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UTC 11 : 1 Sep 7, 2024
CEST 13 : 1 Sep 7, 2024
PDT 4 : 1 Sep 7, 2024
EDT 7 : 1 Sep 7, 2024
Heuklang. Tamer's pet and her class identity is underperforming
May 13, 2023, 21:05 (UTC)
1461 10
Last Edit : Jul 18, 2023, 10:19 (UTC)
# 1

Family Name: Iframe

Region (NA/EU): EU

Suggestions/Comments: Hello

Since class reboot where the damage of Heuklang is supposed to scale with Tamer ap it became very low compared to what is supposed to do and what it was before.

Same with cc. Since reboot Heuklang cc isn't working as before. Not all tics of cc that skills suppose to have are working in pvp.

Heuklang's animation are very slow, when fighting people with the actual speed of the game in pvp when heilang start to do his animation the enemy had already left that spot.

Also related with heilang's animation, these are very inconsistent since they same skill may do differents animations.

Lately, the change devs made in the past year to Tamer's awakening skill "Howling" was very bad since they made her lost her only range skill/cc for fighting range classes or support in larger fights.

Lv Private
Last Edit : May 13, 2023, 21:58 (UTC)
# 2

It certainly gets frustrating when you see that no matter what you do, you won't be able to perform as many other classes will even with way less skills.
We've been hoping for some fixes for so long and it reached a point where all what's left is desperately waiting for Pearl Abyss to fix this class or reroll so you can actually enjoy playing the game.
Please do something about this PA! <3

Last Edit : May 14, 2023, 00:37 (UTC)
# 3

Maybe Heilang's skills are ok with succession: I wouldn't know, because I like her awakening skills very much.  Still, she felt more powerful and complete before Reboot.

I kinda feel it was a disguised nerf for a lot of classes.  Musa, Maewha, Tamer, Nova, to name a few.  The devs been slowly buffing them ever since, but Tamer got very little attention.  I couldn't see much performance change with this last patch..... maybe I use the wrong skills, I don't know...

Last Edit : May 15, 2023, 16:29 (UTC)
# 4

Since some people may don't know anything about tamer because all of them have dissapeared, I'm posting a video related to what is written in the post. The first 1:40 min are pet related and what is discussed in this post. 

Lv Private
Last Edit : May 22, 2023, 10:16 (UTC)
# 5

Pets in general need fixes for many classes, especially with bugged damage/cc application and ap/accuracy scaling. 

Last Edit : May 25, 2023, 11:35 (UTC)
# 6

Before the nerf, the pet was overperforming.
Remember players using Tamer AFK at Valencia in PVE. I remember in PVP the pet was way too strong, being to CC you in your SA, then he was CCing you when you were doing a combo on the Tamer.

I think the pet is more an issue to balance than everything else. Yes it's her identity but how do you make cool without making it overpowered ?
Before most Tamers were just spamming Iframe & SA and they were waiting the pet to CC, which was working a bit too well. Now Tamer got iframes back, I won't lie, I don't want to see the pet being strong again.

Maybe a choice has to be taken by Tamer community ? Pet or better protection ? Because right Tamer doesn't need the pet to perferm well in PVP / PVE.

Last Edit : May 25, 2023, 22:05 (UTC)
# 7
On: May 25, 2023, 11:34 (UTC), Written by Anvorka

Before the nerf, the pet was overperforming.
Remember players using Tamer AFK at Valencia in PVE. I remember in PVP the pet was way too strong, being to CC you in your SA, then he was CCing you when you were doing a combo on the Tamer.

I think the pet is more an issue to balance than everything else. Yes it's her identity but how do you make cool without making it overpowered ?
Before most Tamers were just spamming Iframe & SA and they were waiting the pet to CC, which was working a bit too well. Now Tamer got iframes back, I won't lie, I don't want to see the pet being strong again.

Maybe a choice has to be taken by Tamer community ? Pet or better protection ? Because right Tamer doesn't need the pet to perferm well in PVP / PVE.

I strongly disagree with what is written here.

Afk is easily fixeable giving pet damage only in follow up skills. Also AFK-ish isn't a thing nowadays and always have been worse performance than afk fishing for example. If you are being cc in SA isn't because pet, is because desync. Same apply if you are gettinc cced in iframe. Also if you are getting cc by the pet after get the tamer is probably because the tamer did the skill before and that's the follow up. Easily fixeable with class knowledge.

Yes, Heilang is Tamer identity and it's underperforming. It isn't doing what is supposed to do according with skills description. You could watch the video posted before.

That has never been Tamer gameplay, I don't know if you ever have fought one after reading this. She has been a grab bot more than anything else

If you think Tamer is good performing you are wrong. Simply check how many tamers do you see in open world or doing pvp in any guild. Clearly a minority, the more competitive a guild is the less tamer they have.

Lv Private
Last Edit : May 29, 2023, 11:12 (UTC)
# 8

sorry, they have taken all disgrunted pet user feedbacks and made woosa awakening.

Last Edit : Jun 11, 2023, 07:40 (UTC)
# 9
On: May 25, 2023, 11:34 (UTC), Written by Anvorka

Before the nerf, the pet was overperforming.
Remember players using Tamer AFK at Valencia in PVE. I remember in PVP the pet was way too strong, being to CC you in your SA, then he was CCing you when you were doing a combo on the Tamer.

I think the pet is more an issue to balance than everything else. Yes it's her identity but how do you make cool without making it overpowered ?
Before most Tamers were just spamming Iframe & SA and they were waiting the pet to CC, which was working a bit too well. Now Tamer got iframes back, I won't lie, I don't want to see the pet being strong again.

Maybe a choice has to be taken by Tamer community ? Pet or better protection ? Because right Tamer doesn't need the pet to perferm well in PVP / PVE.

No, really, Heilang had never been overperforming. Never.

The chances of it landing a miraculous CC when it mattered were ridiculously low, but the chances of it deciding to attack a nearby rock on the middle of a fight were higher...

99% of the time, when players were complaining about Heilang "saving us" when we were CCed, it was in fact a trap, a follow up. People stupidly jumping in a void trap to get a stiff on us to then get countered and killed were usually the most vocal about it, and that's how this legend was created. 

But in the end, it is all about having a reliable summon now, simple as that. 

Last Edit : Jul 7, 2023, 21:45 (UTC)
# 10

Well PA decided that the only needed change was to change the name into heuklang xd

Lv Private


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