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UTC 1 : 44 Jul 27, 2024
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Trading ( in general according to merchang ring pieces )
Jan 13, 2023, 11:35 (UTC)
930 7
Last Edit : Jan 13, 2023, 11:39 (UTC)
# 1


Dear developers and employees of Black Desert Online. I want to thank you all for the great game and your support. Personally, I'm most interested in the rare treasures that are difficult to obtain and provide some advantage in the game. Such as infinity potions of hp, mp, map, compass. These are really useful things that you really want to get, because they are rare and have their own value. At this point I got these 4 treasures and now I'm hunting for merchant ring. I have already received 4 parts of the ring. The last part remains, which is obtained in the Oluns valley, either in ataraxion or from trade. Today it is not a secret for anyone where and which parts are obtainble and with what chances. Because it is difficult for me to find a group at that time of day when i play and actually i dislike group content, because it look like 2 hours or more to find a group and only 1 hour to grind. So i grind 1 hour insted of 2. I prefer only solo gaming and unfortanlly there are no alternatives to solo grinding that part of the ring.

Therefore, I decided to obtain it from trade. I think this is a crazy idea. Since the chances are 0.0001% And it is possible to sell only 16 goods from Arehaza per channel. However, as far as I know, no one in the world haven't gotten this part from the trade yet, because of its crazy odds, everyone prefers oluns. But it made me want to try to get this part from the trade even more. I believe that this part exists here and i will continue to do so. I am ready to spend 1000 and 2000 hours here until I get this piece.

Let's look at 3 examples of bdo players. 

1.  - A new player,.

2.  - An experienced player.

3.  - Any kind of player that  decidet to go trading.

1. Today, by creating a new character, you can make the set of PEN Tuvala for the season in a few days and grind 350-400 million per hour on the same centaurs, and under agris in general, the silver income can reach even up to 700 million per hour. And you don't need buffs, the simple cron meal and a giant's potion will be enough.

2. After your gained game experience and spent a lot of time to make enough gear to grind the olun valley, which is about 297 ap / 384 dp. You have to look for a group, buy group potions, which are practically impossible to buy, because of their low price at the auction. Therefore, most of it still has to go and gather and craft. As a result, we will grind about 400 million per hour in the Olun valley. Why a player who has just created a character and a player who has been playing this game for a long time and is put in maximum effort can earn almost the same silver per hour? Because the valley of oluns is not so easy, as centaurs. Well, okay. Let's assume that Oluns is a unique zone for obtaining the merchant ring piece and the part of la ozerka costume. This can be explained in some way.

3. Wll lets look at trading. So, I'm a player, and doesn't matter if I'm new or already experienced, I'm going to get a piece of the merchant ring from trading. Yes, I don't need any equipment for this, I just need to rise to master 3 of trading and just carry goods throught the desert. But transporting goods through the desert is at least not the most fun activity, since it is not possible to set auto path. Second, silver literally goes into the red with every sale. And even if you trade for other parts of the merchant ring, like Ancado Inner Harbor - Valencia, the income will be around 2million of silver per hour. Is this some kind of joke =) ?

So let's summarize these examples.

Let's say a player will spend 1000 hours on one or another activity. What result will he achieve?

1. A new player who grinds centaurs for 1000 hours will be able to earn at least 350-400 billions of silver.
2. An experienced player who will suffer for 1000 hours on oluns to get the piece of merchant ring will be able to earn at least 400 billions of silver.
3. A player who decided to obtain the merchant ring piece from trading, and spent 1000 hours for that, will earn nothing at all. Just 1000 hours for which you may not even get a piece of the ring. You will get nothing at all. Even not silver income. And since the part is really rare, you can spend more than 2000 hours on this trade. Just imagine that gaming. 2000+ hours no silver income and no merchang ring piece, nothing.

MY MAIN QUESTION to the devs.

Can't the devs add a few 0's to the income from trade goods? So that the earnings were at least 100 million per hour trading from Arehaza to Valencia? At least it would be something....  Like a drop of balm for the soul. Specially compared to a new player in Tuvala gear, that can earn 350-400 million per hour, so100 million per hour from trading Arehaza-Valencia are nothing.

Thank you for listening. I hope my feedback will reach the developers and they will be able to hear feedback from players like me. After all, I think I'm not the only one who worries about this question.  Until you wil decide how to change the trade, please just add some 0's to the trade income to make at least something valuable by hunting the same merchant ring. Because 0 income is not funny at all. Even the piece of the merchang ring from upper sycraia your can grind with tuvala gear, and have income of 200kk per hour and without increase scroll. Thank you again  I wish you to have a nice day=)

Last Edit : Jan 13, 2023, 12:01 (UTC)
# 2

On avarage it's physically imposible to get it from trading due to the amount of time it takes. The only situation where you get it from trading is if you get hardcarried, but at that point you might just do solo oluns, probably would still get it sooner on avarage.

And your reasoning is false. If you going for a merc ring, you are at a stage where you don't need money in this game anymore, so you either go for merc ring at a stage  when you sohuld not focus on it, or you don't need more money from trading.

What you should ask insted is a new spot for mercant ring, which is not locked behind a 3 man party, especially with meta classes...

244 4634
Lv 63
This was deleted by the writer.
Last Edit : Jan 13, 2023, 12:44 (UTC)
# 4
On: Jan 13, 2023, 12:01 (UTC), Written by CatDK

On avarage it's physically imposible to get it from trading due to the amount of time it takes. The only situation where you get it from trading is if you get hardcarried, but at that point you might just do solo oluns, probably would still get it sooner on avarage.

And your reasoning is false. If you going for a merc ring, you are at a stage where you don't need money in this game anymore, so you either go for merc ring at a stage  when you sohuld not focus on it, or you don't need more money from trading.

What you should ask insted is a new spot for mercant ring, which is not locked behind a 3 man party, especially with meta classes...

Then, according to your logic, let's make 0 silver per hour for the spots where we grind the parts of the merchant ring. It will be quite fair. And does it really matter how hard it is to get a  part of the ring from the trade? My main message is that we have 0 silver income per hour from trading. Not even 100 million per hour. Just zero. When any new player can grind 300-400 million per hour with tuvala gear today.

Last Edit : Jan 13, 2023, 12:58 (UTC)
# 5
On: Jan 13, 2023, 12:40 (UTC), Written by Briexdon

Then, according to your logic, let's make 0 silver per hour for the spots where we grind the parts of the merchant ring. It will be quite fair. And does it really matter how hard it is to get a  part of the ring from the trade? My main message is that we have 0 silver income per hour from trading. Not even 100 million per hour. Just zero. When any new player can grind 300-400 million per hour with tuvala gear today.

The ironic part is that the literately only ring spot which makes money is the olun one, the one that you complain in order to get trade buffs :DDDDD

244 4634
Lv 63
Last Edit : Jan 13, 2023, 19:04 (UTC)
# 6
Am 13. Jan 2023, 12:58 (UTC), von CatDK

The ironic part is that the literately only ring spot which makes money is the olun one, the one that you complain in order to get trade buffs :DDDDD

1. Then , you have not read my post at all, or you cut only that parts that you want to see, because I complain only about the income of silver from trading. I only give the rest examples for comparison to trading today.

2. I said that the income from trading is 0 silver per hour. So, that means that the income is 0 silver per hour.

Please pay special attention to this! 0! 0! 0! Do you understand what 0 is? This is not 50 kk silver per hour, not 100 kk, not 150 kk. It's 0.

Try to do trading 1 hour from Arehaza to Valencia and make sure there is no silver at all. I just want to draw the attention of the developers to exactly this. And all that I propose is to start by simply increasing the income from trade to normal permissible limits. Because 0 silver per hour - it is absurd.

Last Edit : Jan 13, 2023, 19:13 (UTC)
# 7

Also, I am surprised that there are people who will dispute income from trade and consider it the norm. Although, it clarifies something for me. That's probably why developers don't do anything with this content. Because they read forums where people are satisfied with everything and are only worried about the lack of glasses for musa in the f3 shop.

And trade wad dead and will be.....

Last Edit : Jan 14, 2023, 00:13 (UTC)
# 8

Trading Rework SoonTM  /s



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