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UTC 1 : 55 Jul 27, 2024
CEST 3 : 55 Jul 27, 2024
PDT 18 : 55 Jul 26, 2024
EDT 21 : 55 Jul 26, 2024
#Warrior #Berserker #Musa #Ninja #Wizard #Striker #Archer #Hashashin #Sage
Fight for equal rights for male classes in BDO
Feb 28, 2023, 17:56 (UTC)
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Last Edit : Feb 28, 2023, 17:56 (UTC)
# 1

Hello PA,
I hope you guys are doing well.

Before saying what I am about to say, I would like to say that I am happy with the state of the game. Ever since the game was transferred over from Kakao, I have noticed that you guys have shown more love to the game, so good job for that. However, the disparity between the number of male class and female classes keeps growing. I understand that you guys are a business and it's smart business practice to keep on releasing female classes cuz they sell too well. Nonetheless, there are currently 9 male classes and 17 female classes! I am not even asking for a new class concept from the ground, It'd be ok if we had at least the male counter parts from certain classes such as: Dark Knight, Nova and specially Corsair. I think a lot of us really want to have a male pirate class. Most male classes have their female counterparts, with the exception of berserker (cuz I don't think a single soul on this planet wants to see a female zerk), and even so you can argue that the guardian is the female zerker.

It's all I gotta say for now. Thanks.

Alqantt (Best berserker NA)

Last Edit : Mar 1, 2023, 07:52 (UTC)
# 2

just remove genderlock, problem solved.

Last Edit : Mar 2, 2023, 16:23 (UTC)
# 3
On: Mar 1, 2023, 07:52 (UTC), Written by Awgust

just remove genderlock, problem solved.

Do you know what MASSIVE amount of work it would take to make this happen?

The costumes are gendered for each class, making them flip-flop and look even the least bit decent would just be a gigantic amount of work. 

Also, you would have to exclude many of them from the male form or female form when doing this change over, because the costumes have morphic body focus areas that would require new archors in the models. 

As I sit here thinking about it, it just gets worse and worse.

Last Edit : Mar 3, 2023, 23:18 (UTC)
# 4

Since day 1 years back i was intrigued by Warrior in BDO.

I played both male and female classes.

I was satisfied with Warrior Dark Knight and Nova, the playstyles unique as well as the concept and story/ art.

What i always wanted to see though was a Male Shadow Knight think of a Nova Equivalent with different styles depending on Awakening or Succesion. Such as Sword and Magic and Mace or Flail and Shield.

For the Shadow Knight there's already content that can be expanded upon. Belmorn and Jordine the Shadow Knights and Odylitta relations maybe Kzarka and even Stars End. 

Even Blackstar could become a bit friendlier (Failchance and Durability) as a Boss Gear Equivalent to access Fallen God with the difference to not be tied to Gear Exchange and Free Gear giveaways. But Quest Story Exploration and Combat instead and make it so to serve the Shadow Knight for example or classes for which Blackstar ties well with their Concept Art. Obviously Player choice though.

However this is almost off topic so i wont add more.

Alternatively we could have these classes not gender specific but there are Female Equivalents already so it depends.

Last Edit : Mar 4, 2023, 02:53 (UTC)
# 5
On: Mar 3, 2023, 23:17 (UTC), Written by MythicDawn

Since day 1 years back i was intrigued by Warrior in BDO.

I played both male and female classes.

I was satisfied with Warrior Dark Knight and Nova, the playstyles unique as well as the concept and story/ art.

What i always wanted to see though was a Male Shadow Knight think of a Nova Equivalent with different styles depending on Awakening or Succesion. Such as Sword and Magic and Mace or Flail and Shield.

For the Shadow Knight there's already content that can be expanded upon. Belmorn and Jordine the Shadow Knights and Odylitta relations maybe Kzarka and even Stars End. 

Even Blackstar could become a bit friendlier (Failchance and Durability) as a Boss Gear Equivalent to access Fallen God with the difference to not be tied to Gear Exchange and Free Gear giveaways. But Quest Story Exploration and Combat instead and make it so to serve the Shadow Knight for example or classes for which Blackstar ties well with their Concept Art. Obviously Player choice though.

However this is almost off topic so i wont add more.

Alternatively we could have these classes not gender specific but there are Female Equivalents already so it depends.

I love this. Let's keep this post alive! We need GMs to see this!

Last Edit : Mar 5, 2023, 07:08 (UTC)
# 6

I really wish they'd go back to releasing a male and female version of each class. They even had the perfect story reason to do it with Maegu and woosa which I completely believe is a missed opportunity. 

Last Edit : Mar 26, 2023, 02:19 (UTC)
# 7
On: Mar 5, 2023, 07:08 (UTC), Written by Captillon

I really wish they'd go back to releasing a male and female version of each class. They even had the perfect story reason to do it with Maegu and hewoosa which I completely believe is a missed opportunity. 

Hey, I totally agree with you. I don't seee why we got a release of two male classes. It would have been cooler if it was both a male and female twins.

Last Edit : May 12, 2023, 11:58 (UTC)
# 8
Last Edit : May 13, 2023, 05:55 (UTC)
# 9

Honestly I just want more male class variety. Every male class but Sage and Wiz is a fighter. I'd see something nice and inspired, like the Sage. More mage classes with deep lore. 

And of course more male counterparts. Archer is the counterpart to Ranger. Sage to Sorceress. I don't mind more, well designed counterparts. As long as we get more options.

Wukong, male Paladin/Valkyrie/priest of Elion, male pirate, male Nova, male Lahn.

Why do female characters get all the cool Gimmicks while male classes are generic fighters, with the exception of Sage?

Last Edit : May 13, 2023, 06:22 (UTC)
# 10
On: Mar 2, 2023, 16:23 (UTC), Written by ArchaicTriad

Do you know what MASSIVE amount of work it would take to make this happen?

The costumes are gendered for each class, making them flip-flop and look even the least bit decent would just be a gigantic amount of work. 

Also, you would have to exclude many of them from the male form or female form when doing this change over, because the costumes have morphic body focus areas that would require new archors in the models. 

As I sit here thinking about it, it just gets worse and worse.

Do you know how MASSIVE acchivemnt PA will pull by removing genderlock system? Players will pop left and right!

Female warriors!

Male Valk!

Male Sorc!

Male Lahn!

Male Drakania!

Female Sage!

Female Berserker!

Female ninja with 6 katanas!!!!

and by making all the outfits they release for ALL class, the option will go even more HIGHER! example: Male sorc wearing nova's bloody cultess outfis! mix-matching tons of outfits and then PA could desgin outfits for 2 character models only instaed for each class....

It's a big work but big acchievement for PA cause players will be very happy and drop more money in the PA for outfits!

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