Reason I ask. I very lightly dabbled in BDO for over a year before the introduction of the Corsair. So that Summer Season was my very first season and had NO idea what i was doing as far as enhancing. I ended up "rage" graduating my Corsair from all my failed attempst at enhancing so i could move on. Now I'm much better enlightened and have successfully upgraded PEN Tuvala for each of the following seasons. There's usualy a ton of upgrading materials left over after a season, and technically, the old not fully upgraded Tuvala I have "could" have become full PEN if i had only known what I was doing. So how about a one time upgrade deal on old Tuvala for each slot?? Please
Just create a new season character and upgrade your new tuvala...
yea i don't get the point of this. u already have at least 2 sets of full pen tuvala, whats the point in another? boss alt dont need pen tuvala