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UTC 1 : 43 Jul 27, 2024
CEST 3 : 43 Jul 27, 2024
PDT 18 : 43 Jul 26, 2024
EDT 21 : 43 Jul 26, 2024
Shai Revamp
Feb 6, 2021, 20:10 (UTC)
2636 13
1 2
Last Edit : Feb 6, 2021, 20:23 (UTC)
# 1

Hello Adventures and Pearl Abyss.

 I just want to start to say that I am glad for the change over because things can be heard form the NA/EU community now then this filter that we had with kakao or being ignored all together and being ruined by the KR players. 


I am here to talk about my class personality though not in general of hey nerf classes, But to Make her useful in the world of Black Desert Online. The current state of shai is DP only Evasion or full DP Does not matter. Must have another character tagged to PVP which hurts true shai mains, and overall making shais become more rare in the open world and mainly only seen near or in towns. The few of us brave to go grind are bullied out of spot due to cant Duel for spot or fight back. 


Some changes I do believe in is mainly Shai needs to have her abilities be centered around 1 or 2 fields not 3 half assed ones. Witch/Wizard out shines Shai still at this time due to the faster heal and how their speed buff works also Protected Aura. Witch/Wizard are naturally better support because of this fact and able to kill other classes that attack or they can go on the attack while a shai can not. Some positive of shai is in siege. Our bubble can stop a 100 push and a full shai team of 5 can hold that group for 25 seconds then using Forest Echo To hold Half of them in a cc while your guild mops them up. Shai is really good in castle choke point defence but not in the open world.


Current Issues with Shai is her 1 of 2 iFrames not working correctly, and her super armors being random if they work or not. Other issues are she has no core skills no Jin Bon Won skills, No real movement, No real protection from CC, and only really good at PVE spots that she can't 1 shot the mobs. Her life-skilling buffs do nothing to level her form gathering and Alchemy the 300% combat exp she get from it and the 5% she gets at max level only cuts down a few hours at best to get to guru. Shai starting at Pro 1 in Gathering and Alchemy only helps New players or players who don't want to level thoses skills which is fine but calling this buffs an edge in life skilling is just garbage. 




This is where I play Devil's Advocate. 

A Shai main has posted changes to new moves and pvp changes in great detail then I can ever do so I am going to link it here: 

In summary as I put it. Make shai Have new skill Core, Jin, Bon, Won skills like every pvp class so shai can defend herself and pvp back she does not have to be PREFECT in 1v1 but if some who knows what they are doing can 1v1 with a shai. Even bringing back the idea of having a nother Talent weapon for shai that is faster and more aggressive would be an idea so she can pvp. Some change to make her able to be part of a PVP game would be nice it is really odd that 1 class is told no you cant pvp in a PVP game if this is the fact set evey's damage to 0 to shai and shai's damage to every to 0 so shai cant pvp but she cant be pvped at all as the trade off. 


Next make her a better support then witch and wizard. Give shai the choice of PA or the Bubble, Give her the ability to give a 10 ally buff to accuracy that the valk does, and Make the buffs last longer to out shine the witch/wizard 1 min could even be best due to this making shais with pen sol even tet VERY wanted in PVE and PVP. Also give her a passive to DR or evasion so she can have a proper dp build like stiker/mystic and other classes that get this passive. The comment Shai is a support when she was first released fell to the side and got the lazy label Life skiller form Kakao so they dont have to finish her class. So making her the Support she is post to be would be the great thing to restore. PVP would have some issues for her defending her spot which should be looked at still but having a true support would be great.


Last is Life Skilling... 

Buffing her Life Skilling skills so she is better then any class in BDO would be better then having weak passives that do nothing for her. Giving her flat mastery up to 100 at level 63 and giving her a 5% or more to ALL life skills would be a great start. Next would be 500% combat exp from ALL life skills also so shai can level from any life skill they choose. On top of a move set or a special passive that can make the shai's movement not take stamina at all to help her in gathering in the open world. Even give her natural time off from gathering cooking and alchemy. All this would make shai the better life skill class then any class. Over all she needs to be good at something


Big thing is Kakao left shai in a buggy unfinished state that the completed 3 other classes after her Nova Guardian and Hashashin... But they just now fixed a few bugs with shai over a year now.... 

To the Developers mainly Please pick a lane for shai Either make her on par with every PVP class in this game or Very good in one field, or Take the idea of witch/wizard and make the shai a Hybrid of 2 things and not 3 due to the damage values it looks like we want the shai to pvp but we dont want shai killing 3 classes. 


In the end the Shai, The Bard of BDO, Little Sister of BDO, ect Should get the love she has been missing for over a year now.

Last Edit : Feb 6, 2021, 20:27 (UTC)
# 2

There is no auto correct so I am fixing the mistakes now...

(Edit) Mistakes looked fixed please let me know If I missed any

Last Edit : Feb 6, 2021, 20:42 (UTC)
# 3

Something I did miss By the way is a dream mount that is shai ONLY. A dream donkey as you will call it. Something that is faster then her current Shai Donkey that is made FROM her shai donkey on top of she can be unquie with it. Even if it is just a Doom Donkey or A doomkey as my stream likes calling it. Or something completely new to help with the new Trading system coming out to make her better or close to par of most wagons. But Please give something special to the Shais' Loyal to their Donkey I never been with a horse since the shai has came out even the change that they can ride a horse.

Last Edit : Feb 8, 2021, 21:01 (UTC)
# 4



I hope you are listening PA.

Last Edit : Feb 9, 2021, 01:42 (UTC)
# 5
On: Feb 6, 2021, 20:42 (UTC), Written by PoiButler

Something I did miss By the way is a dream mount that is shai ONLY. A dream donkey as you will call it. Something that is faster then her current Shai Donkey that is made FROM her shai donkey on top of she can be unquie with it. Even if it is just a Doom Donkey or A doomkey as my stream likes calling it. Or something completely new to help with the new Trading system coming out to make her better or close to par of most wagons. But Please give something special to the Shais' Loyal to their Donkey I never been with a horse since the shai has came out even the change that they can ride a horse.

A donkey of doom 🤣 I love it 

Last Edit : Feb 9, 2021, 08:22 (UTC)
# 6
On: Feb 9, 2021, 01:42 (UTC), Written by Roflwaffle

A donkey of doom 🤣 I love it 

It was a crazy idea my veiwers made up I had like oh one of the Mashrooms from Pollys but then they all started saying Doomkey and now it became The one mount that shais' wanted is a Doomkey. I love the idea and I want that mount now and it is a funny topic when people ask about it ♥w♥ I just cant wait for any kind of buff to love to the shai to actually finish her class.

Last Edit : Feb 10, 2021, 03:16 (UTC)
# 7

Just to put something out there, 


Shai has version of Witch/wizard's heal in 3 fourms 1 that works Like it and 2 that is oh did you hit a target just right? Is there a hostile near by? Her Rambam that makes a following heal light follow hostiles first before friendlies.... Best feture for shai. Next is an heal orb she throws that if it does not hit perfectly no one gets healed... Also the shai cant heal with this ability.

Next Hashbrown has the shai's 100% as one of his moves that does REAL DAMAGE but the shai is not allowed to have. Next th Nova has the Shai's Bubble that she can use and guess what Kill people through it... 


More classes are having shai abilites and able to use them and do REAL PVP DAMAGE with it... 


This is mainly to you PA to Make shai Unquie and not have all her abilites now being stolen to new classes and can use them better then her making the shai more usless in open world and now nod war. Something needs to change either a kit overhaul for shai or buffs that make her better then the other classes that has her skills.

Last Edit : Mar 10, 2021, 22:12 (UTC)
# 8

And we are back to like show PA hey guess what Shai is a class too.


ALL CLASSES but shai getting Core skills? 


We Win system on shai that only allows her to walk with bongs?


Like where is the buffs to shai then these fucking Jokes?

Last Edit : Mar 11, 2021, 04:23 (UTC)
# 9

I don't like the last idea.


Making Shai or any class the best at lifeskilling was dumbest idea Pearl Abyss has ever put foward. Imagine if they released a class that was considered the worst at lifeskilling, but was much better than other classes at PvP to compensate. I don't think anyone wants that.


There shouldn't be anyone in the game who doesn't want to make a Shai but feels they have to or else gimp themselves at lifeskilling.

Last Edit : Mar 11, 2021, 06:40 (UTC)
# 10
On: Mar 11, 2021, 04:22 (UTC), Written by Anderen

I don't like the last idea.


Making Shai or any class the best at lifeskilling was dumbest idea Pearl Abyss has ever put foward. Imagine if they released a class that was considered the worst at lifeskilling, but was much better than other classes at PvP to compensate. I don't think anyone wants that.


There shouldn't be anyone in the game who doesn't want to make a Shai but feels they have to or else gimp themselves at lifeskilling.

Agree but I been roited because of the life skill idea not being there so I added to please the special few but making us pvp able or better then witch/wizard and valk give ONLY SHAI the ability to buff classes then any other class and heal also PA is better then having some PVP able class do it 

1 2


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