Black Desert will begin in a moment.

Install the Black Desert Launcher if the game doesn't start.

Install the Black Desert Launcher to start the game.

The launcher will appear if it's installed.
If it doesn't, try to run your downloaded launcher.

Install Guide

1 Run BlackDesert_Installer_NAEU.exe to install the Black Desert launcher.

2 Start the game once installation is complete.


UTC 1 : 52 Jul 27, 2024
CEST 3 : 52 Jul 27, 2024
PDT 18 : 52 Jul 26, 2024
EDT 21 : 52 Jul 26, 2024
[6-Year Memories] Starting out, Fun with friends, and Winning stuff
Mar 1, 2022, 06:38 (UTC)
713 1
Last Edit : Mar 1, 2022, 07:01 (UTC)
# 1

My first memorable moment was playing Black Desert for the first time 4-years ago (2018) and exploring character creation. I chose Dark Knight as I really liked her look. Not knowing if I could edit her later, I spent hours across several evenings trying to get her "perfect". Fussing with sliders, making note of what does what, changing things, changing it back, little nudge here, little nudge there - all to make a character that was all my own. I was a little worried I might not like how she looked in-game, but I was happy with how she turned out. This is the very first screenshot I ever took of her:

First ever screenshot of my character.

I've made many characters since, but you never forget your first.

My best memorable moments are playing with my best friend: my wife. We've explored the vast world, done thousands of quests, and leveled up our characters together.  It's being able to play together that keeps the game fun and keeps us coming back.  A summer 2018 screenshot: Best friends in life, best friends in game.

Best friends in life, best friends in game.

A period of time I will always cherish in my memory is Summer/Fall 2018. Two of my then-coworkers also played BDO and the three of us would often chat about it (and random other stuff) on Discord. One coworker had played the game from the beginning, who convinced me to play earlier that year. We both convinced another coworker, "Kado", to play with us. He chose a Lahn as his main, as it was the newest at the time. He'd often post screenshots of his Lahn, "Marriannah", in her adventures, exploration, and whenever we played together. This is a collage of Kado's screenshots that he shared when we did some ocean stuff. One time just island hopping for knowledge, the 2nd time the experienced player was wanting to demonstrate how easy SMH was (because Kado and I were bad at it).

Collage of Kado's Screenshots

^-- Now every time I see my Dark Knight, I think of Kado's cleavage comment. Gotta love the Sin Terrna outfit.  I should have told him to switch to remastered mode.

Time spent with Kado has a special place in my heart because it's something we'll never do again. He quit gaming and chatting on Discord when his marriage fell apart shortly after the holiday season that year. He'd spend his personal time doing outdoorsy stuff with other coworkers (he was friend to all). We remained good friends at work; we'd take walks, hang out, have lunch together, and he'd occasionally ask me what's new in BDO, but he never returned to gaming or Discord. When covid hit, our work went remote, so we didn't really talk so much any more, just Teams chat and texting a few times. On Aug 24, 2021, he tragically took his own life. It was a devastating shock that none of us saw coming. It seems sometimes those who hurt the most, hide it the best. I will forever miss him and keep the memories of our time spent together close to my heart.

A recent memorable moment: winning the Outlaws of Margoria outfit in the Terrmian Vacation Project Event. I gave the outfit to my Corsair, and I like it a lot! I've customized her look with a little mix & match. She got to model her new look in the Find the GMs! Event and I was lucky enough to be one of the top 10 winners in that too.

Outlaws of Margoria Mix & Match


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