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UTC 18 : 2 Feb 7, 2025
CET 19 : 2 Feb 7, 2025
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EST 13 : 2 Feb 7, 2025
PA, I challenge you to create a PVE ONLY server
Dec 13, 2021, 14:00 (UTC)
6757 113
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Last Edit : Dec 13, 2021, 14:00 (UTC)
# 1

There are people who will not even try this game because of PVP.  This game is awesome.  It's got everything.  I came over from WoW back when the Summer season started and the ONLY think I hate about this game (other than enhancing) is the PVP aspect.  I'm mainly a Lifeskiller and have been PK'd several times.  It's a pain in the ass and the prospect of being ganked out in the woods in my gathering gear is NO FUN!!!  Just create 1 PVE only server and you watch how fast it fills up.  I think you will be surprised at the demand.  The only people that will be agains PVE only servers are the PK'rs looking for easy targets. 

Last Edit : Dec 13, 2021, 15:08 (UTC)
# 2

If you are a lifeskiller and get ganked, just respawn and continue. PKers suffer a huge karma loss everytime they kill a lifeskiller.


And if you encounter a perma red player ganking you over and over, just ask server chat for help and I bet more than enough people would love to smack some red buttcheeks.

Last Edit : Dec 13, 2021, 16:33 (UTC)
# 3
On: Dec 13, 2021, 15:08 (UTC), Written by Luchina

And if you encounter a perma red player ganking you over and over, just ask server chat for help and I bet more than enough people would love to smack some red buttcheeks.

Or this bastards call for help others like them. 

Only complete removal of open pvp can remove toxicity from this game.

56 2073
Lv Private
Last Edit : Dec 13, 2021, 16:33 (UTC)
# 4

If PA releases a normalized PVE server where flagging up is disabled...


All you will see is 5 people on the same rotation trying to out grind eachother.


It would be so funny.


I would actually skip netflix when I eat and just observe a PVE orcs rotation. 


The drama and shit-talking would be so funny to add to salty-sails. 

Last Edit : Dec 13, 2021, 16:46 (UTC)
# 5

we can't have that now!  The pkrs need their easy prey to assuage their self esteem!

Last Edit : Dec 13, 2021, 19:26 (UTC)
# 6
On: Dec 13, 2021, 16:33 (UTC), Written by ArchaicTriad

If PA releases a normalized PVE server where flagging up is disabled...

All you will see is 5 people on the same rotation trying to out grind eachother.

It would be so funny.

I would actually skip netflix when I eat and just observe a PVE orcs rotation. 

The drama and shit-talking would be so funny to add to salty-sails. 

And thats why all channels except Arsha should be pve only. Each 6 channels groups: 1 - arsha (because this is node war channel so typical for pvp players) and 2-6 pve.

Also fast travel system to any node and no cd channels change.

And almost all main BDO problems solved.


56 2073
Lv Private
Last Edit : Dec 14, 2021, 00:12 (UTC)
# 7

I do a bit of life skilling, I guess not enough (am master 29.97%) never once been in a fight while gathering.
But i guess it must be irrigating if people are singling you out, can sympathies with that. If you're only a life skills, Hard core life skiller and that's all you wanna do.. then you don’t need to go past level 49? (get is so much in the other direction,how that feel, me telling you what you should have?) , so the option is there (you knew when you clicked to go past level 49 what it ment, you knew!)

A pve server would be like seasonal, Its horrible, so I end up on arsha as a shai. But that’s me, and my wants should not diminish yours.


It has been suggested a few times, but like we have a PVP sever with drop buff, a Pve sever should have a drop debuff... seems fair, risk reward and would not impact the gatherers, and it would go some way to controlling the numbers.

my personal dislike for Pve server (seasonal) was people walking in and just taking mobs, even if you where engaged. They didn’t even go to look for a free spot, they don’t need too (no risk)... and I could not flag up on them for being an ass (oh wait some Pk are not monster? They’re just defending their spot? or removing cheeky trolls, shocking)

Yeah, all for Pve server, not what I want (but I can separate what I want from what other may need, give it a try). i think you will find it will fill with life skillers, demining Yar for gathering spots.. People are people, trash happens

Last Edit : Dec 14, 2021, 09:18 (UTC)
# 8

Another PvE topic without any thought put about anything.

I've levelled on every season and I know what's it like at their earlier days(except in the past winter season, when every day the grinding places were overcrowded on EU) and had to adopt new ways of levelling.

Just no. I don't see, how this will work. And I do not want to quiote one poster. I'll just not comment. Just no.

Last Edit : Dec 14, 2021, 10:39 (UTC)
# 9
On: Dec 14, 2021, 09:18 (UTC), Written by Krastonosezs

Another PvE topic without any thought put about anything.

I've levelled on every season and I know what's it like at their earlier days(except in the past winter season, when every day the grinding places were overcrowded on EU) and had to adopt new ways of levelling.

Just no. I don't see, how this will work. And I do not want to quiote one poster. I'll just not comment. Just no.

re; Another PvE topic without any thought put about anything.

Ture, maybe the opening poster didnt give it much thought, then others posted, went over thier views and we have progressed the descusion. But you come along, read only the first post (i assume) Have an emotional reaction, ignore the discusion so far and post trash... 'Another Poster,posting without any thought put about anything'


Lets not , for once see if there is a middle ground, improve the gaming experience for different people… Nah, you have what you want, you have had your experiences, and that’s all that matters! e.g. 'Just no. I don't see, how this will work.'


I have seen what some trolls do to life skillers (some, so called red players), They stream it. They say it’s just their ‘play style’ and not to hate… well why not hate them? They aren’t going arsha, they aren’t looking for a fight. They are searching out easy targets, players they know cant fight back and upsetting them for kicks (like I said, hasn’t happened to me, but I know this poster hasn’t read the thread... so this isn’t me asking for what I want)… What a disgusting thing to do, taking pleasure in upsetting another human being, creepy!


But lets forget that issues, because we know a PvE server would have its own issues, a server that you would not be going on, nor I, because of theses issues… lets not offer a solution to people that play different. How selfish and narrow minded.



You can not fully compare a seasonal server to a PvE server (Designed to solve the issue mention by the opening poster). Seasonal are popular for different reason, Season have problems for different reasons. Solution to help resolve such issue, for people that would chose a PvE sever, have been mention… but you can’t see how it would work and your all that matters in your reality.


Wish people would think a little. It’s okay to disagree, but also listen to what others have to say first.

Last Edit : Dec 14, 2021, 10:56 (UTC)
# 10
On: Dec 14, 2021, 10:19 (UTC), Written by Snoods

re; Another PvE topic without any thought put about anything.

Ture, maybe the opening poster didnt give it much thought, then others posted, went over thier views and we have progressed the descusion. But you come along, read only the first post (i assume) Have an emotional reaction, ignore the discusion so far and post trash... 'Another Poster,posting without any thought put about anything'


Lets not , for once see if there is a middle ground, improve the gaming experience for different people… Nah, you have what you want, you have had your experiences, and that’s all that matters! e.g. 'Just no. I don't see, how this will work.'


I have seen what some trolls do to life skillers (some, so called red players), They stream it. They say it’s just their ‘play style’ and not to hate… well why not hate them? They aren’t going arsha, they aren’t looking for a fight. They are searching out easy targets, players they know cant fight back and upsetting them for kicks (like I said, hasn’t happened to me, but I know this poster hasn’t read the thread... so this isn’t me asking for what I want)… What a disgusting thing to do, taking pleasure in upsetting another human being, creepy!


But lets forget that issues, because we know a PvE server would have its own issues, a server that you would not be going on, nor I, because of theses issues… lets not offer a solution to people that play different. How selfish and narrow minded.



You can not fully compare a seasonal server to a PvE server (Designed to solve the issue mention by the opening poster). Seasonal are popular for different reason, Season have problems for different reasons. Solution to help resolve such issue, for people that would chose a PvE sever, have been mention… but you can’t see how it would work and your all that matters in your reality.


Wish people would think a little. It’s okay to disagree, but also listen to what others have to say first.

I don't deny that there are those trolls you mentioned. I've seen such even myself. Happened to me too, while I left one of my own toons to afk ride from point A to point B twice or thrice(few of them trolls don't even exist anymore in the game). It was happening like once in the year not literally. But what can I do? I can't shift the game's aims and ideas. I accepted what it is and made peace with it. I've been in both pvp and pve games before(or multiplayer co-op). When I went to those games I wanted to find out, on what ideas they were made.


Looking sometimes at the negativism, to me it's like a pestilence. Sometimes even I react in a sharp way.

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