Black Desert will begin in a moment.

Install the Black Desert Launcher if the game doesn't start.

Install the Black Desert Launcher to start the game.

The launcher will appear if it's installed.
If it doesn't, try to run your downloaded launcher.

Install Guide

1 Run BlackDesert_Installer_NAEU.exe to install the Black Desert launcher.

2 Start the game once installation is complete.


UTC 1 : 19 Jul 27, 2024
CEST 3 : 19 Jul 27, 2024
PDT 18 : 19 Jul 26, 2024
EDT 21 : 19 Jul 26, 2024
How powerful hardware do I need to play on ultra graphic settings?
Dec 15, 2021, 15:26 (UTC)
14728 26
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Last Edit : Dec 15, 2021, 15:26 (UTC)
# 1



I want to get a new PC powerfull enough to fully appreciate how beautiful this game can be, problem is, I have no idea about hardware ^^; Can someone tell me what's the best setup so the game will work smoothly at highest settings available?


Also, on a side note, can someone help me set up my settings now so that the game will work smoothly for me? I turned on upscale but the game takes around 5 minutes to load from the character select screen (if not longer, even when there are no other players nearby). II know my PC is ancient to play this game but I'd love to balance fluidity and graphics if possible, but there's so many options that I don't know how to setup them...


My PC specs: (from dxdiag)

Operating System: Windows 8.1 64-bit
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-4130 CPU @ 3.40GHz (4 CPUs), ~3.4GHz
Memory: 6144MB RAM
Card name: NVIDIA GeForce GT 710

Last Edit : Dec 15, 2021, 16:03 (UTC)
# 2

really bad day to ask that, because gpu shortage, you can buy intel cpu 10th or 11th gen for less than 400$


but for gpu may be difficult


16gb ram shoud be enough


but if you really need gpu, prepare at least 500$ to get decent gpu

Last Edit : Dec 15, 2021, 16:34 (UTC)
# 3

3080/3080TI with FSR High quality/Quality will give you a decent 120-210 fps. at 1080p/1440p with a bit of Effect opacity.
Not suitable for classe that are fps dependant in any higher scale pvp.

If you want to build a new config i realy suggest you to go on a Physical PC retailer and get a 3070 TI + a least.
When you have the GPU that surely will be only sell with a Bundle, get the rest of the config.

GPU are in Supply and near MSRP, but thier are reserved toè Bundle and Pre-build PC for avoiding Miner.
Microcenter by exemple sell GPU with PSU in Bundle by exemple. some other retailer its with Nvme.

Get Something like that for a CPU platform

And you are ready to go for enjoying bdo at its fulless.   Prepare near a 2500 budget.
You can cheap out in alot of place.
Something like that with a hypothesis 1200 usd for the GPU

Last Edit : Dec 15, 2021, 17:26 (UTC)
# 4

There really isn't really a point to run in Ultra. I feel the game looks better in "Remastered" the textures are better on the characters themselves. For example in Ultra the skin textures are more detailed but they look like fabric versus in remastered they look smoother and actually look like smooth skin. If you want to play in Remastered and don't care for high frame rates, I had a 1080 Ti and it was playing fine. I replaced an older PC with a 1080 Ti with a 3060 Ti and it was runner better with the 3060 Ti. The AMD equivalent is about 6600 XT. Processor-wise any current-generation Intel i5 or AMD Ryzen 5 such as the Intel i5-12600K or the AMD Ryzen 5 5600X will be good enough. 


The important part is you need to make sure when you upgrade or purchase a new computer that the processor and the graphics card match up. Don't use a really old processor with the top of the line graphics card and expect thing to work properly. In fact the higher graphics setting you use, the processor becomes even more important in Black Desert.


Those parts I gave as examples are $300 for the processor, about $500-$600 for the graphics card. Then consider $100 for memory, $150 for a mid-range motherboard, $100 for a higher end power supply (power supplies are one of the most important parts of a PC build), $100 for a decent case with built-in fans, and finally $100 for a decent CPU cooler. The cost here is $1600 USD pre-tax. I would say this would be a very decent build that you can run all the latest games are decent settings.

Also remember if you are using a 1080p monitor you can use lower end specs to get better frame rates. If you want to run 1440p or 4K you would need to spent many times more money.

Also with these cost effective parts you can run your BDO and have Discord, browser, etc., running just fine. For upscaling or the new AMD FSR to work properly you actually need a decently good CPU for it work, and unfortunately the i3 you current have is not capable enough for that functionality.


Don't try to run Black Desert in Ultra for regular day to day game play and expect good performance. I have a AMD 5950X processor, 3600 MHz CL14 memory, and a 3090 Kingpin graphics card, all parts are pretty well optimized together, $4000 and above.... I'm lucky to get 100 fps doing nothing in Ultra mode in 1440p.

6 35
Lv Private
This was deleted by the writer.
Last Edit : Dec 17, 2021, 09:57 (UTC)
# 6

Well, many opinions. I´ll throw mine right in, too, for added confusion.


This game doesn´t need a 3080 to pull 200+ FPS in FullHD or 150 at 1440p with nice GFX. But it needs a nice fast CPU and a decent amount of RAM to prevent stuttering.

However, your GPU is really bad indeed.

So here is what I would do:


If you can, wait 2 more months for Ryzen 3D to appear and provide an overall boost for performance to price ration on CPUs.

Get an 8-core Ryzen 5/6000 or Intel equivalent with 32GB of DDR4 RAM (don´t go DDR5, it´s a meme for the time being) on a mid tier board (B550 or equivalent).

Make sure you run the game off a decently fast SSD.

Pair that with a cheap mid-tier GPU such as a prev owned 2060 (super), a 1080 or even 1070. In a year from now, once Intel Ark and the new GPUs from Nvidia and AMD hit the market, buy a nice new GPU and dump this one. You will loose way less money then paying topkek prices right now. Do not buy a new higher end GPU right now, especially not for the sake of BDO.


For FPS >> 60 (which you REALLY want!) either go non-remastered HIGH and disable VSYNC in driver to unlock FPS or go Remastered with a high refresh rate screen (144 HZ or more). As a general consensus for a non-highend user i´d go for a 1440p screen as of now such as i. e. the LG 27GL850 (very random suggestion). As said: Refresh rate matters. 


Last Edit : Dec 20, 2021, 11:38 (UTC)
# 7

Just youse clowd gaming!
Check my posts on how to play bdo with geforce now :)

Last Edit : Dec 20, 2021, 17:55 (UTC)
# 8

I play the game on Remastered but can run the game smoothly on Ultra.  There is no reason to play the game on Ultra since there is almost no visual difference between the two settings.

My PC specs that can run the game on Ultra are:

Intel Core i9-12900K 5.2GHz
64GB G.SKILL TridentZ 4000MHz
Samsung Curved 240HZ Monitor

I also can run the game smoothly on Ultra on my MSI laptop. However on both PC and laptop, I play on Remastered.

Lv Private
Last Edit : Jan 5, 2022, 18:11 (UTC)
# 9

Throwing in a couple of cents...


I'm pretty sure most people reserve Ultra Graphics mode for screencaps and perhaps some YouTube content.  The game engine is notoriously taxing and has been since launch.  Much of this 'drain' can be alleviated on older systems by adjusting graphics settings. Some unfortunate folk might need to tweak some hardware settings.


Personally, I oscillate between Remastered and High graphics settings, using the latter for PvP and mob grinding content and the former when Life Skilling.


-Ryzen 5 OC @ 4.0Ghz

-NVidia 2080 Super

-32GB DDR4


I have a 4K monitor, but find better frames @  1440.


Specs mentioned, I have no issues running Halo Infinite, Red Dead 2 and Cyberpunk at max settings in 4K.


To be honest, the conent of the game jives with my gaming style. I'd love for a game engine optimization or complete overhaul, and that may be on the horizon, but my immersion and enjoyment have yet to be hindered by 'pop ins', rubber-banding, low frames with heavy CPU/GPU loads, etc...


A game as old as BDO should boast a well refined game engine, in my humble opinion. Sadly, this is not the case. For comparison, New World runs way smoother with less system load and is a brand new title.  Imagine BDO in the Unreal Engine... I mean, that prolly will never happen, but refining the current 'okay' engine to be 'good' or even 'great' doesn't seem out of reach.


In summary, while some performance issues may require some system and/or in game graphics tweaking to alliviate, the deepth and breadth of the BDO experience through the immersive world and content keeps me coming back. I've been playing since launch and still find myself drawn to the combat and slow progression.


Don't let the lack of a tippy top system forestall your journey.

Last Edit : Jan 20, 2022, 23:18 (UTC)
# 10

Update here, I upgraded from a 1080Ti to a 6900 XT Sapphire Toxic which is half the price of a 3090 (!) and well, this is like what you´d want probably, especially with the very nice FSR implementation that BDO has.


FSR on Remastered reaches almost the same FPS as Very high without FSR (CPU 9900K @5,150). Some rough numbers.

1440p Very high 220-250 FPS

1440p Remastered no FSR 120-150 FPS

1440p Remastered + FSR 150-200+ FPS

1440p ULTRA with FSR 80+ FPS

4k Very high no FSR 80-150 FPS

4k Remastered + FSR 70-140 FPS

I am waiting for the new AMD driver to add FSR for any setting so I can run 4k Very High + FSR. :))

Also note that the card has quite some OC headroom left. I suppose one can be confident to reach towards AMD max clock limit with the overdimensioned 3x120mm radiator given your PSU can take some 600W peak blows (i. e. Corsair AX1000 aka Seasonic Prime).


In fact BDO looks subjectively better with FSR (highest quality) enabled!

That is thanks to the more sharp details, especially in the background. See this comparison below which I took with my old 1600p screen 2 weeks ago.


Remastered NO FSR ("right click image -> open in new tab" to see full res)


Remastered with FSR ("right click image -> open in new tab" to see full res)


PS: I´ve been a continuous Nvidia user since Diamond Viper 550 (aka Riva TNT 1). never used ATI/AMD before. But I am pleasantly surprised not just by this hardware but also by the driver features and maturity. 


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