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Install Guide

1 Run BlackDesert_Installer_NAEU.exe to install the Black Desert launcher.

2 Start the game once installation is complete.


UTC 1 : 56 Jul 27, 2024
CEST 3 : 56 Jul 27, 2024
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EDT 21 : 56 Jul 26, 2024
Complete disconnect between Developers and BDO Class balance
Jan 2, 2023, 07:43 (UTC)
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Last Edit : Jan 2, 2023, 19:32 (UTC)
# 1

Another Global labs patch notes gone by and yet another Buff to already high damage classes....

I wish i was at a lose for words, unfortunatly the amount of utter contempt i feel for the Dev's right now and my patiance with there direction or lack of understanding is almost at a breaking point.

Bitting my tongue is becoming next to imposible at this point.

Buffing and another rework to the ranger?!?!?!? are you kidding me right now????????????

buff to the ninja and rework/buff for kuno ???


BUFF TO THE HASH ????????????????????????????????

Am in some type of groundhog day were this trash repeats itself over and over again....

only thing that is missing now is another to buff the already broken Zerker and give a grab to the Musa and the Sorc....... Dont forget to make sure you buff witch and wizard

You have Ranger,Musa,Zerker at the top of the A list for kills in NW/Siege

followed by Witch/wiz, Guradian,ninja,Lahn and hash.

Ninja Just got a massive PVE buff were Succ Ninja already one of the best PVE classes in game.

Now you cap Node Wars literally crap on all the classes that really are in D tier and Need gear to make it work.. then buff a range class i mean really ?!?!?! what metrics are you people actually seeing....

Musa absolutly needs a Nerf

Zerker Needs a Nerf as well as a FIX to his grab were he can hold players in V.
Succ Ninja as well as sorc needs to have there Damage as well as down smashes put in check especially when you can litterally keep people on the ground indefinetly or untill killed.
DK even after the min Nerf did absolutly SQUAT to tone it down in the least.
Lahn------- when you can have guys running around getting 300 kills at NW yet what ever like it matters.

Dev's you guys are literal clowns..... Classes that actually need some serious help get completely ignored.

Succ Mystic needs help for Large scale as well as NW/Siege she is one of the most underused classes and her awakening is literally DP meme CC bot only.

Succ Valk you guys completely trashed with your stupid skill changes that not only nerfed its effectivness but pretty much trashed its damage. it has been nerfed into the ground over the past year and a half and has become one of the bottom tier classes in BDO in both grinding and NW/Siege.

Succ warrior is the same

Succ and awakened Tamer is literally one of the worst classes in BDO.

I mean i could really continue.. Looking at the Global labs after this patch and seeing the buffs after getting the news that 85% of NW will be capped i am seeing Red what in the hell are you guys doing.





On: Jan 2, 2023, 17:25 (UTC), Written by Potato

How i see things work. Developer adjust game based on demands/feedback from publishers, what happens in reality developers doing random changes while publisher have zero communication with upset  playerbase, Its like publishers forgot  that they work for playbackdesert and go all in on twitch/reddit/discord, where game experts with progress of few hours ( mainly leeching season to 61 and begone till next season) give them quality feedbacks.

tl dr. I do think publishers responsible for what's happening, otherwise they would at least care to defend themself.

PA Developers and PA Publishing are one and the same.

My response

PA Developers and PA Publishing are one and the same.

Specifically the blame for all of this lie directly on there shoulders, be it a buisness model or not knowing what the hell they are doing you can pick it.

It falls back to what ever data or specific feedback they are getting, in all interpretations what they are doing and there course of action has thus far proven they simple do not understand the current 99% of the playerbase. Who or what they are listening to is similar to what happened on twitter it took fresh leadership to expose the corruption from within. I realize that this is not some media platform and my ability to speak here is limited by there willingness to "Put up" with my statements and at any time they could very well bury this thread as Neg publicity and ban my account.

I am going after the developers/publisher both on this, if i dont and stay silent it will continue, i am hoping this thread wakes people up and gets the conversation going and eventually someone from up there will listen. We need a better direction in game and it needed to start a long time ago but will take that it starts NOW for the health of BDO and the community we really need to find a better ground so we dont lose the game all together.

Last Edit : Jan 2, 2023, 08:12 (UTC)
# 2

Yeah they are totally clueless. They keep buffing classes that are already way too strong.

Kinda funny how much they don't care about their own game, even when there is a certain class that is nearly as popular in AOS than the second and third most popular combined they still not adjust it, even if he is also extremely broken in the open aswell. Good thing they play with their own game :D

244 4634
Lv 63
Last Edit : Jan 2, 2023, 08:15 (UTC)
# 3

Awaken kuno? Shes not really great at large scale atm. But the things they shouldve focused on was her PvE but idk i dont really understand their patch note translations. I only know they did something weird to kunos delighted. Removing the float idk how this will affect her. Seems pve was touched but seems they focused on PvP which doesnt seem right since she can handle her self pretty well.

Ranger on the other hand... Thats a major wtf. Looks like sorc with out the stam issues, also the others buff i wont comment on.

Last Edit : Jan 2, 2023, 08:14 (UTC)
# 4

I've gave reasonable comment but,  just git gut and watch partner stream to get juicy drops! Get rid of useless streamer and hire proper employee who can communicate with playerbase rather than twitch/discord/reddit social/private trolls.

Not a single ingame survey in ~6years of  game.

Last Edit : Jan 2, 2023, 09:18 (UTC)
# 5
On: Jan 2, 2023, 08:12 (UTC), Written by CatDK

Yeah they are totally clueless. They keep buffing classes that are already way too strong.

Kinda funny how much they don't care about their own game, even when there is a certain class that is nearly as popular in AOS than the second and third most popular combined they still not adjust it, even if he is also extremely broken in the open aswell. Good thing they play with their own game :D

Yah i absolutely agree, last 2 patches have been horibble news back to back doesnt seem like it is ending.

On: Jan 2, 2023, 08:13 (UTC), Written by TitanOfWar

Awaken kuno? Shes not really great at large scale atm. But the things they shouldve focused on was her PvE but idk i dont really understand their patch note translations. I only know they did something weird to kunos delighted. Removing the float idk how this will affect her. Seems pve was touched but seems they focused on PvP which doesnt seem right since she can handle her self pretty well.

Ranger on the other hand... Thats a major wtf. Looks like sorc with out the stam issues, also the others buff i wont comment on.

Not trying to pick on one specific class but lets be honest Kuno go tuned down a bit for a reason, a good kuno is a really tough fight especially a geared one there are not many anymore but that is Meta change for you. she is still strong but they never really did anything with her PVE that she absoluty sucks at.

Ranger though i am really shaking my head at it makes litterally ZERO sense.

On: Jan 2, 2023, 08:14 (UTC), Written by Potato

I've gave reasonable comment but,  just git gut and watch partner stream to get juicy drops! Get rid of useless streamer and hire proper employee who can communicate with playerbase rather than twitch/discord/reddit social/private trolls.

Not a single ingame survey in ~6years of  game.

You are correct they have not, in my point of view tried to reach out enough to get the over all player base it seams like they are getting metrics and suggestions from a VERY small group of people. Those people have eather limited playtime and very limited skill set, it seems they have no inclination other than what single class they play and if it is effective to Pepega hands or able to kill without skill at all. if they cant kill another class or get wrecked by a class that other class gets nerfed so they can beat it.

Last Edit : Jan 2, 2023, 09:39 (UTC)
# 6
On: Jan 2, 2023, 09:08 (UTC), Written by ReconKangas

You are correct they have not, in my point of view tried to reach out enough to get the over all player base it seams like they are getting metrics and suggestions from a VERY small group of people. Those people have eather limited playtime and very limited skill set, it seems they have no inclination other than what single class they play and if it is effective to single low IQ mentality.

Where did you think that "small group of people" go after TERA shotdown ? Shai is the new Eline, just wait for cars to come. As for class balance, what balance w/o combat log, can you proof that what they change in patchnotes is real? No, you can't.

Last Edit : Jan 2, 2023, 09:47 (UTC)
# 7

Balance do not exist.

All is about Metashifting, to renew player experience and increase player retention.

A *balance* game is a finished game, which stops being updated. Where people play the way of the game, the permanent Meta.

Us Valk we don't have word about other class being buff. lel.

Last Edit : Jan 2, 2023, 10:01 (UTC)
# 8
On: Jan 2, 2023, 09:45 (UTC), Written by Catastigma

Balance do not exist.

All is about Metashifting, to renew player experience and increase player retention.

A *balance* game is a finished game, which stops being updated. Where people play the way of the game, the permanent Meta.

Us Valk we don't have word about other class being buff. lel.

What you described calling  FOTM cash grab, yes PA intentionally doing FOTM cash grabs for a long time, but this is not balancing, this is FOTM cash grab.

When you call it what it is, it's doesn't sounds pleasant anymore right ?

Last Edit : Jan 2, 2023, 10:05 (UTC)
# 9
On: Jan 2, 2023, 09:45 (UTC), Written by Catastigma

Balance do not exist.

All is about Metashifting, to renew player experience and increase player retention.

A *balance* game is a finished game, which stops being updated. Where people play the way of the game, the permanent Meta.

Us Valk we don't have word about other class being buff. lel.

Yeah I'm pretty sure if FOTM trash players will 2tap other players that will increase player retention KAPPA

If you would actually bother to check factual evidence and studies on the subject you would know that it's in fact the opposite. Long term attachment makes player stay longer. On the other hand it's significantly easier and cheaper to just release a copy paste asset recycle class for easy bucks than building a game for longterm profit....

244 4634
Lv 63
Last Edit : Jan 2, 2023, 11:51 (UTC)
# 10

Cool i guess...

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