Black Desert will begin in a moment.

Install the Black Desert Launcher if the game doesn't start.

Install the Black Desert Launcher to start the game.

The launcher will appear if it's installed.
If it doesn't, try to run your downloaded launcher.

Install Guide

1 Run BlackDesert_Installer_NAEU.exe to install the Black Desert launcher.

2 Start the game once installation is complete.


UTC 1 : 38 Jul 27, 2024
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EDT 21 : 38 Jul 26, 2024
Gender lock
Dec 24, 2022, 21:09 (UTC)
6570 63
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Last Edit : Dec 24, 2022, 21:09 (UTC)
# 1

Please get rid of gender lock. At least for the classes where it wouldn't be detrimental to the lore or development of the characters. I can't stand playing a female character in this game. I don't like the "jiggle" mechanic. It isn't a selling point to me and it makes trying the female classes (also the only gender of classes that seem to be pursued) feel like it's supposed to be a soft core pornography role-playing simulator. Not why I'm playing video games bro. There are other sites for that. Gender lock is lame and shuts off 75% of the game for me. I'm sure I'm not the only one. 

Last Edit : Jan 5, 2023, 18:36 (UTC)
# 2

Homie, Black Desert has been gender locked since launch and I don't think there's any intention at all to change that. They're locked for lore reasons, don't smash R and read a bit when you're questing.

If you're going to be blind-sided by this and not see BDO for what it is outside of a gender lock, you should look into another MMO.

8 176
Lv 62
Last Edit : Dec 24, 2022, 21:47 (UTC)
# 3


I'm complaining about the same stuff a whole bunch of people are complaining about. I know it's been gender locked. Why isn't there a focus on putting out male characters too though? Sex sells. Sex is money. I blow money on male character cosmetics. I don't play the female characters because im tired of the constant sex being pushed in my face. I can Google it if that's what im going for. I just want to play a game that lets me be a bad ass knocking down some mobs and stuff. AND I'd like the option for variety. 

Also don't try to "lore" shame me. "There are female characters because that's the story man". No bro, there are female characters because you can purchase Pearl shop sex outfits and this game panders to people who pay money to stare at an animated female they dress up to sexual fantasy. Get off your high horse. "Lore". Right. 

Last Edit : Jan 5, 2023, 18:40 (UTC)
# 4
On: Dec 24, 2022, 21:47 (UTC), Written by LtPlush


I'm complaining about the same stuff a whole bunch of people are complaining about. I know it's been gender locked. Why isn't there a focus on putting out male characters too though? Sex sells. Sex is money. I blow money on male character cosmetics. I don't play the female characters because im tired of the constant sex being pushed in my face. I can Google it if that's what im going for. I just want to play a game that lets me be a bad ass knocking down some mobs and stuff. AND I'd like the option for variety. 

Also don't try to "lore" shame me. "There are female characters because that's the story man". No bro, there are female characters because you can purchase Pearl shop sex outfits and this game panders to people who pay money to stare at an animated female they dress up to sexual fantasy. Get off your high horse. "Lore". Right. 

Nice, you determine that sex sells. Don't think anyone has thought about that before...

Obviously, that's a big reason for female characters to be pushed, it's also backed by lore is what I'm saying. Your post and reply are extremely personal and ponder a small percentage of the player base, if it was a bigger problem then a change would've been made long ago or a bigger threshold of gender complaints would be in the forums or the official Discord. There is no "everyone is complaining" here man, eventually male classes will be added, I'm sure some type of balance in numbers will be done slowly.

I'm just saying, don't get blind-sided by something so stupid as cosmetics or an over-abundance of genders. Enjoy the game you're on for what it is. You're a new player, get this train of thought out of your head and explore the game, not this nonsense. Spend your time playing, don't focus too hard on cosmetics.  :)

8 176
Lv 62
Last Edit : Dec 25, 2022, 02:35 (UTC)
# 5

Don't argue your point by making inflammatory statements and then attempt to play it off like I'm the bad guy.  And no, the producers of any game would not overtly admit there is a flaw with their business strategy as long as it is making them money, i.e. sex sells. I'm not sure where you got the idea that I felt I discovered that strategy either, as you tried to use as an undermining tactic for my reply. I won't argue with you anymore in this thread. If you'd like to continue feel free to hit me up in game. I'll send you my discord and we can have a conversation with *slightly* less ambiguity. 

This was deleted by the writer.
Last Edit : Dec 25, 2022, 08:58 (UTC)
# 7

Well, sex sells and it's also backed by lore. I wouldn't be against removing the gender lock, but I think it won't happen because of these reasons. Just saying. 

Last Edit : Dec 25, 2022, 17:06 (UTC)
# 8

Okay. Drop the Remove Gender lock verbiage, and let's change it to something more like, can we add male counterparts to the classes where it DOESN'T affect LORE. Those are capital not because I'm being a jerk but just to highlight them. Could we agree that there are SOME classes where a male version of the class would not affect the development of lore around the base classes? 

I prefer to play the male characters in the game because when I'm running around slapping mobs I can relate more to a male character because subconsciously I insert myself into the class I'm playing and when that class is a male I have a more personal mental investment in building up that character. I think that is a more developed and articulate approach to voice my complaint. I understand the significance of Gender locking some classes due to the role a class plays in the development of the story arc, and what I was originally getting at is that I think with the current split of male to female characters I just want the developers to consider, where possible, to introduce the male counterparts of SOME classes because at least part of their fan base really care about relating to their characters as they  play through the game. This didn't start out as an angry rant about the gender of the classes available, or wasn't supposed to anyway. The intent of the post was to just ask that the team consider the people playing who want to relate on some level to their character in a meaningful way. And in this case specifically, I was speaking personally for me (and I think some of the player base would agree) just having the male counterpart when applicable to grind through the game. Usually for the 10th time, you know? It's like reading a book, you want to have an emotional investment in the lead protagonist of the story, and for me, as well as SOME others out there, being able to build a strong bond with that protagonist is sometimes difficult in this style of character design if the gender is not one you can relate to. Again, I'm not trying to be a jerk on the internet, just voicing an intimate concern because I want to continue loving this game, zipping around some zones, and laying out some mobs. My apologies for emotive comments in the thread. It was not my original intent to invoke that kind of conversation. I just want this point of view considered for the future because I know there are others out there who feel the same way. 

Also, I gladly blow money on my characters when I get that good bond because I too have no self control once I feel invested with my character and their progression. (Just a joke, but also serious about it happening).

Last Edit : Dec 26, 2022, 15:13 (UTC)
# 9
On: Dec 24, 2022, 21:09 (UTC), Written by LtPlush

Please get rid of gender lock. At least for the classes where it wouldn't be detrimental to the lore or development of the characters. I can't stand playing a female character in this game. I don't like the "jiggle" mechanic. It isn't a selling point to me and it makes trying the female classes (also the only gender of classes that seem to be pursued) feel like it's supposed to be a soft core pornography role-playing simulator. Not why I'm playing video games bro. There are other sites for that. Gender lock is lame and shuts off 75% of the game for me. I'm sure I'm not the only one. 

These boob/ thigh thirsty mofos going to down vote your post into oblivion. I'm with you in mind on this but these Korean developers not going to change. Every game coming out that country is of the same mindset and push the fox tale but plug agenda because they know 95% of their male population drools over anime boobs.

It's a selling point for their games and will never change. As I said before, these Korean companies about to have some competition here soon and there will be "True" fantasy immersive games with non-gender lock, Dwarves, Orcs, and better group balance set ups for PvE and PvP, so hold onto your hopes and money because BDO will never change.

14 385
Lv Private
Last Edit : Dec 27, 2022, 20:45 (UTC)
# 10

If we take away sex appeal = profit, Korean MMORPG "culture" (if you will) and lore, gender locking would be a detriment to PvP.  I know you stated what "you" want, but have you ever thought of how it would affect others?  You know, others who aren't in your echo chamber?  Let me explain how removing gender lock would greatly negatively impact PvP -- it seems inocuous to you, since you're clearly new and very uneducated on the game, but take it from someone who's been PvE'ing and PvP'ing here since 2016.

PvP here is fast.

Faster than any other MMO I've ever come across.  Classes zip, dash, fly, and gap close like no tomorrow and being able to quickly recognize classes on the battlefield is critical in effectively PvP'ing.  Each class' kit being unique enough that the need for well-versed matchup-knowledge plays a huge role in successful PvP.  Let's save class imbalance, the powercreep, gear, FPS = DPS, and scaling of AP for another discussion --> just bare-bones and straight up, PvP skill includes the need for solid matchup-knowledge (how other classes work) in order to succeed. 

With how fast BDO's PvP is, you need to recognize what class(es) you're dealing with in a fraction of a millisecond and compute your ways of fighting them within that millisecond -- this computation in your brain needs to be natural and second nature -- and given how fast these classes are PLUS how many people you may need to gauge at one time (in group PvP and 1vX situations), the recognizability of each class plays a HUGE role in this big aspect of the game.  You need to identify classes in a literal instant, in many scenarios. And, at times, there may be dozens of people in the vicinity at one time.

Many classes move and can appear near-idential in your perifery, but have very different kits that make each class unique to fight against.  Musa and Maewha (one of the fastest point A to point B classes) dashing at you look literally identical, but each have their own unique kits and you do not fight a Musa like you do a Maewha.  They each have their own animations, protected abilities, and catches.  Same with Ninja and Kunoichi.  They may share some same catches, but overall, they perform differently. 

In BDO, recognizing character models and even things like the costume they're wearing and the sound of their voices lend to quickly assessing what classes are on the battlefield.  When PvP'ing (one of BDO's biggest aspects), identifying classes in a millisecond is critical for PvP success, in both your performance and the feeling of smoothness and naturalness when playing this content with others.

Classes in BDO have identity. 

Unlike other MMO's where classes in PvP are identifyed purely on kit, and kit alone, BDO is more -- classes are also identified by aesthetic.  IMO, other MMO's can function fine without character model aesthetics because they're much slower, giving you enough time to recognize classes based on abilities, but in BDO, combat is too fast for this to be okay.  In PvP, you need to recognize what class is coming at you, is in your face, approaching you, or what class you're engaging on within milliseconds because each class is fought differently enough that matchup-knowledge plays a huge role in quickly identifying classes to be important.  Not to mention how fast BDO PvP can be.  Altering gender will affect this on a detrimental scale, making PvP worse.

For any experienced PvP'er, just imagine a non-Kunoichi Ninja, a female class with Ninja kit -- how would you deal with this?  It would take impactfully longer to assess the class, and if that opponent recognizes your class before you do, this gives them a huge advantage without the need for any skill or gear.  How about a non-Maewha Musa?  Removing gender lock would break PvP even more by dismantling the ability for players to quickly assess matchups to a great degree, which happens to be a key ingredient for successful and enjoyable PvP, from a very base standpoint.  Functionally speaking, it will worsen the experience more than benefit IMO.  We have class counterparts -- almost all classes having a gender counterpart.  While the kits and META-viability may vary, it is necessary in this game, for reasons.  Want to play as a male?  Roll the male counterpart.  But you like the female counterpart's kit better than the male's?  Then cry, I guess, because BDO wouldn't (and shouldn't) change this part of the game (gender lock) for many reasons.  Biggest reason, to me, is it makes identifying classes a net-negative on PvP, on top of all the other negatives already in existence.

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