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UTC 1 : 35 Jul 27, 2024
CEST 3 : 35 Jul 27, 2024
PDT 18 : 35 Jul 26, 2024
EDT 21 : 35 Jul 26, 2024
DP should not be a nearly useless stat in pvp.
Oct 22, 2022, 00:22 (UTC)
7575 122
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Last Edit : Feb 16, 2023, 09:03 (UTC)
# 81

yes the reduced damage works very badly it needs to be fixed unlike the evasion which works too much instead

Lv Private
Last Edit : Feb 18, 2023, 06:19 (UTC)
# 82

i think if someone is playing a tanky class, the focus there shouldnt be "i cant kill the rat bc they run" it should be "wow this idiot has to cc me 4 times to kill me, what a loser" 

like if youre playing a class that is ratty and quick and all that im fine with dying in 1-2 combos, but if youre playing a 450 dp musa and have 270ap im a bit pissed off that i get literally 3 skilled by that, it just doesnt make sense, or the 430 dp valk hitting me with one stab at 290ap and im just dead at 380 dp 

like make it make sense is all, low durabily classes should do good dmg, high durability classes should do less dmg and laugh at people having to cc them like 2-4 times if theyre geared, the way dp and class balance works stat wise just doesnt make sense at all rn, like me on a ninja, i would much prefer to be able to 1-2 combo most people and be one shot, if the strikers valks nova etc wasnt doing almost the same or more dmg than i am and taking 3x the dmg to kill

Last Edit : Feb 18, 2023, 13:08 (UTC)
# 83
On: Feb 18, 2023, 06:19 (UTC), Written by Raizer218

i think if someone is playing a tanky class, the focus there shouldnt be "i cant kill the rat bc they run" it should be "wow this idiot has to cc me 4 times to kill me, what a loser" 

like if youre playing a class that is ratty and quick and all that im fine with dying in 1-2 combos, but if youre playing a 450 dp musa and have 270ap im a bit pissed off that i get literally 3 skilled by that, it just doesnt make sense, or the 430 dp valk hitting me with one stab at 290ap and im just dead at 380 dp 

like make it make sense is all, low durabily classes should do good dmg, high durability classes should do less dmg and laugh at people having to cc them like 2-4 times if theyre geared, the way dp and class balance works stat wise just doesnt make sense at all rn, like me on a ninja, i would much prefer to be able to 1-2 combo most people and be one shot, if the strikers valks nova etc wasnt doing almost the same or more dmg than i am and taking 3x the dmg to kill

Some class simply do too much damage like the mua or valk, but that's not the DP's fault, it's balance issue, those classes should be nerfed, PA just don't care, just reroll bro, don't you got pearls?

244 4634
Lv 63
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Last Edit : Feb 19, 2023, 05:53 (UTC)
# 85
On: Feb 19, 2023, 04:39 (UTC), Written by GodSlinger

If you dont play ranged, and you dont have evasion, or play a class that has infinite iframes with super armors (Sorc for some reason) you're going to get farmed. PA doesnt care, and the people who balance for them are dents. Nothing is going to change.

Most improved game my ass lol.

Evasion doesnt help as much as people think you need over 1200 eva or even more with a evasion class an still get shredded, also fgs+iframes > Sa+ iframes SA doesnt reduce damage , it more stops you from being cced. Range with high accuracy negates evasions existence. Basically either perma iframe with fgs or range class. 

Last Edit : Feb 19, 2023, 10:12 (UTC)
# 86
On: Oct 22, 2022, 00:22 (UTC), Written by Dimitreus

Title: DP should not be a nearly useless stat in pvp.
Family Name: Stregain

Region (NA/EU): NA

Suggestion/Comments: AP way outscales DP in pvp, especially at the far higher end of AP brackets. The one-shot meta is kind of old and pvp would feel better if it were slowed down just a little bit and allowed for a comeback or two in fights.

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One thing about AOS makes me happy is that we don't one shot each other no matter what! 

isn't that wired? Cause when i went to BA and legit one shot a player on 312DP with 255AP but yet i can't in AOS why?

If PA knew to balance stats like that from the very begining they why is it not changed?

to find out more watch this post.



Ad over.

Last Edit : Feb 19, 2023, 11:28 (UTC)
# 87
On: Feb 19, 2023, 05:53 (UTC), Written by TitanOfWar

Evasion doesnt help as much as people think you need over 1200 eva or even more with a evasion class an still get shredded, also fgs+iframes > Sa+ iframes SA doesnt reduce damage , it more stops you from being cced. Range with high accuracy negates evasions existence. Basically either perma iframe with fgs or range class. 

So if you are a gearlet then you will be destroyed, shocking....

244 4634
Lv 63
Last Edit : Feb 19, 2023, 21:59 (UTC)
# 88
On: Feb 19, 2023, 11:28 (UTC), Written by CatDK

So if you are a gearlet then you will be destroyed, shocking....

1200 eva = gearlet right . Even with 1300 your barely able to take 2 hits an you will barely hit 281ap and under 900 acc so you aint doing  damage or if you are your wasting your time

Edit: 1400 eva = evasion offhand + cents + sicils+ blurr set + eva artifacts , 2 x ethereal , 226/208/508. Thats tet Fg and rest acc being ap.

This you will be able to "tank"

For a well rounded build  which is 1200 eva an you will still get one shot= eva off hand + eva arts + splendid alch stone of destruction. Also you will need dawns for earrings so you can hit anything = 296/298/ 433. Also still get one shot by specific classes. So you screwed either way.

Last Edit : Feb 19, 2023, 22:01 (UTC)
# 89
On: Feb 19, 2023, 21:48 (UTC), Written by TitanOfWar

1200 eva = gearlet right . Even with 1300 your barely able to take 2 hits an you will barely hit 281ap and under 900 acc so you aint doing  damage or if you are your wasting your time

At bellow 1.2k eva don't even bother with eva and yeah for defensive builds you need close to hardcap to be viable, if you don't have that then don't stack eva.

244 4634
Lv 63
Last Edit : Feb 19, 2023, 22:08 (UTC)
# 90
On: Feb 19, 2023, 22:01 (UTC), Written by CatDK

At bellow 1.2k eva don't even bother with eva and yeah for defensive builds you need close to hardcap to be viable, if you don't have that then don't stack eva.

That is hard cap an your still being one shot 99% of the time ... Thats the biggest issue, range classes have to much damage , melee classes moving mach 1 do to much damage an being tanky if they hard cap eva or the ones who can be tanky with that gear can still do stupid amounts of damage well also having success grab rate +30%(should be removed no one should have ignore resist as a passive) :|, the power creep just makes it where your either one shotting each other or you are a specific two classes with full eva , it makes no sense when some classes rely on comboing an cc resets ( which most of the time are completely dead right now since everyone one shots you before you get to them)   then you have other classes who shred through FGs and SA from a distance or  they are moving mach 1 and do the same thing with the best SA trading an best rotation of protections in game doing near the highest damage in game... like what? 

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