, specifically the newer ones, I can tell you that these changes are not what we need to be "on-par" with the newer classes. The valk community is and has been probably one of the most dedicated to their class communities in this game. And PA would be wise to take their feedback and fix this mess before that community starts to dissappear.

Last Edit : Oct 22, 2021, 18:56 (UTC)
# 6

I love playing my Valk and her DMG feels nice, but since shes not my main i dont know much about that so probably the other feedback given in that regard is better.

What has not been said yet is the bug with FPS, that your dmg multiplies on some classes to absurd amounts when you reach 300~600+ FPS and some mechanics dont even work at all if you dont have the game in Fullscreen or enough FPS, like Valk's Echo Walk.

Last Edit : Nov 11, 2021, 18:29 (UTC)
# 7
On: Oct 22, 2021, 18:56 (UTC), Written by Netero

I love playing my Valk and her DMG feels nice, but since shes not my main i dont know much about that so probably the other feedback given in that regard is better.

What has not been said yet is the bug with FPS, that your dmg multiplies on some classes to absurd amounts when you reach 300~600+ FPS and some mechanics dont even work at all if you dont have the game in Fullscreen or enough FPS, like Valk's Echo Walk.

The main issue is that most systems can't obtain much past 280-320fps stable.

I know of no person that has BDO running in the 600's not saying it's impossible but with a I9, 2080ti OC vram running 300's in BA is obtainable but adding in a other chars or in RBF it drops FPS TO -140 ish.

I know of some that upgraded to the Intel 10k series with a 3090 and are only about 30 FPS higher than me but at a much better resolution.

The issues your refering to have more to do with God tier ping than just the FPS some players living in the basement of were the servers are located getting like -10ms ping making you a speed bump at 40+ especially like most on east coast get around 70ish ping.



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