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UTC 1 : 59 Jul 27, 2024
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Jan 20, 2023, 01:09 (UTC)
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Last Edit : Jan 20, 2023, 01:29 (UTC)
# 1

Title: Fix DR / Nerf Evasion
Family Name: Godslinger

Region (NA/EU): N/A

Enough is enough. Evasion is a pandemic in this game, and DR is completely broken. How many videos do we need to send to you the dev's until you start to realize how broken you have made this game. Stop with making more crap iframe classes and fix this broken mess. 
1250 evasion player with 278 AP  instakills a 410 DR player
1250 Evasion player with 278 AP one combos 437 DR Zerk
The crystal change has made things EVEN WORSE for DR, and even better for Evasion players. They are everywhere in RBF's sitting in peoples spawns, getting hit by 20 people and not dying. 
How many more complaints, videos, memes do people need to post until we get this under control. Because DR is broken, Evasion players run wild to the point they cant kill each other but have a field day with everyone else.
I have to purchase accuracy items and accessories to fight one specific type of pandemic player, where as an evasion player works for EVERYONE. Not to mention accuracy accessories cost 4X the amount of an evasion accessory.
Don't give these people a single penny more until they fix this blatantly clear issue. 
Last Edit : Jan 20, 2023, 01:11 (UTC)
# 2

I'm not sure they care.

Last Edit : Jan 20, 2023, 01:14 (UTC)
# 3

An evasion player downvoted this

Last Edit : Jan 20, 2023, 01:18 (UTC)
# 4
On: Jan 20, 2023, 01:09 (UTC), Written by GodSlinger

Title: Fix DR / Nerf Evasion
Family Name: Godslinger

Region (NA/EU): N/A

Enough is enough. Evasion is a pandemic in this game, and DR is completely broken. How many videos do we need to send to you the dev's until you start to realize how broken you have made this game. Stop with making more crap iframe classes and fix this broken mess. 
1250 evasion player with 278 AP  instakills a 410 DR player
1250 Evasion player with 278 AP one combos 437 DR Zerk
How many more complaints, videos, memes do people need to post until we get this under control. Because DR is broken, Evasion players run wild to the point they cant kill each other but have a field day with everyone else.
Don't give these people a single penny more until they fix this blatantly clear issue. 

What,evasions bad to rn , also we kill each other stupidly fast to. Wdym 1200 eva aint even enough with amout of accuracy. This is just DR needing to be reworked nothing to do with evasion at all, basically 309 ap and 900 acc you can easily kill 1200 eva rn depending on class to if that is two skills or not

Edit: not sure if the OP isnt at 700 GS to see how over inflated damage is, wait you even linked showing how broken damage is rn.

Last Edit : Jan 20, 2023, 01:22 (UTC)
# 5
On: Jan 20, 2023, 01:14 (UTC), Written by TitanOfWar

What,evasions bad to rn , also we kill each other stupidly fast to. Wdym 1200 eva aint even enough with amout of accuracy. This is just DR needing to be reworked nothing to do with evasion at all, basically 309 ap and 900 acc you can easily kill 1200 eva rn depending on class to if that is two skills or not

Edit: not sure if the OP isnt at 700 GS to see how over inflated damage is, wait you even linked showing how broken damage is rn.

I'm a 733 GS Player.

In the second video, I was using an accessory offhand to put on more DR

Last Edit : Jan 20, 2023, 01:33 (UTC)
# 6
On: Jan 20, 2023, 01:22 (UTC), Written by GodSlinger

I'm a 733 GS Player.

In the second video, I was using an accessory offhand to put on more DR

Already see the issue. Should be using at least a turo an two distos or two dawns and a debo/pen tungrad belt.  Especially on zerk. Narcs are junk in general. Even for DR builds. RN dr is to build acc /AP same with eva hybrid either way your gear missing a Pen accuracy is part of your issue its the same for all classes even with evasion as the direction of gear


PA needs to bring back damage slowly or give DR accessories a buff. Narcs are really bad rn  unless your on that one class that scales stupidly well with DR 

Do a comparison with eva that is kutum offhand/ eva offhand with leeburs an muskans you will see what im talking about also succ ninja isnt the best class to display how strong or weak evasion is. Awaken Ninja is a different story even at 1250 eva i can tell you it doesnt work out well for eva player.

Edit:meant zerk not guardian. You still need accuracy even with high acc rate, awaken zerk is one of the few classes who can two shot me during SA with my full eva hybrid for reference. That is tadd with leburs muskans and cents an sicils and harphia crystals havent tested a better pvp crystal set for eva

Last Edit : Jan 20, 2023, 01:36 (UTC)
# 7
On: Jan 20, 2023, 01:27 (UTC), Written by TitanOfWar

Already see the issue. Should be using at least a turo an two distos or two dawns and a debo/pen tungrad belt.  Especially on zerk. Narcs are junk in general. Even for DR builds. RN dr is to build acc /AP same with eva hybrid either way your gear missing a Pen accuracy is part of your issue its the same for all classes even with evasion as the direction of gear


PA needs to bring back damage slowly or give DR accessories a buff. Narcs are really bad rn  unless your on that one class that scales stupidly well with DR 

Do a comparison with eva that is kutum offhand/ eva offhand with leeburs an muskans you will see what im talking about also succ ninja isnt the best class to display how strong or weak evasion is. Awaken Ninja is a different story even at 1250 eva i can tell you it doesnt work out well for eva player.

Edit:meant zerk not guardian. You still need accuracy even with high acc rate 

Well this is in combination with the DR complaint. Its blatantly clear DR is completely broken and forces players to go evasion... but some classes don't work well with evasion.

Again, its very easy for someone to say go get yourself 120 billion accessories, when an evasion player can pick up a 10 billion belt to offset the accuracy. 

Last Edit : Jan 20, 2023, 03:25 (UTC)
# 8

Start with removing evasions rate passive and placing them with a base fixed advantage like zerk has for DR.

If I understand rate correctly, say you have 10% it’s not +10% of total evasion’ It’s 10% chance to evade no matter the opened accuracy. E.g. it’s safe from gear numbers. It scales against the gear openents people have.

So removed these silly passive rates, Sadly I see maegu is using a rate so PA not listening at all.

Last Edit : Jan 20, 2023, 09:22 (UTC)
# 9
On: Jan 20, 2023, 01:36 (UTC), Written by GodSlinger

Well this is in combination with the DR complaint. Its blatantly clear DR is completely broken and forces players to go evasion... but some classes don't work well with evasion.

Again, its very easy for someone to say go get yourself 120 billion accessories, when an evasion player can pick up a 10 billion belt to offset the accuracy. 

While some classes can't build DR, your character in fact can.

Also DP what you show in the pics is not equal with DR. The two is different stats. 400ish DR is nothing.

On your class u should have 600+ish DR full buffed, and that is visible on a zerker as you will survive a combo VS most classes on that, you just need proper gear for it.

While DR is not working on a witch, DK, ranger, kuno etc similar, DR do work on a zerker, as he have high base stats, high HP, high damage, defensive buffs and good class modifiers, self heals, good protections, good mobility, literately everything that is neded for defensive setup to work. There is a reason why he is literately the second strongest class in the game.

The funny thing is that your class is among that few which is the main reason why PA can't buff DR as these FOTM classes will be unkileable afterwards.

244 4634
Lv 63
Last Edit : Jan 20, 2023, 11:12 (UTC)
# 10

dr works just fine which can easily be seen from endgame valks, succ novas, warriors, zerkers just to name a few. if you want to be durable you need to make sacrifices, run a proper build and also not skimp on buffs.

get yourself a cadry ring or two, use dr artifacts and lightstones, use a proper defensive crystal setup, use food rotation, elixir rotation, khalk and housebuff and chances are you will be able to notice the difference. keep in mind that you also tested without having a +dp addon running aswell as without having a -human damage addon or ANY slows on the opponent.

that being said, dont expect to be an immortal god against everyone, lots of players have incredibly high ap values with full damage focused setups that are quite literally designed to be able to kill as high dr as possible - these clips however, and this post in general is just pretty bad propaganda if im being honest.

as for the other statements that i constantly see of "dr not working on dk or ranger or kuno" is because those classes are either not meant to be tanky or durable for very obvious reasons (in dks case) or can definitely become durable or tanky by going the evasion route since they can scale that stat (kuno for example) - people run around with dr gear on squishy blaster classes in damage oriented builds and then complain that their "dr is not working" its just a completely delusional take and shouldnt be taken seriously.

1 2


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