This is my first time in BDO.
I upgraded my full Tuvala set on my season character, I used Furghar timepiece and converted my season character to normal one. Refering to videos and guide I should have quests at Fughar npc, but I have nothing there now I can't equip my Pen Tuvala gear and exchange it for TET boss gear like they said in all guides. Can someone help me solve his problem ?
What I did:
1. Created second character,
2. Used time piece on non seasonal server,
3. My legacy character is now non seasonal,
4. I can use PEN TUVALA gear and I cant convert gear for a nonseasonal .. I can't play my legacy character..
You only can exchange them after you graduate.
You cannot early graduate yet. Simple as that. The guides don't mention it because they're aimed at when early graduation becomes possible. As it isn't yet, there is not much you can do except getting narchillian gear for your non season char and play that one.
Or just play the seasonal char you have with the pen tuvala you have. Both are options
You cannot early graduate yet. Simple as that. The guides don't mention it because they're aimed at when early graduation becomes possible. As it isn't yet, there is not much you can do except getting narchillian gear for your non season char and play that one.
Or just play the seasonal char you have with the pen tuvala you have. Both are options
Thanks for the answer !
Well that's what I wanted to know. Well .. I will write to support and ask them to rollback my account to a state before I used Fughar's timepiece if it's not possible .. unlucky and I will uninstall happends :)
Thanks for help once again. :)