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UTC 2 : 23 Jul 27, 2024
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Universal gear
Mar 27, 2023, 18:58 (UTC)
1398 14
1 2
Last Edit : Mar 27, 2023, 18:58 (UTC)
# 1

Title: Universal gear

Family Name: Sylveir

Region (NA/EU): NA

Please consider implementing a universal gear system so that we can use one set of gear across all of our characters (gear presets would be really cool too!).
The character tag system was an amazing feature when it came out and is still a staple mechanic but with so many classes available to us now having one tagged character is not enough anymore.
Personally, I love my main and don't see myself ever swapping off of it. I have a shai tagged for oluns and to help with buffs whenever friends/guildies need them, but I can't play any other classes unless I either remove gear from my main, tag a new character, or build a new set. The systems seem to be in place with our crystal presets, shared silver, artifacts/lightstone presets, and magnus gear it just needs to be expanded to this last piece.
This could even be expanded into loadout presets (gear, crystals, skills, lightsones all saved to one preset), but just the universal gear would be a huge win in my opinion.
This would allow for players to enjoy more of the classes this game has to offer without the limitations of one tag and saving the silver to buy the fuel for it.
Thanks for the consideration and happy adventuring!
Last Edit : Mar 29, 2023, 06:15 (UTC)
# 2

This would be a huge addition and quality of life change. Think of the money they would make on costumes, more inv expansions/slots etc.

Sadly, they will likely never do it. Cuz why do something good when you can keep the "How to enjoy cuckery 101" course going.

10 27
Lv Private
Last Edit : Apr 11, 2023, 19:02 (UTC)
# 3

Were at the point where this needs to be heavily considered for the longevity of BDO. Ive recently got back in life skill and remembered why tagging is a bad game design aspect and needs to be addressed for trading.

2 30
Lv Private
Last Edit : Apr 11, 2023, 23:33 (UTC)
# 4

I like the idea and it would be great QoL, but...

Do you think PA can handle opening that floodgate balancing wise? (I know this shouldn't be a reason to not implement a QoL feature, but in reality it sadly is.)

At least now there is a barrier when you tag a new class by having a cost. If that gets removed you will only see 2-3 classes being used for grinding, because why would you break your fingers if you can play maegu for free and make more silver. You will see guilds (not only tryhards) requiring their members having specific classes to switch to, because once one guilds does it others will follow to have a chance.

You will have the community become even more sweaty for every piece of content in the game, creating even less class diversity to this horrible FOTM meta we already have. Why would I invite class X to my group if it takes a couple of hours to reach 61 and have all skillpoints required on a FOTM class.

Last Edit : Apr 11, 2023, 23:54 (UTC)
# 5
On: Apr 11, 2023, 23:33 (UTC), Written by ItWasDsyncIswear

I like the idea and it would be great QoL, but...

Do you think PA can handle opening that floodgate balancing wise? (I know this shouldn't be a reason to not implement a QoL feature, but in reality it sadly is.)

At least now there is a barrier when you tag a new class by having a cost. If that gets removed you will only see 2-3 classes being used for grinding, because why would you break your fingers if you can play maegu for free and make more silver. You will see guilds (not only tryhards) requiring their members having specific classes to switch to, because once one guilds does it others will follow to have a chance.

You will have the community become even more sweaty for every piece of content in the game, creating even less class diversity to this horrible FOTM meta we already have. Why would I invite class X to my group if it takes a couple of hours to reach 61 and have all skillpoints required on a FOTM class.

It changes nothing with that and I actually believe the "fotm counter argument" isnt as big of a deal as people think because honestly people already are tagging whatever is op regardless of the silver cost currently. who doesnt wanna have options to play more characters? I legit dont understand why only in this game people fear something like being able to use your gear on anything more simply as a negative lol. Is other games unbalanced because their systems are simpler to get gear for alts at the same item level? this games indifferent for no real good reason. we have so many classes and a large amount of lost sales because surely people will buy more outfits for characters they can play at a whim to enjoy.

2 30
Lv Private
Last Edit : Apr 12, 2023, 07:38 (UTC)
# 6
On: Apr 11, 2023, 23:33 (UTC), Written by ItWasDsyncIswear

I like the idea and it would be great QoL, but...

Do you think PA can handle opening that floodgate balancing wise? (I know this shouldn't be a reason to not implement a QoL feature, but in reality it sadly is.)

At least now there is a barrier when you tag a new class by having a cost. If that gets removed you will only see 2-3 classes being used for grinding, because why would you break your fingers if you can play maegu for free and make more silver. You will see guilds (not only tryhards) requiring their members having specific classes to switch to, because once one guilds does it others will follow to have a chance.

You will have the community become even more sweaty for every piece of content in the game, creating even less class diversity to this horrible FOTM meta we already have. Why would I invite class X to my group if it takes a couple of hours to reach 61 and have all skillpoints required on a FOTM class.

Maybe let PA balance classes instead of wasting time on new redundant content in the game.

Additionally, we are blocked by weight limit and inventory slots, so changing class is not as easy as you think.
We have 26 classes and we play one because we are blocked by the lack of weapons. 

If the weapons were changed into family weapons then e.g. many more people would participate in fights with world bosses because after the loss of oasis a lot of players were left with naked alts.

Last Edit : Apr 12, 2023, 11:50 (UTC)
# 7
On: Apr 11, 2023, 23:52 (UTC), Written by Luss

It changes nothing with that and I actually believe the "fotm counter argument" isnt as big of a deal as people think because honestly people already are tagging whatever is op regardless of the silver cost currently. who doesnt wanna have options to play more characters? I legit dont understand why only in this game people fear something like being able to use your gear on anything more simply as a negative lol. Is other games unbalanced because their systems are simpler to get gear for alts at the same item level? this games indifferent for no real good reason. we have so many classes and a large amount of lost sales because surely people will buy more outfits for characters they can play at a whim to enjoy.

Actually it does, no way will a normal guild ask you to change tag to a FOTM NW class at the cost of billions of silver for NWs. People have their main and tag a good grinder (If their main is bad in PvE) or some other class they want to play as a "second main". When you reach endgame you don't change your tag weekly. (You can, but it'll cost you)

If that silver barrier is removed then you will have every underperforming class have a woosa at hexe and a zerker / staff for NWs because that is what will be required. People don't like to lose, be it in PvP or by getting less profits due to playing a weaker class in PvE.

Ofc it's more profitable for PA but them getting more money doesn't make for better gameplay. If they can balance the game properly though, then both PA and the playerbase can win from this change. I'm not saying it's bad, like I said, I like the idea. I simply don't trust PA to make this work in a way that it's actually good for the long term health of the game.

On: Apr 12, 2023, 07:38 (UTC), Written by Senemedar

Maybe let PA balance classes instead of wasting time on new redundant content in the game.

Additionally, we are blocked by weight limit and inventory slots, so changing class is not as easy as you think.
We have 26 classes and we play one because we are blocked by the lack of weapons. 

If the weapons were changed into family weapons then e.g. many more people would participate in fights with world bosses because after the loss of oasis a lot of players were left with naked alts.

Actually PA has done a great job in removing the need for weight and inventory slots. They basically bombard you with maids nowadays. Inventory slots are easy to get for free and weight of many items was reduced. Really no reason to buy weight or inventory slots now.

People aren't doing world bosses because they don't have the gear to do them. Do it like everyone and play season for 3-4h and get full PEN Tuvala that you can give a boss alt if you want to do bosses. Bosses are just not worth doing for the most part, this wouldn't change that.

Last Edit : Apr 12, 2023, 12:21 (UTC)
# 8
On: Apr 12, 2023, 11:50 (UTC), Written by ItWasDsyncIswear

Actually it does, no way will a normal guild ask you to change tag to a FOTM NW class at the cost of billions of silver for NWs. People have their main and tag a good grinder (If their main is bad in PvE) or some other class they want to play as a "second main". When you reach endgame you don't change your tag weekly. (You can, but it'll cost you)

Actually every top tier NW/siege guild recurits FOTMs as main target. They literately write it in their AD. So yeah you either tag it or reroll. (Except obviously if you are hardcaped or a top 0.01% player skill wise)

244 4634
Lv 63
Last Edit : Apr 12, 2023, 12:36 (UTC)
# 9

they should remove all tagging and work on balance because this allows them to be lazy and put people into "just tag another class bro" mental state.

Last Edit : Apr 12, 2023, 14:50 (UTC)
# 10
On: Apr 12, 2023, 11:50 (UTC), Written by ItWasDsyncIswear

They basically bombard you with maids nowadays.

1. But only half of them (storage) are usable on the grind for trash (yes you can use the horse, but not everywhere, plus it's a waste of time).

2. Scroll+agris+golden blessing and problems will start because you generate 100 LT in 3-5 minutes.

On: Apr 12, 2023, 11:50 (UTC), Written by ItWasDsyncIswear

Inventory slots are easy to get for free and weight of many items was reduced.

1. For one or two characters, but not for 26.

2. There are zones where inventory space fills up quickly. Event drop + scroll + compass grind  = many memo scroll parts. And this problem (to make them stack) is still not solved.

On: Apr 12, 2023, 11:50 (UTC), Written by ItWasDsyncIswear

Do it like everyone and play season for 3-4h and get full PEN Tuvala that you can give a boss alt if you want to do bosses. 

I do this and what does it give me? Stronger versions of world bosses can kill you in one hit anyway. If all my alts had the same ap/dp stats as my main char, i'd try harder. And since I have to die every 10 seconds because someone didn't think these bosses through, I prefer to stand and watch like most. So if everyone had these items almost everyone would fight and those bosses would die in 5 minutes instead of 20 like now or not at all (in the morning). The issue of profitability is a different topic, but if everyone decided that it's not worth killing them, you'd have an empty market.

1 2


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