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UTC 9 : 27 Jan 24, 2025
CET 10 : 27 Jan 24, 2025
PST 1 : 27 Jan 24, 2025
EST 4 : 27 Jan 24, 2025
Awaken Sorceress is under-powered in AOS and needs buffs
Aug 26, 2023, 02:50 (UTC)
2113 17
1 2
Last Edit : Sep 16, 2023, 17:45 (UTC)
# 1


As of writing this, I am currently the highest ranked awakening sorceress in Arena of Solare on both the EU and NA servers. So hopefully that gives me some credibility when I say that awakening sorc is really underpreforming in AoS, especially in higher elo matches.

EU (Not highest overall but highest awakening ranked)


We lack the tools to significantly impact the outcome of matches but more importantly we have some very big weaknesses, the most notable ones being a lack of mobility, a weak E-buff and not being rewarded for using our high risk abilities.


Suggestions for buffs to awakening sorceress:

Change Grim Reaper (E buff). Add 15% Casting speed. Remove the Evasion rate or Resistance or nerf the crit rate to compensate

Reduce the stamina cost on Violation (W+RMB) from 300 -> 100

Increase the movement distance and speed on Rushing Crow (W+RMB in preawakening)


Improve the skill linking Blade of Darkness -> Wings of the crow. Increase the moving speed and explosion radius of blades

Improve the skill linking Bloody Calamity -> C-swap (C / S+C)


Awakening sorceress ebuff does nearly nothing for a majority of our kit due to our already high innate crit rate and buffs. It is mostly known to be a one trick ability to buff the damage of Cartians Nightmare... A example of a ebuff that is more adequate would be succession sorceress ebuff which gets MORE value from the 100% critrate due to its lower innate crit rate AND gets a additionall 20% casting speed on top of that.

The others are more self explanitory. Violation is a unprotected, small AoE, melee CC and the 300 stamina cost means it is simply not worth it to use. Rushing crow buffs would be a nice way to give us some much needed movement. Blade -> Wings flow would allow for a more proactive playstyle when using blades.


I do not think that buffs of this sort would make sorceress overpowered in any other parts of the game. In the content where awakening sorc is the strongest then it is because of our high protected damage and iframe spamm which i do NOT want to see buffed. If anything sorceress could use a few nerfs to her protection. For example Nightmare being iframe for 5 seconds is a bit overkill and could be decreased from 5 -> 3 seconds, Soul Reaper or Shadow erruption could get FG instead of SA and so on...

Awakening sorceress right now is a overly protected class that rewards playing passive more than it rewards actually playing proactive.


Quality of life (Please add these regardless):

Remove the airsmash from Darkness Released (W+F). The removal of the downsmash on this skill was a nice gesture but the airsmash is a even bigger problem when trying to re CC a opponent at the same time as your teammate.

Improve Shadow Hellfire (3rd Skill enhancement) to flow smoothly into other skills like C swap. This skill used to flow smooth but was ruined by a update many months ago and has since become a much worse skill.


Maybe give these abilities an actuall use too: Sinister Omen and Bloody Contract


Another suggestion which has been popular and would be similar to one recent change on awakening Valkyrie:

Remove the Stiff and Float on Vile plan, and instead make it Forward Guard.

The CC on Vile plan is very useless and since Forward guard was removed from before reboot the skill just is not very good. Please revert the CC and protection to what it was before the reboot but keep the option to consume 5 shards to do more damage with the skill.

Thank you

Last Edit : Aug 26, 2023, 17:02 (UTC)
# 2

Value tweaks rather than straight up increasing damage numbers is the way to go. It seems easy to find the problems but always super hard to come up with solutions. Suggestions are good. +1 on the airsmash removal

Last Edit : Aug 26, 2023, 21:29 (UTC)
# 3

Completely agree with everything and to add up i would simply and plainly remove the stam cost of violation and swap it to mp instead, the stam cost on it its outdated and without stam cost might even be a viable core option.

Also love the ideas of just making Hellfire viable by allowing it to link correctly with other stuff and rushing crow movement buff as helps alleviate the issue for both succ and awak.

Last Edit : Sep 2, 2023, 13:24 (UTC)
# 4

Absolutely not. This class is already a menace in node wars and sieges. Theres no reason in hell a class that has infinite iframe superarmor rotation needs any more damage than it already does now, not to mention you want to buff literally the only move that people can BARELY catch you out of. All you need to do is sniff air and you literally get shards for attacks. 

No, absolutely not, and AoS (A match play thats around like what... 10% of the year??) shouldn't determine the viability of a class, especially one that could 1vX the whole ball.

The reason why you all have such low scores is because no one plays the class, and why would they? When the meta is ranged classes currently.

Last Edit : Sep 2, 2023, 15:38 (UTC)
# 5

Ah yes, the most protected class.

Last Edit : Sep 2, 2023, 16:48 (UTC)
# 6
Am 02. Sep 2023, 15:38 (UTC), von GreenShadow

Ah yes, the most protected class.

You mean Sage? Or Maegu? Or Woosa?

Sorry, but sorc´s iframes are predictable, they are short and you know exactly where they will turn up. Sage on the other hand just vanishes and can appear anywhere since he can change direction while being completely invisible and additionally is very difficult to CC since he is mostly protected during his attack skills.

And I think we don´t even have to discuss Maegu or Woosa with their huge protected CC AOEs. 

Granted, I play succession, which is quite a bit less protected, especially against those AOEs since most of our skills are FG only. 

Last Edit : Sep 2, 2023, 20:37 (UTC)
# 7
On: Sep 2, 2023, 16:48 (UTC), Written by Serendipity

You mean Sage? Or Maegu? Or Woosa?

Sorry, but sorc´s iframes are predictable, they are short and you know exactly where they will turn up. Sage on the other hand just vanishes and can appear anywhere since he can change direction while being completely invisible and additionally is very difficult to CC since he is mostly protected during his attack skills.

And I think we don´t even have to discuss Maegu or Woosa with their huge protected CC AOEs. 

Granted, I play succession, which is quite a bit less protected, especially against those AOEs since most of our skills are FG only. 

One doesnt justify other
Also, copium

Last Edit : Sep 3, 2023, 18:51 (UTC)
# 8
On: Sep 2, 2023, 13:24 (UTC), Written by GodSlinger

Absolutely not. This class is already a menace in node wars and sieges. Theres no reason in hell a class that has infinite iframe superarmor rotation needs any more damage than it already does now, not to mention you want to buff literally the only move that people can BARELY catch you out of. All you need to do is sniff air and you literally get shards for attacks. 

No, absolutely not, and AoS (A match play thats around like what... 10% of the year??) shouldn't determine the viability of a class, especially one that could 1vX the whole ball.

The reason why you all have such low scores is because no one plays the class, and why would they? When the meta is ranged classes currently.

I do agree with you that sorc has basically infinite superarmor and iframes. In my previous posts I've suggested sorc get protection nerfs on skills to stop that but PA doesnt seem to want to remove any SA. But I don't think you see what exactly I'm suggesting being buffed on sorc, and in nodewars you sound more like youre talking about succession sorc rather than awakening.

None of my buffs are asking for more dmg.

"You want to buff literally the only move that people can BARELY catch you out of." dude, all im suggesting is to lower the stamina cost on a unprotected ability. If anything this would make it EASIER to catch sorcs because they would use it more often. People RARELY use violation as is and the main way sorc gets caught is grabs since all our SA apart from the rabam are completly stationary, and backattacks when we block in between iframes.

AoS is usually open a majority of the year, idk where you got that from.

Sorc used to have a very large playerbase in AoS too a year or so ago but it has diminished largely due to the fact that the class simply doesnt work in higher elos. I don't either want sorc to be more of a menace to casual or new players than it already is but the buffs im suggesting are NOT to the things that make it so. The things that make sorc into a NOOBSTOMPER is the iframes + SA rotations and damage. The things that I suggest get buffed are the outplay potential and the unprotected movement of the class. NOT damage, NOT protections and NOT some ranged skill bs. I'd gladly see our protections nerfed to give us a chance to fight high skilled players.

Last Edit : Sep 4, 2023, 02:28 (UTC)
# 9

Personally I'd rather see blades of darkness tossed in the garbage and reworked into something else entirely with how buggy and wierd collision and movement over terrain is for the blade "pets".

Yea idk why violation has such a hefty stam cost, it's a pain in pve too for low end grind spots where u just want to violate through mobs.

Ebuff is a joke, but tbh im not sure cast speed is the right fit to buff it. Adding speed to a teleporting class like sorc is not good for the already bad netcode. You can add the same potency through ap or special attack dmg/crit dmg without making sorc any harder to follow on screen like a speed buff would do.

But tbh most of this is moot until they actually make AoS worth playing in the first place. The utter lack of rewards is what is keeping people out way more than any class balance issues.

Last Edit : Sep 4, 2023, 05:25 (UTC)
# 10

sounds like your buffs would barely do anything, i could see the average awk sorc elo increase by 40 with these changes.

heres how you actually make sorc viable in aos:

either increase all dmg by 50% or give it a grab.

you're welcome.

1 2

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