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UTC 1 : 20 Jul 27, 2024
CEST 3 : 20 Jul 27, 2024
PDT 18 : 20 Jul 26, 2024
EDT 21 : 20 Jul 26, 2024
PvP State and stirring it into a better direction
Mar 18, 2023, 17:23 (UTC)
1448 11
1 2
Last Edit : Mar 25, 2023, 18:24 (UTC)
# 1

Hello, I'm bored and decided to come rant a bit about the pvp state of bdo right now.

It's no surprise when I say most people think the power creep of damage in the game has gone up by a lot in the past year, starting from reworks, to stupid buffs to classes like succ sage and awake drak, to new class releases like maegu and drak. It's funny how during AoS season 1, a PvP feedback thread was made where a lot of sentiment was shared in a few aspects (like slows for example), however none of those aspects were changed and somehow only warrior got hard cucked by that AoS feedback thread.

It's time to tone down the damage a peg and get some drastic changes going on in the pvp scene, I'm leaving here a few points I think should be considered in a way to balance the field and make pvp less about oneshots and bullshit mechanics and more about consistency.


To no surprise this is the first point im bringing up because is something I mentioned above. Back in the aos season 1 feedback thread, I left a post about slows (and saw multiple similair to the one I did after). Why was warrior somehow the only one nerfed from that thread? Why aren't we applying the same logic to all slows in the game? 30% slows are too much, specially 10 seconds duration slows, it's not fun!!

Reduce all slows in the game to be max 20%, change them to last 5 seconds at max (and if a class has multiple slows, 3 seconds). This will make players use the slows in a smarter way instead of just spamming them on cooldown (hash players *cough cough*).

E buffs

This is controversial because some classes and players don't want to lose their ebuff because they know how broken it makes their class for those 30 seconds. but that's exactly the issue, E buffs are unbalanced and inconsistent, they are not fun. While some classes go from 3/4 skilling to one shotting with a press off a button, that gives them billions worth of stats, others cry in the corner cause their Ebuff does nothing. Some would say, "oh just buff those classes to have good ebuffs", but that's exactly the issue, if we keep power creeping every class the game will remain the oneshot meta it is, from my aos experience, when a certain few classes press ebuff, teams rather kite for 30 seconds than play the game, that is bad design obviously.

Remove E buffs from the game, or make them work on PvE only somehow. This will reduce inconsistent results, where a class randomly does 70% of your hp while before they did only 30 or 40%.

Emergency Escape

This one is fast and requires no explanation.

Allows us to use emergency escape out of any CC (kd and stiff included). Also, if you V out of a grab, let us actually escape (zerker moment)

Grab Resets

During reworks you went through the trouble of nerfing every summon skill that had 100% downsmash chance, because cc resetting was a toxic mechanic (sorc moment). Now we have the same issue as players realised that the end part of a grab ignores the cc cap, effectively cc resetting the player 100% of the time. Biggest offender to this is obviously zerker that can use a grab that hasn't even landed to perform this reset consistently, but I've seen strikers pulling it off as well if they grab another player into a capped player. It's a dumb unfair mechanic, time to fix.

Make it so grab CC counts towards the cap even if the player isnt the one being grabbed.

Summon accuracy values

This is a thing that should have dissappeared long time ago, people have complained about it ever since striker release, it effectively allows some classes to build lower accuracy while still being able to consistently damage evasion builds (being one comboed by a 780 accuracy striker).

Skills with +50% accuracy are unbalanced, it's time to make them all 10 to 20% at best. (I love blooming)

Nodewar changes

This has been discussed multiple times so I know pa doesn't care, but the community asked for less capped content and some number changes on the nodes, so I'll just reenforce that.

Uncap gear on t3 nodewars (maybe increase t2 cap by 30/20 gs, up to you). Change so nodewars are at max 75 man cap nodes (barely any guilds can pull actually 100 people during the week for a nodewar), make more 75 and 50 man t4 nodes by reducing the 100 man ones. Change t3 nodes to be 55 and 40 man only (along with the gear uncap)


This is a long shot and I know won't happen but

Fix hitstagger somehow, idk, learn how to fix it, it's your game. It gets you yeeted out of protections and makes the movement of some classes just waver making them cover like a third of the ground they would otherwise.

Z buffs and ults

This change would be to dial back the damage a bit in the game.

Make it so Ult and Z buff gives monster damage instead of flat ap.

Stop creating more dumb PvP mechanics

The new region is introducing active buffs accessories that are making pvp more unbalanced and dumb. First of all, as said above multiple times, game has too much damage, who in their right idea decided to release a new z/e buff like active skill on a belt accessory? If you wanted to do something like that, at least make it a defensive buff so it doens't power creep game damage even more. As mentioned before, imo E and z buff shouldnt even exist in the first place. The other one shown was the necklace that changes V, that's fine, if the cc didnt ignore SA and FG? That's pretty much just introducing a grab to every class, it's kinda dumb, specially if it can be used after you already got cced, every class will have to go into SA and FG skill to try and combo you, it's a no risk counter that will just make PvP feel much worse and force everyone to run the necklace otherwise, you'll get a CC, enemy presses V, grab u from the ground and then kill u in 1 kd unless you have the necklace as well and just grab him back and now you're the one that can try and combo him in a kd again. It just sounds dumb, didnt it pass through your head?

Stop adding more active buffs to the game. Don't make mechanics that ignore protections, people already complain enough about grabs.

Last Edit : Mar 18, 2023, 17:31 (UTC)
# 2

To add regarding nodewar one, cap special damage so people cant abuse it.

Last Edit : Mar 18, 2023, 18:33 (UTC)
# 3
On: Mar 18, 2023, 17:31 (UTC), Written by GreenShadow

To add regarding nodewar one, cap special damage so people cant abuse it.

Or just delete those stupid items that ppl use to exploit it, the chimera and whathewer was the other?

While there was lot of valid sugestions, most was already mentioned since years, PA just don't give af.

244 4634
Lv 63
Last Edit : Mar 18, 2023, 19:09 (UTC)
# 4
On: Mar 18, 2023, 17:23 (UTC), Written by ChickenSan

Hello, I'm bored and decided to come rant a bit about the pvp state of bdo right now.

Nothing going to change untill PA will be forced to show combat logs, as long as you can't prove <magic> that happens in BDO, PA don't give a F about any rant's, they'll just change some stats to make new FOTM.

Also no world about gigantic impact of FPS/MouseMovement and other exploits that you forced to use if you want to PVP.

Last Edit : Mar 18, 2023, 20:53 (UTC)
# 5
On: Mar 18, 2023, 17:23 (UTC), Written by ChickenSan

Hello, I'm bored and decided to come rant a bit about the pvp state of bdo right now.

It's no surprise when I say most people think the power creep of damage in the game has gone up by a lot in the past year, starting from reworks, to stupid buffs to classes like succ sage and awake drak, to new class releases like maegu and drak. It's funny how during AoS season 1, a PvP feedback thread was made where a lot of sentiment was shared in a few aspects (like slows for example), however none of those aspects were changed and somehow only warrior got hard cucked by that AoS feedback thread.

It's time to tone down the damage a peg and get some drastic changes going on in the pvp scene, I'm leaving here a few points I think should be considered in a way to balance the field and make pvp less about oneshots and bullshit mechanics and more about consistency.


To no surprise this is the first point im bringing up because is something I mentioned above. Back in the aos season 1 feedback thread, I left a post about slows (and saw multiple similair to the one I did after). Why was warrior somehow the only one nerfed from that thread? Why aren't we applying the same logic to all slows in the game? 30% slows are too much, specially 10 seconds duration slows, it's not fun!!

Reduce all slows in the game to be max 20%, change them to last 5 seconds at max (and if a class has multiple slows, 3 seconds). This will make players use the slows in a smarter way instead of just spamming them on cooldown (hash players *cough cough*).

E buffs

This is controversial because some classes and players don't want to lose their ebuff because they know how broken it makes their class for those 30 seconds. but that's exactly the issue, E buffs are unbalanced and inconsistent, they are not fun. While some classes go from 3/4 skilling to one shotting with a press off a button, that gives them billions worth of stats, others cry in the corner cause their Ebuff does nothing. Some would say, "oh just buff those classes to have good ebuffs", but that's exactly the issue, if we keep power creeping every class the game will remain the oneshot meta it is, from my aos experience, when a certain few classes press ebuff, teams rather kite for 30 seconds than play the game, that is bad design obviously.

Remove E buffs from the game, or make them work on PvE only somehow. This will reduce inconsistent results, where a class randomly does 70% of your hp while before they did only 30 or 40%.

Emergency Escape

This one is fast and requires no explanation.

Allows us to use emergency escape out of any CC (kd and stiff included). Also, if you V out of a grab, let us actually escape (zerker moment)

Grab Resets

During reworks you went through the trouble of nerfing every summon skill that had 100% downsmash chance, because cc resetting was a toxic mechanic (sorc moment). Now we have the same issue as players realised that the end part of a grab ignores the cc cap, effectively cc resetting the player 100% of the time. Biggest offender to this is obviously zerker that can use a grab that hasn't even landed to perform this reset consistently, but I've seen strikers pulling it off as well if they grab another player into a capped player. It's a dumb unfair mechanic, time to fix.

Make it so grab CC counts towards the cap even if the player isnt the one being grabbed.

Summon accuracy values

This is a thing that should have dissappeared long time ago, people have complained about it ever since striker release, it effectively allows some classes to build lower accuracy while still being able to consistently damage evasion builds (being one comboed by a 780 accuracy striker).

Skills with +50% accuracy are unbalanced, it's time to make them all 10 to 20% at best. (I love blooming)

Nodewar changes

This has been discussed multiple times so I know pa doesn't care, but the community asked for less capped content and some number changes on the nodes, so I'll just reenforce that.

Uncap gear on t3 nodewars (maybe increase t2 cap by 30/20 gs, up to you). Change so nodewars are at max 75 man cap nodes (barely any guilds can pull actually 100 people during the week for a nodewar), make more 75 and 50 man t4 nodes by reducing the 100 man ones. Change t3 nodes to be 55 and 40 man only (along with the gear uncap)


This is a long shot and I know won't happen but

Fix hitstagger somehow, idk, learn how to fix it, it's your game. It gets you yeeted out of protections and makes the movement of some classes just waver making them cover like a third of the ground they would otherwise.

Z buffs and ults

This change would be to dial back the damage a bit in the game.

Make it so Ult and Z buff gives monster damage instead of flat ap.

Remove the ignore grab resist passive from all classes no reason for some classes to have ignore resist passives an the rest do not. Also have a bound at the end like a normal grab for all classes. Then you get the count + it removes classes that can multiple grab. My opinion at least thats what makes some grabs broken(also shouldnt be able to reset cc count timer with multiple grabs). But i do agree about slows.

Edit: Also remove perma iframes.  Change them to FG /SAs

Last Edit : Mar 19, 2023, 03:44 (UTC)
# 6

While a stun or KD is a hard CC slows are soft CCs. Protected slows are like protected CCs in a way. Slows might be weaker than a CC but slows also work against enemies in SA while with the exception of grabs CCs don't work against SA.

Having an unprotected risky slow is fine imo even if it is 50% like Ninja/Kuno Shackles. Ninjas don't use it at all and pretty much only succ Kunos use it in some combos.

Not sure what other classes have for unprotected slows.

So just limit the protected slows in the game. I'm all up for limiting the 'no brain required' slows. Can even give some classes viability again with a change in that regard like letting Awakening Guardian keep her protected big AoE slows to make her more attractive again as a large scale class.

1 115
Lv 66
Last Edit : Mar 19, 2023, 03:49 (UTC)
# 7

And limit down smashes please. Getting flipped around on the ground for 15 seconds isn't fun just like getting zerker grab CC reseted.

How about 1 down smash per combo or 1 down smash per CC.

1 115
Lv 66
Last Edit : Mar 20, 2023, 12:49 (UTC)
# 8

I don't care to read the random PVP crying posts that roll on the fourms usually, but this one caught my eye as I skimmed through.

I realized as I approached the categorized pieces in this post that OP was calm, collected and informed. 

OP, after reading your post I declare you 100% right. But that doesnt mean that these issues have not been the major roll of balance in BDO's PVP.

I think the answer to the CC equation is the resource consumption (MP or otherwise) that is not there for applying the CC. Imagine if a throw depleted your mana bar if you landed one. Imagine if you had to use 25% of your manabar to down smash an enemy after CC limit is reached. 

Last Edit : Mar 20, 2023, 19:47 (UTC)
# 9

i dont pvp  tryhard myself, basically pve ad ons with pve crystals and only thing that annoys me

"avoid mode" huh?

"immune" you mean resist CC or what?

cced player teleports behind me in the middle of my combo

skills that CC behind the caster that are  also mobility skills at same time.


Mouse movement makes some classes glitchy, just disable it for those skills please, if you think you cant fix it.

48 1797
Lv 61
Last Edit : Mar 25, 2023, 18:19 (UTC)
# 10

Dropping feedback here again because it's related to what I said above, I'll edit the post because of the new region dumb additions on accessories with active buffs

1 2


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