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Bring back Maegu clones for PvE
Feb 20, 2023, 03:27 (UTC)
2436 39
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Last Edit : Feb 20, 2023, 09:14 (UTC)
# 1

Title: Bring back Maegu clones for PvE
Family Name:

Region (NA/EU): EU

Suggestion/Comments: the clones from some of Maegus skills were removed because of PvP, but they have been removed for PvE as well. Why? I don't see why PvE has to suffer under a PvP problem.
The clones make her unique, these skills were very fun to mess around with (big part of the Maegu fun to to me) and especially the big orb-blast in front that sent a clone forwards (foxflare iirc?) was very useful as a finisher of a pack and to get a headstart on moving to the next pack.
My whole flow is in disarray now. I really don't like the changes to PvE. I don't understand why the clones aren't simply disabled for PvP, but removed altogether. It makes absolutely no sense to me. So please, give them back for PvE to these skills, or at least foxflare (if that's what the name was, I don't have the game open and it's 4:25am, forgive me for not quite remembering) 
Last Edit : Feb 20, 2023, 05:14 (UTC)
# 2

The entire mechanic was a critical failure of ruleswriting. They never should have even entertained the idea of adding them to the class in the first place.

Last Edit : Feb 20, 2023, 09:14 (UTC)
# 3

Failure why? Because PvP? I'm talking about PvE. 

Because you don't like it? You don't have to like everything. Shocking, I know. A lot of people on the forum have this attitude of "I personally don't need/want/use it, therefore bad."

There's more players than you.

Of course I could be wrong in my assumptions here, but just screaming "failure" isn't helping anyone. What's the problem? Why would it be a failure? There are a lot of people who enjoy using the clones in PvE. And is that not the point of a game? To have fun? Doesn't sound like failure to me.

(now I wonder if the formatting will go and delete my white lines again, I'm writing this on my phone and I didn't do that myself. Was a surprise to see) 

Last Edit : Feb 20, 2023, 09:47 (UTC)
# 4

Yeah it's a dumb mechanism that they should've never added in the first place.

244 4634
Lv 63
Last Edit : Feb 20, 2023, 09:51 (UTC)
# 5

i would also like to get quadruple teleport for pve

Last Edit : Feb 20, 2023, 10:21 (UTC)
# 6
On: Feb 20, 2023, 09:47 (UTC), Written by CatDK

Yeah it's a dumb mechanism that they should've never added in the first place.

Again, reasons? People are good at being negative, bad at explaining themselves.

On: Feb 20, 2023, 09:51 (UTC), Written by WhySoSeeryus

i would also like to get quadruple teleport for pve

You can't even teleport forwards twice in a row, if you're comparing it to wizard. Which is fine of course, it's not a witchzard. I play Witch as well, really don't see maegu clones as a problem or something Witch would need.

And mindlessly teleporting all over the place is not much help. And you need to use a skill first before you can create a clone and swap places.

Edit: to be clear I'm not saying any of you are wrong, just that I don't see it. The problem is, people seem to have lost the ability for discussion; to explain their points so others might adopt them. I don't see why the clones are a problem in Pve. If they truly are, explain yourself. "this bad" without a why or how, never helps anyone. 

Last Edit : Feb 20, 2023, 11:00 (UTC)
# 7
On: Feb 20, 2023, 10:04 (UTC), Written by DiaborMagics

Again, reasons? People are good at being negative, bad at explaining themselves.

You can't even teleport forwards twice in a row, if you're comparing it to wizard. Which is fine of course, it's not a witchzard. I play Witch as well, really don't see maegu clones as a problem or something Witch would need.

And mindlessly teleporting all over the place is not much help. And you need to use a skill first before you can create a clone and swap places.

Edit: to be clear I'm not saying any of you are wrong, just that I don't see it. The problem is, people seem to have lost the ability for discussion; to explain their points so others might adopt them. I don't see why the clones are a problem in Pve. If they truly are, explain yourself. "this bad" without a why or how, never helps anyone. 

ok, lets discuss:

u are already playing amazing class in both pve and pvp, and u wanna keep one of the broken aspects of it under "muh pve" excuse. if anything maegu needs more nerfs.

while we are at it, mirror image is usualy "wizard/mage" skill, and it should be left behind teleport skill in awakening spec considering how immobile we are. maegus are all over the place perma protected with giga range + huge aoes that are often bigger than even other classes melee aoe skills.

Last Edit : Feb 20, 2023, 11:18 (UTC)
# 8

Maegu still too strong in pvp, needs more nerfs. Either protections/clones or ranged dmg.

Class should not be S tier in both ranged and melee pvp combat.
Don't know about pve, but if it needs PVE buff then just give her more pve dmg. Do not buff anything that may help in pvp like clones/movement/protections.

Last Edit : Feb 20, 2023, 11:56 (UTC)
# 9

Clones are fun, yes. The skills creating though can't be split for pvp/pve though, so unless PA can code for something reasonable involving them, uh... "Let us have the clones in pve" doesn't hold water here. It's not a mechanic as easy to work around with as ccs are. You can't have them work only if you target a mob, 'cause, well, you sometimes pvp in a pve environment too. You sometimes target nothing to create a clone.

So... Can you even explain how you see what you're asking for being implemented? Otherwise, it's just as reasonable a request as asking devs to end world hunger. 

Last Edit : Feb 20, 2023, 12:32 (UTC)
# 10
On: Feb 20, 2023, 03:27 (UTC), Written by DiaborMagics

Title: Bring back Maegu clones for PvE
Family Name:

Region (NA/EU): EU

Suggestion/Comments: the clones from some of Maegus skills were removed because of PvP, but they have been removed for PvE as well. Why? I don't see why PvE has to suffer under a PvP problem.
The clones make her unique, these skills were very fun to mess around with (big part of the Maegu fun to to me) and especially the big orb-blast in front that sent a clone forwards (foxflare iirc?) was very useful as a finisher of a pack and to get a headstart on moving to the next pack.
My whole flow is in disarray now. I really don't like the changes to PvE. I don't understand why the clones aren't simply disabled for PvP, but removed altogether. It makes absolutely no sense to me. So please, give them back for PvE to these skills, or at least foxflare (if that's what the name was, I don't have the game open and it's 4:25am, forgive me for not quite remembering) 

bruh! PVE mobs have no brain to begin with, why do u even need clones for PVE when u have a very good mobility and huge AOEs?

and Clone was too much to handel for some 12years old kids in game cause they couldn't figure out the difference between standing and doing nothing vs a player spaming attacks.

And clones were giving too much advantage as it allows u to teleport. if you think this nerf to maegu makes her dead then u shoudn't play with her. Her play style in general is too good as she can easily 1v3 if u play her right and think.

World's Finest ! — Invincible S01E08 | “Where I Really Come From”

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