Black Desert will begin in a moment.

Install the Black Desert Launcher if the game doesn't start.

Install the Black Desert Launcher to start the game.

The launcher will appear if it's installed.
If it doesn't, try to run your downloaded launcher.

Install Guide

1 Run BlackDesert_Installer_NAEU.exe to install the Black Desert launcher.

2 Start the game once installation is complete.


UTC 1 : 53 Jul 27, 2024
CEST 3 : 53 Jul 27, 2024
PDT 18 : 53 Jul 26, 2024
EDT 21 : 53 Jul 26, 2024
[Devs Traker] Un récap des réponses de PA par rapport a certaines suggestions
Feb 6, 2023, 13:39 (UTC)
1549 3
Last Edit : Feb 6, 2023, 13:47 (UTC)
# 1


J'ai vu qu'il n'y avait pas de devtracker sur ce forum pour garder un oeil sur toute les interventions de nos CM / GM

Du coup j'ai fait ce petit récap que je metterai a jour de temps en temps

ps : la suggestion sera résumé en français, la réponse du GM/CM sera complete et conservé dans sa langue d'origine (pour éviter tout soucis de traduction)

Suggestion > Pouvoir placer les potions infini dans l'inventaire de famille
Feb 1, 2023, 23:56 (UTC), Written by [GM]Lafi

Hello, NoobGamersBerlin.

Although Ornette's Spirit Essence and Odore's Spirit Essence were originally created as treasure items, they over time became items that are considered as being almost essential in Black Desert gameplay. This led to us reducing the difficulty of obtaining them by introducing smaller pieces that you could use to exchange for the full treasure piece.


While we do understand that allowing them to be placed in the Family Inventory would make them even easier to use, we worry this would push treasure items to a state of being mandatory, which would negatively impact the design of the game. Additionally, we also have to recognize the fact that there are not only Adventurers who have obtained multiple treasure items of the same kind but also Adventurers who have spent time trying to obtain more as well.


Thus, we are currently not considering any further changes that would make treasure items "easier" to use, including allowing them to be placed in the Family Inventory.

Thank you again for sending us your feedback.



Suggestion > Des joueurs exploitent les grosses guildes en volants leurs ressources

Feb 2, 2023, 01:17 (UTC), Written by [CM]Vedir
We want to thank everyone who took the time to share their feedback in this thread. We are currently looking into how we can make improvements, with your feedback in mind.
Suggestion > Permettre aux Shai de tag leurs arme éveil et d'avoir droit a sa version sombrétoile
Feb 1, 2023, 23:59 (UTC), Written by [GM]Altin

First, we want to thank Adventurer Blondiie and everyone else who took the time and effort to share their feedback. From the discussion in this thread, the common point of feedback seems to relate to how Shai's Talent weapon, Artina Sol, does not match other weapons in various factors such as character tagging and weapon exchange coupons. 

To give some context, when we designed Shai, we tried a new approach in her class development that deemphasized combat efficiency and competitiveness – and instead, placed greater focus on more unique aspects such as her musical instruments and starting life skills. This led to Shai being the only class with a Talent and the sole wielder of the talent weapon, Sol. And since her PvP and PvE were balanced around this fact, we believe her current PvE performance is at a capable level even without monster damage bonuses from the Blackstar Awakening weapon. 

Of course, we do fully understand that Adventurers may not be satisfied with this fact placing limitations on selling or copying Shai's Artina Sol. However, we hope to preserve Shai's exceptional position within the class roster of Black Desert by maintaining our original intentions behind the class. 

As a result, we hope you will understand that we do not have any current plans to change Shai's Artina Sol. Nevertheless, we will continue to challenge ourselves to try to give Shai more unique aspects that do not exist in the world of the Black Desert. (Modified Line for Clarification) 

Once again, thank you to everyone who shared their feedback in the thread.



Suggestion > Ajouter un serveur sans PVP

Nov 25, 2022, 13:16 (UTC), Written by [GM]Ronin

Hello Erikuraditossike,

In full disclosure, we are currently not considering implementing a PvE-exclusive server. 


By design, Black Desert aims to be enjoyed by multiple adventurers on a vast open field, which is why we consider the open field experience as one of the game's most essential features. 


However, it is true that this can also be a problem if we guarantee too much freedom of it. That is why we allocate safe zones throughout the game and impose penalties for plays such as unilateral forced attacks. 


However, as you suggested, there are circumstances where you get hindered by other players while you are doing life-skill content, such as horse training. Regarding this, we will think about ways to alleviate such inconveniences. 

Thank you. 

Last Edit : Feb 6, 2023, 13:56 (UTC)
# 2

Suggestion > Retirer l'annonce sur tout le serveur de Belmorn (Monastére abandonné) lors de l'apparition de ce dernier

Nov 25, 2022, 13:21 (UTC), Written by [GM]Gahaz

Thank you Medriloth for your feedback.


When we design monster zones for Black Desert, we try to apply a unique theme to the area. Abandoned Monastery was developed with competition in mind. We wanted to add a sense of danger through the use of an event that would naturally draw players to a location, and promote instances of PvP.  
This is why we gave the accessory a 100% chance to drop based on contribution to taking down the boss. This incentivizes the competitive aspect of the zone, and as such, it fulfills our intended design for the area. Therefore, we have no plans to change the notification at this time.

We will continue bringing you new experiences by giving unique characteristics as we design and develop monster zones in Black Desert. 


Once again we would like to thank you for your valuable opinion. 



Suggestion > Ne pas modifier l'apparence du port Ratt lors de l'ajout de "Land of the morning light"

Dec 23, 2022, 15:54 (UTC), Written by [GM]Nox

Hello, Atharyon! 


We're delighted to see you and others express such adoration and love for Port Ratt. However, we hope you'll give the new Nampo Harbor a chance as well! 


As mentioned at Calpheon Ball 2022, we reworked our concept for "Haso," which was originally intended to be the sole "eastern-themed" civilization in the world of Black Desert, to that of our current Land of the Morning Light. This rework necessitated the transformation of Port Ratt into Nampo Harbor. One of our goals behind this change was to make Nampo Harbor a more comfortable experience compared to the rather cramped one that was the existing Port Ratt, especially since it will be the starting place of your adventures in the region and the meeting place of fresh and familiar faces. 


And so, we welcome you to send us your feedback again after you see the new Nampo Harbor when Land of the Morning Light is playable next year! 



Last Edit : Feb 6, 2023, 14:04 (UTC)
# 3


ps : S'il y'a un oubli hesitez pas a le signaler ou l'ajouter directement en dessous



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