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UTC 1 : 51 Jul 27, 2024
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Ultimate Green-grade vs. Boss & Blackstar Offhand Weapons
Jan 12, 2023, 08:38 (UTC)
5553 40
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Last Edit : Jan 12, 2023, 08:55 (UTC)
# 1

Title: Ultimate Green-grade vs. Boss & Blackstar Offhand Weapons

Family Name: Viverette

Region (NA/EU): NA


With the recent addition of the crystal preset system, all Ultimate green-grade offhands now have the benefit of an additional crystal (previously one crystal for most). This change greatly affects the performance of the Ultimate green-grade offhands as additional stats are now obtainable.

The Ultimate green-grade AP offhand now performs significantly better in both PvP and PvE in comparison to the Nouver/Kutum boss and Blackstar offhands (offensively). This is due to the additional Special Attack Damage +10% stat, a powerful stat that allows players to bypass the AP limitations in capped PvP and in the large majority of PvE zones.

Furthermore, the cost of purchasing, enhancing and applying Caphras to an Ultimate green-grade offhand is remarkably cheaper than the Nouver/Kutum boss and Blackstar offhands. The performance per Silver is extremely high and for many players, (notably, end game) these offhands are starting to be considered best-in-slot for types of content.


The Ultimate green-grade offhands offer players unique alternatives to the typical Nouver, Kutum and Blackstar offhands; namely, the Accuracy and Evasion offhands. It would be a shame to have these items' performance reduced instead, the boss and Blackstar offhands should be improved to have better offensive performance.

There are various ways that the boss and Blackstar offhands could be improved for them to perform better offensively though, the most simple solution is to add Special Attack Damage +10% to them. However, doing so would greatly affect the balance of PvP and PvE and at a time whre the effectiveness of DP means very little, this would only worsen the problem.

The alternative solution is to remove the Special Attack Damage +10% from the Ultimate green-grade AP offhand. This solution would have a near-zero impact on the balance of PvP and PvE while also ensuring that Nouver, Kutum and Blackstar remain the best-in-slot offhands.

10 116
Lv Private
Last Edit : Jan 12, 2023, 16:58 (UTC)
# 2

No, they should not add more damage to the boss/blackstar offhands, and if they decide to remove them from the green AP one, then they should especially remove them from the evasion ones, as it's stupid that a defensive offhand gives large damage boost in the first place.

It's bad for the game that there are random trash items that ppl use to exploit the flaws and lack of developer care in the system. All green/blue items should be useless for anything other than being a cheap alt/newplayer item. In games where the devs actually care about the game, items like these are patched out right the moment when ppl start exploiting them, yet PA not only ignore them but even added chimeras to vendors so ppl can exploit it more kek

Alternativally they could add a reform option for kutum,nouver and boss for 10% special attack damage instead of the evasion, so players can pick an option to specialize. That way there would be tradeoff atleast.

244 4634
Lv 63
Last Edit : Jan 12, 2023, 18:36 (UTC)
# 3
On: Jan 12, 2023, 16:58 (UTC), Written by CatDK

All green/blue items should be useless for anything other than being a cheap alt/newplayer item.

I'd say they should stay in game and serve the same functions they do now, but a bit more refined (dunno how though). I mean, build variety is nice overall. Would've been better to have them as alternate boss items, but we don't. So, maybe, introduce new specialized boss gear for all the functions the greens serve right now, before gutting them... Have maybe have Jetina exchange the ultimates for boss gear type or even higher (in terms of cost to repair) that can't be registered on the CM either. Maybe the bosses from Haso could drop reform stones for that instead, but again, once reformed, you can't sell on the CM. And progression wise, they could be like Godr. Not going from base to pen, but rather begin at "+15", with similar success rates to boss/bs gear.  Then, they'd be trash no more, nor removed and ppl wouldn't be able to exploit them. And then you can even fix the stats to be specialized to the teeth :)

Last Edit : Jan 12, 2023, 19:59 (UTC)
# 4

Just make green off-hands use one crystal like before.  That way, nothing changes from pre-crystal preset system to post, basically, green off hands will be like how they've always been.

Ez fix.

Last Edit : Jan 12, 2023, 20:04 (UTC)
# 5

I am more for recycling the old that that make it completely worthless. Specially since now every new player and boss half are full Tuvala.
the first error seen precisely the existence boss piece. It's to remove a lot of diversity in the gear.
Making the old Taritas/heve/angerian/weapon/offhanhd stuff being * Fallen Goded * would be really be way more interesting.

Your complaint come from the Node War Cap that would not even exist in the first place.

If they want to have such sterile content, they might as well put the AoS gear on these nodes instead of these cap that force people to optimize Gear and Class specially for it.

Last Edit : Jan 12, 2023, 20:04 (UTC)
# 6
On: Jan 12, 2023, 19:59 (UTC), Written by PeaceInChaos

Just make green off-hands use one crystal like before.  That way, nothing changes from pre-crystal preset system to post, basically, green off hands will be like how they've always been.

Ez fix.

The point is not the extra crystal slot, but the value off that type of crystal slot. Off hand crystal slots gived high damage(corrupt) or good defense(spirits), so giving one up was punishing. Now even if you would have one less crystal slot, slots are no longer bound to items, so trading a random 5 ap crystal for 10% extra attack damage is still a very good trade so thsi would not change much.

244 4634
Lv 63
Last Edit : Jan 12, 2023, 20:08 (UTC)
# 7

I have a question, Iv been waiting about a year for my po to go in for garamoths heart, does it still allow you to use 4 crit crystals, or 4 spirit offhand crystals? If not, then i dont need that junk.

Iv run garamoth for about 2+ years now nothing but crons, so just asking to save myself that hassle.

Last Edit : Jan 12, 2023, 20:13 (UTC)
# 8
On: Jan 12, 2023, 20:01 (UTC), Written by Catastigma

I am more for recycling the old that that make it completely worthless. Specially since now every new player and boss half are full Tuvala.
the first error seen precisely the existence boss piece. It's to remove a lot of diversity in the gear.
Making the old Taritas/heve/angerian/weapon/offhanhd stuff being * Fallen Goded * would be really be way more interesting.

Your complaint come from the Node War Cap that would not even exist in the first place.

If they want to have such sterile content, they might as well put the AoS gear on these nodes instead of these cap that force people to optimize Gear and Class specially for it.

If you actually read OP's post properly, you'd realise that it's an issue as a result of the crystal preset system, not Node War caps. Also, plenty of people are swapping to the AP offhand for PvE since you can hit the AP caps even at Hexe Sanctuary.

Last Edit : Jan 12, 2023, 20:18 (UTC)
# 9

AP offhand definitely needs to be nerfed. You can hit all the important AP brackets with it for PvP and PvE so there's literally no reason to use Nouver if you want to do big damage in PvP and no reason to use Kutum since every spot in the game is AP capped. If you have double PEN Bs you can hit the AP caps even for Hexe and trolls.

Last Edit : Jan 12, 2023, 20:24 (UTC)
# 10
On: Jan 12, 2023, 20:13 (UTC), Written by Cymi

If you actually read OP's post properly, you'd realise that it's an issue as a result of the crystal preset system, not Node War caps. Also, plenty of people are swapping to the AP offhand for PvE since you can hit the AP caps even at Hexe Sanctuary.

And people mix maxing is not a bad thing.  Accuracy Offhand was still used at its day at endgear against Eva people.

That there is a reason for the existence of the old gear is great.

The green gear should never have been obsolete in the first place.

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