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Install Guide

1 Run BlackDesert_Installer_NAEU.exe to install the Black Desert launcher.

2 Start the game once installation is complete.


UTC 1 : 26 Jul 27, 2024
CEST 3 : 26 Jul 27, 2024
PDT 18 : 26 Jul 26, 2024
EDT 21 : 26 Jul 26, 2024
#Warrior #Ranger #Sorceress #Berserker #Tamer #Musa #Maehwa #Valkyrie #Kunoichi #Ninja #Wizard #Witch #Dark Knight #Striker #Mystic #Lahn #Archer #Shai #Guardian #Hashashin #Nova #Sage #Corsair #Drakania
Class modifiers are the most idiotic thing PA introduced to the game.
Dec 13, 2022, 04:58 (UTC)
4718 38
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Last Edit : Dec 13, 2022, 05:03 (UTC)
# 1

Im not even going to argue or trying to explain why this idea is idiotic, just look at the modifiers some CLASSES have and deduct on your own why it is BAD for the game pvp balance. 

I SEE NO REASON AT ALL why some classes are priviledged to have 20-30% damage advantae over other classes (yes, one class deal below 100%, and the other deals above 100% to that specific class, making up the advantage). This thing has to go along with a man who decided to implement THIS into the game. The classes mentioned below in the screen have all good modifiers, those classes are considered broken in pvp right now, i wonder why. Hmmmmmm 

18 79
Lv Private
Last Edit : Dec 13, 2022, 16:38 (UTC)
# 2

problem is when u figure out all your upgrades are worth less than on classes with good mods, offesively and defensively, and that some clases basically get almsot auto free win vs you "just because".

Last Edit : Dec 14, 2022, 12:11 (UTC)
# 3

Class modifiers should go, they should balance with pvp damage %, not this way, is just unfair.

Last Edit : Dec 14, 2022, 12:24 (UTC)
# 4

why does my class have such stupid nerfs for damage vs all the classes that are already stronger than me via their kts or that i have to meet in my melee awakening skills?

and most of them classes also have way higherpcp class damage modifiers vs me.  and im the immobile class that has to soak damage and dont have unbreakable block AND am super target for grapples?  -.-'

why is this a thing? "flatten" the modifiers so that some dont get "auto wins" just because of class selection. how are some of these numbers even fair? 

Last Edit : Dec 14, 2022, 12:40 (UTC)
# 5
On: Dec 14, 2022, 12:20 (UTC), Written by WhySoSeeryus

why does my class have such stupid nerfs for damage vs all the classes that are already stronger than me via their kts or that i have to meet in my melee awakening skills?

and most of them classes also have way higherpcp class damage modifiers vs me.  and im the immobile class that has to soak damage and dont have unbreakable block AND am super target for grapples?  -.-'

why is this a thing? "flatten" the modifiers so that some dont get "auto wins" just because of class selection. how are some of these numbers even fair? 

Berserker has roughly 24% damage advantage over ranger and 27% against wizzard. 

No wonder why this game balance is so complete garbage. 

18 79
Lv Private
Last Edit : Dec 14, 2022, 13:36 (UTC)
# 6

the only reason class mods should ever be needed or used is if you are unable to simply adjust a classes dmg mods and accuracy to achieve the results you wish to achieve. in otherwords incompetance and unability to achieve desired damage outputs and dmg intakes is the only reason class mods should ever be used. pa you should be embarressed for implementing these class mods 

Last Edit : Dec 14, 2022, 16:44 (UTC)
# 7
On: Dec 14, 2022, 12:20 (UTC), Written by WhySoSeeryus

why does my class have such stupid nerfs for damage vs all the classes that are already stronger than me via their kts or that i have to meet in my melee awakening skills?

and most of them classes also have way higherpcp class damage modifiers vs me.  and im the immobile class that has to soak damage and dont have unbreakable block AND am super target for grapples?  -.-'

why is this a thing? "flatten" the modifiers so that some dont get "auto wins" just because of class selection. how are some of these numbers even fair? 

I feel your pain. But they clearly didnt care when making the ratios.
A huge clusterfuck of problems.

Last Edit : Dec 17, 2022, 19:24 (UTC)
# 8

Complete Booty Juice.
Get rid of it.

Last Edit : Jan 15, 2023, 11:15 (UTC)
# 9

R E M O V E class modifiers please!

15 266
Lv Private
Last Edit : Jan 19, 2023, 20:20 (UTC)
# 10

REMOVE CLASS MODIFIERS PLEASE AND ALSO AP/DP STONES FROM PVP! Such random boosts are completely unnecessary for the game at large and only makes already laggy non-cap wars/siege to base result on even more on just having fotm class and a having random luck of getting ap or dp stones in use. Literally spitting in the face of actual effort or skill based combat.

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