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Install Guide

1 Run BlackDesert_Installer_NAEU.exe to install the Black Desert launcher.

2 Start the game once installation is complete.


UTC 11 : 31 May 6, 2024
CEST 13 : 31 May 6, 2024
PDT 4 : 31 May 6, 2024
EDT 7 : 31 May 6, 2024
A large list of Quality of Life suggestions (Part 2)
Jan 27, 2023, 17:29 (UTC)
4857 67
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Last Edit : Jul 7, 2023, 12:39 (UTC)
# 1

Hello, this is the second post consisting of a miscellaneous list of QoL suggestions and oversights/bugs. (If you wish to read the first post, please refer to this thread: Part 1 list of QoL suggestions.) I have collected some of these suggestions from the community. Feel free to post any feedback or other QoL ideas.

Note: Changes from this thread that are added to the game will be moved to the bottom of the list with a link to the related update post (if the change was communicated).

Quality of life suggestions

◆ Make it so ticking on the option to withdraw/deposit the Maximum Quantity of an item persist permanently.

◆ Remove the case-sensitive search requirement from all content in the game. This includes alchemy/cooking recipes, titles, knowledge entries, World Map filters, seeds deployment, and house furniture management search fields.

◆ Add an option to disable previously watched cutscenes from appearing altogether when doing the main quest again.

◆ Remove the condition of not being allowed to enter Elvia Realm while having a sea mount taken out (ship, raft, boat, carrack, etc.). If this restriction was added to prevent bartering with no risk, it could be made so having bartering material on a ship prevents entering Elvia Realm.

◆ Allow us to call our horse inside Marni’s Realm, even if it wasn’t already in the realm.

◆ Add a percentage number to all bosses’ health bars that dynamically change as the bosses lose health points.

◆ Allow us to summon the Black Spirit while we’re standing on a sea mount (ship, raft, boat, carrack, etc.).

◆ When ticking on the horse option to “Automatically use Sprint” when auto-navigating, make our selection persist permanently.

◆ When ticking on the Forest Path Wagon option to “Automatically use Forest Rush” when auto-navigating, make our selection persist permanently.

◆ Change Lucretia Dagger, Corrupt Yolun Dagger, Voidlight Dagger, and their Elvia counterparts, to be Family Bound items instead of Character Bound items.

◆ Add a “Ping Location” option to the death interface of a dead party member, which the dead party member can press to let their location be known to the other party members for resurrection with a medical kit. The ping can be made similar in appearance (or even identical) to one of the pings we already have in-game (Attack, Warning, Command, and Move). This option can be beneficial in certain situations, especially when encountering Atoraxxion dungeon bosses or other instanced content.

◆ When using the World Map stable Mount Delivery function, add a search feature for the list of stables to transfer the mount to.

◆ Add a new button for the World Map stable to allow us to view mounts inventory in the same way we can do that through the regular stable.

◆ Allow us to rename our pets, potentially through introducing pet name change coupons.

◆ Pressing enter repeatedly after searching for an item (in inventory/storage/warehouse) should jump to the next item that includes the same words/letters, if applicable.

◆ Clicking on an item from a search result through the Find My Item feature should let us jump to the storage where the item is, with the item appearing with a glow inside its storage.

◆ In the Friend List UI, remember our choice to collapse or expand a friend group after login.

◆ Remove the respawn cooldown timers that apply after dying during The Magnus main quest.

◆ Let our residence selections for the show/hide toggles persist permanently (for Maids/Butlers, Pets, Underwear, and Furniture Name and Durability).

◆ Allow us to add Mystical Spirit Powder and Vell’s Powder to the Family Inventory.

◆ After putting the alchemy stone into the recharge UI, let the recharging fuel automatically insert itself into the UI, similar to how enhancement materials are automatically inserted into the UI following the item’s addition.

◆ Remember our choice permanently when toggling on the option to Skip Animation for the Alchemy Stone Recharge UI.

◆ Remove the per-server limit on how many fish can be sold to the Imperial Fishing Delivery NPC. This limit has no purpose besides inconveniencing the player.

◆ In the Find NPCs UI, swap the locations of the Central Market and Transport buttons. This is because the Central Market is used far more frequently than the Transport feature, so it would be much more intuitive to see its button easily in the UI without needing to scroll down.

◆ Add a new toggle option in the settings to disable “Better Item Available” (better gear) notifications that occur in the Menu Widget (bottom right), inventory, and a separate “press R to equip” UI, whenever we have an item with higher combat stats in our inventory that we chose not to equip. Those notifications can be redundant and distracting when we have a reason not to equip that gear.

◆ Inside the Find Party/Platoon feature UI; make it so the name of the player in the "Leader" column corresponds to our setting in the "Adventurer Name Settings", so that if we had it set to Family Name, the column then shows the player's Family Name by default (and the same for Character Name). Also, apply this change when we whisper to the Party Leader as well.

◆ When logging in to a character, remember the camera view distance (how zoomed in/out) we have previously set it to (especially if we have the Camera Vision Range option set at a value that is different from the default).

◆ Add a new option in the settings to disable the following notifications concerning mounts, which many players may find redundant, distracting, and excessive. These notifications are as follows:

Your mount’s raring to go.

Your mount can be attacked by monsters in a combat area.

Your mount is too heavy. Movement will be restricted.

Your mount is too heavy. Certain actions will be restricted.

◆ Make the Family Inventory usable when having the storage or the warehouse open, where we can withdraw from/deposit to it.

◆ Make the “Auto-move to Storage” option functional when clicking it while having the pearl and family inventories open (it currently doesn’t work for those two).

◆ Add the “Auto-move to Storage” and “Auto-move Exclusions” options to the inventory UI when opening the residence container's storage UI.

◆ Add the “Process” option to the residence container's storage UI when accessing it while wearing Venecil Dress or Karaki Suit costumes.

◆ Expand the dyes RGB Color Palette to include the following sections in the face customization: Makeup, Eyes, Eye Line, Facial Hair, and Tattoo. Also, add it to the Tattoo section that is inside the body customization.

◆ When interacting with a Storage Manager NPC and selecting “Currency Exchange”, change the inventory option that says “Sell all Junk Items” (which is not functional with storage as of now) to “Sell all Gold/Silver Bars”, to sell all the gold/silver bars in our possession.

◆ Add an option in the settings to hide our pets' names when their 3D forms are visible in the open world.

◆ Add a new Simple Alchemy recipe for Frenzy Draught of corruption, to have x2 of them be combined with x1 [Event] Magical Elixir, to convert it to a 60-minute version of this draught, in the same way the base version of this draught can be converted. (was added to the game after the update of May 10, 2023)

◆ Add an option to turn off the active quest arrows in the 2D minimap, as those can negatively affect the game's performance. (was added to the game after the update of March 29, 2023)


◆ When entering an Elvia monster zone through Marni’s Realm, the monsters don’t appear in their Elvia version if the player wasn’t in the Elvia Realm before entering Marni’s Realm. This must be changed to have the monsters automatically switch to their Elvia version when entering Marni’s Realm. If this is impossible, require the player to be in the Elvia Realm when attempting to enter an Elvia monster zone through Marni’s Realm.

◆ Fix the problem of sea monsters mob type icons appearing as demihuman and other mob types when attacked (sometimes after the sea monster loses a certain portion of its HP). It must be changed to always show as a hunting mob type when attacked.

◆ Prevent the Black Spirit from offering us “Lost Gift (Adventurer’s Tome)” quest inside The Magnus, because that quest can’t be accepted (but is still offered), and it repeatedly disrupts questing when attempting to accept The Magnus quests.

◆ The word “Central Market” is missing while interacting with “<Central Market Director> Bayama” NPC.

◆ Remove leftover invisible platforms from previous Mysteries of Summer events that exist in the air of some towns (mostly Heidel). Those platforms can sometimes interrupt gameplay, such as when gliding down from the sky with the Arduanatt dream horse.

◆ The five minutes cooldown for deactivating Item Collection Increase Gauge has been set to apply to any interaction with this feature, which includes changing the gauge from Level 1 to Level 2. This is problematic, as it’s possible to choose Level 1 accidentally, then attempt to change it instantly to Level 2, but because of this excessively prevalent restriction, we must wait 5 minutes to correct that. Please change this restriction to accommodate that situation. (Note: switching from gauge Level 2 to 1 after applying this requested change would still have a 5-minute cooldown.)

Tier 8 horse icons will disappear from the End Game character selection UI when switching to a different character than the character that has the horse taken out, making it impossible to know which character(s) has the horse(s) taken out. (was fixed after the update of February 1, 2023)

Last Edit : Jan 27, 2023, 17:55 (UTC)
# 2

-make add mobs health bars appear to the side of boss health bars so they aren't competing for screen real estate 

Last Edit : Jan 27, 2023, 19:09 (UTC)
# 3

thanks for continuing with the effort of summarizing possible improvements for us!

when i read the point about re-naming pets, i remembered a minor idea. would be cool to be able to name the different pet groups we currently can create 5 of – like artifact groups.

just my 2 cents. ✌️

Last Edit : Jan 27, 2023, 19:16 (UTC)
# 4

◆ Inside the Find Party/Platoon feature UI, show the family name for the players in the “Leader” column (instead of their character name), and make it so that whispering them automatically selects their family name by default.

I would say matching the same settings as your chat, for those who play with character name as default

Last Edit : Jan 29, 2023, 13:46 (UTC)
# 5
On: Jan 27, 2023, 19:16 (UTC), Written by Kim

◆ Inside the Find Party/Platoon feature UI, show the family name for the players in the “Leader” column (instead of their character name), and make it so that whispering them automatically selects their family name by default.

I would say matching the same settings as your chat, for those who play with character name as default

I've edited that suggestion to accommodate for that. Thank you for the feedback!

Last Edit : Jan 27, 2023, 20:19 (UTC)
# 6

- Add the possibility to sell "Starlit Jade's Breath" to the Central Market, in this way we can make the Bracing Spirit Perfume Elixir without going to grind in the Mountain of Eternal Winter by ourself.

Last Edit : Jan 27, 2023, 20:59 (UTC)
# 7

◆ Remove the condition of not being allowed to enter Elvia Realm while having a sea mount taken out (ship, raft, boat, carrack, etc.). yes

◆ Allow us to call our horse inside Marni’s Realm, even if it wasn’t already in the realm.   sure

◆ Add an option to disable previously watched cutscenes from appearing altogether when doing the main quest again. sure

◆ Allow us to summon the Black Spirit while we’re standing on a sea mount (ship, raft, boat, carrack, etc.).  for the love of god yes

◆ Add a “Ping Location” option to the death interface of a dead party member, to let their location be known to the other party members for resurrection with a medical kit. The ping can be made similar in appearance (or even identical) to one of the pings we already have in-game (Attack, Warning, Command, and Move). This option can be very useful in certain situations, especially while encountering Atoraxxion dungeon bosses, or in other instanced content.  ok

◆ Remove the case-sensitive search requirement from all content in the game. This includes alchemy/cooking recipes, titles, World Map filters, seeds deployment, and house furniture management search fields.   what does this mean??????

◆ Make the Family Inventory usable when having the storage or the warehouse open, where we can withdraw from/deposit to it.  i guess/ idc

◆ Make the “Auto-move to Storage” option functional when clicking it while having the pearl and family inventories open (it currently doesn’t work for those two).  i guess/ idc

◆ Add the “Auto-move to Storage” and “Auto-move Exclusions” options to the inventory UI when opening the container (and its premium version) storage UI.  YES

◆ Add the “Process” option to the container (and its premium version) storage UI when accessing it while wearing Venecil Dress or Karaki Suit costumes.  but then u wont be able to say hi to your neighbors in the town at the storage keeper   LOL JK YES I AGREE 

◆ When ticking on the horse option to “Automatically use Sprint” when auto-navigating, make our selection persist permanently.   OMG YES YES YES UGHHHH
◆ When ticking on the Forest Path Wagon option to “Automatically use Forest Rush” when auto-navigating, make our selection persist permanently.  SI SI SI OMG QUE RICO

◆ Change Lucretia Dagger, Corrupt Yolun Dagger, Voidlight Dagger, and their Elvia counterparts, to be Family Bound items instead of Character Bound items.  IDK WHAT THOSE ITEMS ARE BUT YEAH CHAR BOUND ITEMS SUCK

◆ Allow us to rename our pets, potentially through introducing pet name change coupons. I WOULD RATHER A OPTION TO HIDE OUR PET NAMES . BUT ITS A OKAY SUGGESTION

◆ Let our residence selections for the show/hide toggles persist permanently (for Maids/Butlers, Pets, Underwear, and Furniture Name and Durability).  OK YES PLZ

◆ Allow us to add Mystical Spirit Powder and Vell’s Powder to the Family Inventory.   YES

◆ After putting the alchemy stone into the recharge UI, let the recharging fuel automatically insert itself into the UI, similar to how enhancement materials are automatically inserted into the UI following the item’s addition.YES

◆ Remember our choice permanently when toggling on the option to Skip Animation for the Alchemy Stone Recharge UI. YES

◆ Remove the per-server limit on how many fish can be sold to the Imperial Fishing Delivery NPC. This limit has no purpose besides inconveniencing the player.   i dont fish 

◆ In the Find NPCs UI, swap the locations of the Central Market and Transport buttons. This is because the Central Market is used far more frequently than the Transport feature, so it would be much more intuitive to see its button easily in the UI without needing to scroll down. YES

◆ Inside the Find Party/Platoon feature UI, make it so the name of the player in the "Leader" column correspond to our setting in the "Adventurer Name Settings", so that if we had it set to Family Name, the column then shows the player's Family Name by default (and the same for Character Name). Also, apply this to when we whisper the Party Leader as well. YES

◆ Add a new option in the settings to disable the following notifications concerning mounts, which many players may find to be redundant, distracting, and excessive. These notifications are: YES

Lv Private
Last Edit : Jan 27, 2023, 21:19 (UTC)
# 8

Give us the option to see damage numbers above enemies. It's already in the global lab so why not add it to the game?

Last Edit : Jan 27, 2023, 21:42 (UTC)
# 9
On: Jan 27, 2023, 17:29 (UTC), Written by Equalness

◆ When ticking on the horse option to “Automatically use Sprint” when auto-navigating, make our selection persist permanently.

Yes, on the condition that the horse you're mounting already has Sprint and it's on 100%.

Lv Private
Last Edit : Jan 28, 2023, 17:05 (UTC)
# 10

Probably a bit of a controversial take but I've thought for a long time that lifeskill levels should be family-wide. If PA were to implement this change they'd probably have to reimburse people who would overcap the EXP at Guru 50 if they have multiple lifeskillers for the same lifeskill. Perhaps with Contribution Point EXP turn-in style items like Witch's Delicacy and so on.

28 160
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