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UTC 1 : 8 Jul 27, 2024
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Fix BDO's Karma System
Jan 8, 2023, 22:24 (UTC)
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Last Edit : Jan 8, 2023, 22:24 (UTC)
# 1

Title: Fix BDO's Karma System 
Family Name:

Region (NA/EU): NA

Suggestion/Comments:  I outline the main points of my idea here in this video here:
Please watch the video before commenting!

TLDR, deminishing returns on Karma loss will lower instances of karma griefing, combat detection system will reduce mobfeeding/exploitation, and elmininate scum healing/buffing from under level 50 characters/protected players/non-gvg partied players.
Additionally, I didn't mention it in the video, but there should be a Karma loss & auto-flag activation for trap griefing because right now a player who sets a trap can Alt + C, a random player can hit that trap, and the playe who sets the trap does not become flagged and thus cannot be fought over it. The player is likely to strip gear for maximum karma griefing should you decide to flag up and kill them, and likely has other nearby players to ambush should you go negative. This happens pretty often. The solution is to flag the player who sets the trap if another player triggers it.
Lv Private
Last Edit : Jan 9, 2023, 09:09 (UTC)
# 2

Because of the crystal cost increase, it's going to be an even bigger mess as you described. Yes. The karma system should get an attention at this point. And you gave an interesting idea too. Here's a like from me. :)

How soon will it be remedied... I don't know. This kind of topic is and was always a heated one.

Last Edit : Jan 9, 2023, 12:08 (UTC)
# 3

I can't agree with you Zeroden: I think the karma system is satisfying for most of the whole player base.

Some would like to PK without sanctions, some would like the sanctions to be bigger, some would like to have pve servers only, some would like to have better protections against pkers...

The karma system is there to avoid what you mention in your video: killing several times a player. (when you talk about losing karma the 1st time, the half the 2nd time and then none, which would be totally cheated!)

I can't agree with that since when a player pked me, when I had no gear, I used to let him kill me 2 or 3 times and then he left. Without the karma system, I would have been assaulted continuously and unable to play.

I never griefed anybody so I'm not in that category. However it stops nobody to kill, there's no need for a reason to kill another player.

I'd rather have another system to avoid griefers: each zone of grinding should have a "validation point". When a player activates that point, the zone would be activated for 1 hour 5 minutes for that player and anybody with him in group. Which means for the player who is "validated" in that zone, if anybody else comes to grief, the validated player could pk him without any loss of karma.

Also, each player who enters the validated zone would have a timer (like 10 minutes) to be killed by the validated guys even out of zone, to avoid the griefer who comes and goes constantly.

Last Edit : Jan 9, 2023, 13:39 (UTC)
# 4

is 300k enough karma why not 1 mill karma?

Lv Private
Last Edit : Jan 9, 2023, 13:41 (UTC)
# 5

why do we need karma why cant 2 players fight best 2 out of 3 and then the losing player can not enter that zone for a set amount of time like invisble force field appears and they cannot eneter it or they cannot attack u after losing to u three times 

Lv Private
Last Edit : Jan 9, 2023, 13:42 (UTC)
# 6

they need to do away with that lvl 49 bs no char can stay lvl 49 forever

Lv Private
Last Edit : Jan 9, 2023, 13:59 (UTC)
# 7

I can't agree with you Zeroden.....

Did you know that you can just go to a server called...

Arsha..... a PVP penalty free server.... made for people who cant stop ALT+C'ing....

Last Edit : Jan 9, 2023, 14:46 (UTC)
# 8
On: Jan 9, 2023, 13:59 (UTC), Written by ArchaicTriad

I can't agree with you Zeroden.....

Did you know that you can just go to a server called...

Arsha..... a PVP penalty free server.... made for people who cant stop ALT+C'ing....

Or you can just stop with the cheap answer about Arsha. It's out of the picture. This is a topic related to the game's main concept. It's regular channels. More specifically the undeniably exploitable karma system. :)

Last Edit : Jan 9, 2023, 14:56 (UTC)
# 9
On: Jan 9, 2023, 13:59 (UTC), Written by ArchaicTriad

I can't agree with you Zeroden.....

Did you know that you can just go to a server called...

Arsha..... a PVP penalty free server.... made for people who cant stop ALT+C'ing....

Owpvp is also part of the classic channels. You don't solve anything if your answer is to avoid it. 

Take the whole picture instead : when plain pk does not work and the other player keeps coming back, one will finally use another method... Like going to Arsha... Or using mob feeding. Using a shitty behavior to counter another shitty behavior, wonderful, right? 

No, the answer lies in a good initial system to regulate the use of pk and the consequences for dying. I'm ok for any temporary penalty which prevents a players from using pk too much AND which prevents a player from coming back after a death like nothing happened. 

Both actions must be possible, but it must be harder to do, on both sides. 

And again, if one chooses BDO because he likes regulated owpvp, Arsha will never be an answer because it is not regulated. That's a different experience, it makes no sense suggesting Arsha in this situation. 

Last Edit : Jan 9, 2023, 16:13 (UTC)
# 10
On: Jan 9, 2023, 12:05 (UTC), Written by PriseElectrique

I can't agree with you Zeroden: I think the karma system is satisfying for most of the whole player base.

Some would like to PK without sanctions, some would like the sanctions to be bigger, some would like to have pve servers only, some would like to have better protections against pkers...

The karma system is there to avoid what you mention in your video: killing several times a player. (when you talk about losing karma the 1st time, the half the 2nd time and then none, which would be totally cheated!)

I can't agree with that since when a player pked me, when I had no gear, I used to let him kill me 2 or 3 times and then he left. Without the karma system, I would have been assaulted continuously and unable to play.

I never griefed anybody so I'm not in that category. However it stops nobody to kill, there's no need for a reason to kill another player.

I'd rather have another system to avoid griefers: each zone of grinding should have a "validation point". When a player activates that point, the zone would be activated for 1 hour 5 minutes for that player and anybody with him in group. Which means for the player who is "validated" in that zone, if anybody else comes to grief, the validated player could pk him without any loss of karma.

Also, each player who enters the validated zone would have a timer (like 10 minutes) to be killed by the validated guys even out of zone, to avoid the griefer who comes and goes constantly.

By the very virtue of your statement, you allowed a player to kill you 2-3 times when you had no gear so you could maintain the spot, and then say you've never griefed anybody....I know this may be a hot take for you, but what you are describing is Karma bombing. You griefed the guy out of that spot by weaponizing his Karma against him. Nothing stopped either of you from swapping channels, and perhaps Marni realms didn't exist back then. There are tons of open channels for people to grind on, and the cooldowns being 10 minutes now make it far easier to just swap to an alt, find an open rotation, or patiently wait for the person by asking them their intention. "Hey, how much longer?"

There will never be a perfect solution, but removing your ability to Karma grief someone for wanting to grind a rotation is part of a solution that benefits more than just one type of player.

Lv Private
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