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UTC 1 : 9 Jul 27, 2024
CEST 3 : 9 Jul 27, 2024
PDT 18 : 9 Jul 26, 2024
EDT 21 : 9 Jul 26, 2024
28/01/2023 Maegu Feedback
Jan 28, 2023, 21:32 (UTC)
3784 29
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Last Edit : Jan 28, 2023, 21:32 (UTC)
# 1

Maegu’s Discord Feedback:

Discord Channel: 

Explanation: In this feedback I’ll be summarizing the most common feedbacks from the official Maegu Discord according to how many approval it got and how often it was posted, then I might add a few things to the feedbacks based on what I understood and what the community sees as solution and at the end I’ll post a screenshot of all the feedbacks, also showing the emojis of approval (thumbs up) or disapproval (thumbs down).

PS: On the screenshots you might see a positive and a negative vote too much, because of the possibility that the creator of the suggestion or someone from the staff gave a thumbs up and thumbs down to encourage people to vote.




Maegu in General

Flow in-between skills (40+ Upvotes): Some of her skill animations don’t flow very well into other skills, making a class that has most movements looking like dance moves feels clunkier, stuck, slower than she should. Some examples would be: Forward Chain: Spirit Step (Shift+W; 17+ Upvotes), Heavenward Dance (W+RMB; 7+ Upvotes), 

Jump Attack (7+ Upvotes): Jump attacks are most of the time never used, but we, as players, are still used to having one, so it gives a weird feeling when such a thing is missing.



Prime: Foxspirit: Deceiver: Change the clone HP bar, because it’s too similar to the enemy's HP bar (32+ Upvotes). Maegu’s abilities that involve Q sometimes force you to teleport even though you are not pressing Q any longer, or instead of using the ability involving Q, it simply teleports you and does nothing after, yet the use of the clone is one of the main “unique parts'' from this class’ gameplay, having these weird interactions that are not intended, gives a feeling of randomness, instead of control, which is not a good thing to have in a such fast paced class. (23+ Upvotes)



  • Stuck clone that doesn’t disappear.


Last Edit : Jan 28, 2023, 22:13 (UTC)
# 2

You guys royally shit the bed on Maegu's release state for PVP. AoS isn't balanced great as it is but HOLY FUCK did you guys break it with Maegu. Its insane how overloaded the new classes kits are and how incredibly protected or mobile they are compared to the older classes AND do damage. Every AoS match has 1-2 Maegu in them and its painful to play against them, even if I get a beat on one they just switch to a clone even if they are mid animation or mid CC. You guys are fucking clueless. Stop making classes where every other skill makes them invisible, protected or teleports its lazy game design and BDO's engine CANNOT keep up with it. Visibility in AoS is already a shit show and you insist on making it WORSE. Fuck sakes stop trying to sell costumes to horny gamers and actually care about your goddamn game.

Last Edit : Jan 28, 2023, 22:28 (UTC)
# 3

imagine people complaining not doing damage when they cancel skills

Last Edit : Jan 29, 2023, 04:10 (UTC)
# 4

Clone shit is rather annoying to fight against in a fast paced game, though not impossible.

Last Edit : Jan 29, 2023, 10:23 (UTC)
# 5

The clone mechanic has to be drastically changed. Either make clones easier to distinguish or put a rather long cd on her jumping to clones (30sec+).

2 131
Lv Private
Last Edit : Jan 29, 2023, 11:12 (UTC)
# 6

Class isn't even out for a month and everyone be pro giving feedback.

Maegu is like a fox, her job is to trick (and you all being tricked lmao)+ clone doesn't do anything but stand, be more attentive and you will learn.

I am a drakania main so idc about maegu but this feedback is really unneeded, people already crying over maegu's clone... I wander why no one cries over Ninja & kuno becomming invisible everytime... i know, people already know how to counter it.

Fox Symbolism & The Spiritual Meanings Of Foxes | YourTango

Last Edit : Jan 29, 2023, 13:13 (UTC)
# 7
On: Jan 28, 2023, 22:13 (UTC), Written by Rikain24

You guys royally shit the bed on Maegu's release state for PVP. AoS isn't balanced great as it is but HOLY FUCK did you guys break it with Maegu. Its insane how overloaded the new classes kits are and how incredibly protected or mobile they are compared to the older classes AND do damage. Every AoS match has 1-2 Maegu in them and its painful to play against them, even if I get a beat on one they just switch to a clone even if they are mid animation or mid CC. You guys are fucking clueless. Stop making classes where every other skill makes them invisible, protected or teleports its lazy game design and BDO's engine CANNOT keep up with it. Visibility in AoS is already a shit show and you insist on making it WORSE. Fuck sakes stop trying to sell costumes to horny gamers and actually care about your goddamn game.

So older classes remain stagnent with poor mobility while new classes just zoom around and get ranged grabs or made up extra dmg reduction for no reason?

That's odd the script bot responses to P2W always say "it dosn't effect you" and "there is nothing to win".  ;)

I can't verify if you can switch to clone while CC'd but ROFL wouldn't suprise me a bit.  Bad mechanics and improper testing are kind of the hall mark of Pearl Abyss.

Last Edit : Jan 29, 2023, 16:59 (UTC)
# 8
On: Jan 29, 2023, 11:11 (UTC), Written by Awgust

Class isn't even out for a month and everyone be pro giving feedback.

Maegu is like a fox, her job is to trick (and you all being tricked lmao)+ clone doesn't do anything but stand, be more attentive and you will learn.

I am a drakania main so idc about maegu but this feedback is really unneeded, people already crying over maegu's clone... I wander why no one cries over Ninja & kuno becomming invisible everytime... i know, people already know how to counter it.

Fox Symbolism & The Spiritual Meanings Of Foxes | YourTango

Clones are very annoying on the minimap, but that's not the problem. The problem is how she constantly jumps between clones.

2 131
Lv Private
Last Edit : Jan 29, 2023, 17:20 (UTC)
# 9
On: Jan 29, 2023, 16:59 (UTC), Written by AZzalor

Clones are very annoying on the minimap, but that's not the problem. The problem is how she constantly jumps between clones.

Don't worry mate, She is a new class. and New class are always OP (expect for Drakania when she was released). Maegue's nerf in unavoidable.

Last Edit : Jan 30, 2023, 08:41 (UTC)
# 10
On: Jan 29, 2023, 17:20 (UTC), Written by Awgust

Don't worry mate, She is a new class. and New class are always OP (expect for Drakania when she was released). Maegue's nerf in unavoidable.

New classes are not always op. There were quite a few releases where the new class was in a bad state, but then within a week or two it got buffed to insane levels. At least we are getting maegu nerfs soon.

But I have a problem with them trying to introduce new type of mechanics that break the game, like the clones. AoS was quite fun before maegu release, but now you see 1-2 maegus every match and it's horrible. Due to the reduced dmg in AoS, you can't even kill her in one combo most of the times and she's already so hard to catch. 
It's like giving sorc extra range, extra aoe and clones for extra diversion, as if it wasn't difficult enough already to catch her.

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Lv Private
1 2 3

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