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UTC 2 : 13 Jul 27, 2024
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Awakening Witch Improvements
Aug 26, 2023, 17:58 (UTC)
1180 11
1 2
Last Edit : Aug 26, 2023, 21:54 (UTC)
# 1

Family Name: SeedofYggdrasil
Region: EU
Class: Witch (Awakening)
Suggestion: Possible ways to improve Awakening Witch's kit

Fissure Wave: Increase the cooldown of this skill from 3sec to 7sec, but make the Frontal Guard effect from Core apply by default.

Reason: As a compensation for all these buffs, it's necessary to nerf our overpowered skill. This adjustment would decrease our damage output and make it more challenging to perform a double Knockdown combo (currently achievable with this skill alone).

(new skill idea for Awakening stance) Earth Edge: Cast eight stone edges of earth from the ground into the sky, concluding the skill as they converge to form spikes at a single point. This skill has a 'Floating on hits' effect.

Reason: With the increased cooldown of Fissure Wave, a new skill is needed to apply second CC on our target.

(new skill idea for Awakening stance) Flash Spear: Instantly teleport a moderate distance forward, forming a large lightning spear during the teleportation and launching it at the enemy when the teleportation ends. The attack deals significant damage but doesn't have a CC. (Teleportation is unprotected, but the attack has Super Armor.)

Reason: I often find myself a few steps too far from my enemy after I've CC'd them. I end up walking toward them to conserve the Teleport cooldown. This proposed skill would address that issue and also allow us to fit in more filler damage, given our combo damage is relatively low.

 Lightning Blast: If this skill is used after Detonative Flow or Flow: Magical Evasion, we should still be able to cast both Blasts of this skill, and the first Blast should be casted instantly.

Reason: Currently, we're missing out on half of our damage. (It should cast fast enough to get air attack on both Blasts when I catch my opponent with Detonative Flow into Lightning Blast.)

 Equilibrium Break: -If this skill is casted after Teleport, the 'mark' part will be skipped and only does the 'hit' part of the skill.

- If we cast this skill, after we get the 'mark' part we can cancel this hit part with another skill or just walk out, while the 'hit' part still does it´s damage.

- Allow to cast Equilibrium Break not only in front of our character, but at where we point our cursors (like Lightning Blast but with half the distance)

- Add a 200 Pain Damage every 3sec for 18sec effect on the 'hit' part of this skill

Reason: This skill is just so slow to cast and it´s is usless in PvP

-   Protection of Crevice: Extend the duration of the +20 All DP buff from 5 seconds to 20 seconds.

Reason: It's 2023, PA. Let the buff match the duration of modern classes.

  Flow: Magical Evasion: Allow us to cancel out of our awakening abilities and add a second skill Magical Evasion skill which would allow us SA move twice before we are unprotected (like Woosa has 2 side dash skills).

Reason: Our FG don´t offer too much protection, other classes have gotten so much moblity thats they have such an easy time to get to our backs. This would help us to still stay protected while in combat. 

 Elementalization: Change "Super Armor at the start of the skill" to "I-frame at the start of the skill". And allow us to use it from Pre-Awakening stance to switch to Awakening stance with the old " + Space" input (if used in Awakening stance keep the "+ E" input).

Reason: As of currently we get Hit-staggered to death (which also reduces movement distance to nothing), because its Super Armor! Also we don´t really have a good way to get from Pre-Awakening stance back to Awakening (else I would use our Magnus skill 'Earthen Eruption' much more). 

 Summon: Keeper Gorr (Summon: Keeper Tett): Change the effect 'RMB while summoning Keeper Gorr (Keeper Tett) to use special skill' to a diffrent key.

Reason: Input collsion.

  Detonative Flow: Increase the maximum distance this skill and Lightning Blast hits by 20%.

Reason: The movement of other classes got powercreeped, they can get out of our cast range too easy.

  Mana Arrows: Remove the second attack of this skill and implement the damage + the mana drain to the first part.

Reason: The second part of this skill feels weird and is just BAD.


  Lightning Arrows: Increase the damage, increase the crit rate of this skill from +25% to +100% (like Multiple magic arrows has on it), decrease the cooldown from 20 sec to 7 sec and change the flow from Residual Lightning to Lightning Storm.

Reason: Lightning Arrows does less damage than Absolute: Multiple Magic Arrows which is laughable and the flow does make no sense since Lightning Storm is the prerequired skill to unlock this skill and Residual Lightning can be already casted after Sage's Thunder.

  Healing Lighthouse (Sage's Light ): The skill has 3 ticks, change the effect as following:

1st Tick: It has SA and recovers 30% of your HP and MP (self and allies)

2nd Tick: Max HP +800 for 30 sec (self and allies)

3rd Tick: Recover 300 HP every 5 sec for 30 sec (self and allies)

Reason: Currently Sage`s Light heals to much HP instantly and Healing Lighthouse is too weak since it heals only a fixed amount of health. Also in mid-combat you can´t heal your allies without getting yourself CCed. I think this would make both skills pretty fair.


The following changes should be Awakening only and should not affect Succession!

-  Magical Shield: Increase the uptime of the buffs to last 1 min to match the cooldown of this skill. And either reduce the MP consumption when taking damage by 50% or double our current MP pool.

Reason: Our class is designed to damage trade but can´t survive, we just die standing-up. And the MP consumption is outdated

 Speed Spell : Increase the uptime of the buffs to last 50 sec to match the cooldown of this skill (only for yourself, for allies it stays 30 sec). Additionally increase the buffs from +20% to +25% (or make it a unique buff that cannot be overwritten by other buffs).

Reason: In PvE, using this skill often feels inefficient unless you're in a party or at a high-end spot where you're not killing many mobs. This is because Voltaic Pulse already provides +10% Cast Speed, and your 100% Black Spirit Rage skill grants +25% Cast Speed (These buffs all overwrite each other).

  Teleport (Ultimate: Teleport)

After reading a post in the feedback forum about ultimate teleport, I think an better solution to improve Awakening Witch movement would be to

1. Remove the Cooldown of Ultimate Teleport completly, and 

2. Ultimate Teleport can now be only casted after normal Teleport and Elementalization.

Reason: The movement of other classes got powercreeped, they can catch up to you too easy. The distance of Teleporting twice isn´t enough. Also matching both cooldowns would be a huge QoL/buff to Awakening Witch.

Last Edit : Sep 1, 2023, 02:08 (UTC)
# 2

Bump, give the elem & teleport changes to wizard too thanks ily

12 148
Lv 65
Last Edit : Sep 4, 2023, 09:12 (UTC)
# 3

i'd add: awakened pets shouldnt die in pve or pvp OR their blessing should be a passive effect regardless of pet being alive or not.

unpopular opinion: id also totally remove rabam heal and add more options to the class to actually stay alive be more independant because tht skill is kinda holding us hostage. seems like so many classes now are fully protected, have large aoes, giga movement, good class vs class modifiers, fast skills, relatively good/protected comboes, easy neutral game that saves main damage skills for comboing..... and awakend casters are often feeling like praying to stay alive rotating their protected skill  glued to one spot hoping person attacking them somehow dies or suicides into one of our strong skills by their own mistake...

Last Edit : Sep 5, 2023, 16:24 (UTC)
# 4

Bumping too, both awa witch and wiz kits are extremely outdated and need some deep reworks, 2021 reboot didn't address pretty much any of major issues with the classes.

A bit concerned with the proposal for fissure and it's potential impact on pve but fully agree that this skill can't be just overbuffed, hopium that PA will finally do something to make the class more fun and balanced when compared to the newer/recently buffed classes.

Lv Private
Last Edit : Sep 5, 2023, 22:32 (UTC)
# 5
On: Sep 4, 2023, 09:07 (UTC), Written by WhySoSeeryus

i'd add: awakened pets shouldnt die in pve or pvp OR their blessing should be a passive effect regardless of pet being alive or not.

Yes i agree, make pets immortal for awakening casters and tamer.

On: Sep 5, 2023, 16:24 (UTC), Written by Uekiya

A bit concerned with the proposal for fissure and it's potential impact on pve but fully agree that this skill can't be just overbuffed, hopium that PA will finally do something to make the class more fun and balanced when compared to the newer/recently buffed classes.

I honestly am just tired of playing Fissure Wave Online while on awak Witch...

At the high end game spots awak Witch is a S tier grinder.

If they nerf the CD of fissure wave like suggested, they need to add one or two new skill to our kit and make existing skills like Lightning Blast, Detonative Flow, Mana Arrows (rabam) and Earthen Eruption (improvements to stance switching) more viable. This would probably move her down to S- which is still great!

In mid/lower end game spots the CD increase doesn't matter at all.

Last Edit : Sep 8, 2023, 11:50 (UTC)
# 6
On: Sep 5, 2023, 22:29 (UTC), Written by SeedofYggdrasil

Yes i agree, make pets immortal for awakening casters and tamer.

I honestly am just tired of playing Fissure Wave Online while on awak Witch...

At the high end game spots awak Witch is a S tier grinder.

If they nerf the CD of fissure wave like suggested, they need to add one or two new skill to our kit and make existing skills like Lightning Blast, Detonative Flow, Mana Arrows (rabam) and Earthen Eruption (improvements to stance switching) more viable. This would probably move her down to S- which is still great!

In mid/lower end game spots the CD increase doesn't matter at all.

In case of new skills/buffs to existing ones to make up for the fissure cd increase I fully agree, that would be a refreshing change to how awa witch plays!

Also agreee with making pets immortal, in large scale pvp pets die pretty much every engagement, and they probably shouldn't allow for classes like warrior to heal off of, since if you ever happen to duel awa warrior they will just keep healing off your pet.

Lv Private
Last Edit : Oct 20, 2023, 06:11 (UTC)
# 7

When PA?

Awak Witch is utterly garbage at anything that isn't endgame PvE. Nerf Fissure, buff the rest of our kit!

Last Edit : Oct 23, 2023, 20:15 (UTC)
# 8

I'll skip the part where new skill designs are added because those simply never happen.

Your Fissure Wave suggestion is definitively controversial. In PvP, you'd want the double knockdown to be more challenging, but the way I see it, there's no worthwhile alternatives proposed. In terms of PvE performance, I am concerned for the rotation as a whole and it's loss of safety.

I also find it extremely strange as to how Witch "accidentally" becomes S tier in PvP, you'd want to go out your way and advocate a nerf when one should just be pleased about it. I understand that you are tired of Fissure Wave spam. Having been playing the Witch Awakening since release, I know for sure it's the first time we're this highly valued in PvE, otherwise, it was very low down the food chain. 

But, keeping true to the idea, there could be ways to implement it.

Detonative Flow aftercast could be reduced big a lot. Notice the time it takes after Detonative Flow to be able to begin Voltaic Pulse or Thunderstorm afterward. 

Lightning Blast cancelled action is definitively cheap currently in the live version. Cutting cast time in half for half the damage is rarely seen elsewhere. I have it locked because it conflicts with Pet CC on the RMB after Magical Evasion. The proposed changes would be most welcome in PvP and PvE

I don't see the value of the proposed changes to Equilibrium Break. It would by definition turn to a full summoned damage skill. Why not let go completely of the first portion (Stiffness and no damage tick) and skip right ahead to the 2nd portion the skill (Bound + Damage ticks).  Then, if one feels a bit cute, ask to reverse the CC and turn Equilibrium Break into a Stiffness for the Core; but nobody gets the EQ break core anyways since its the worst pick out of the 4. 

Flow: Magical Evasion seems to be missing that super popular idea where it can be used from Staff instead of the regular staff magical evasion to swap back to spheras. Such an idea would put the Staff back into play for experienced players instead of making staff a dead-end until teleport is back up.

Lightning Arrow.  I am adamantly opposed to changing the flow to Lightning Storm. Risidual Lightning is much, much better skill. The issue with Lightning Arrow is not the damage per se. There were clear textual attempts in patch notes to increase the range of Lightning Arrow but they never reflected into anything observable in-game. The range is currently an issue, cast speed of the skill as well. But it's also a rather hollow skill when a unprotected skill has no CC elements attached to it. I could have imagined a Stiffness attempt attached to it. 

Residual Lightning should be cancellable at any point during the cast. Staff skills are supposed to be cancellable with Magical Evasion and Teleport and Mana Drain.  This one isn't.

Swap the damage of the Pre-Absolute staff skills with the Absolute staff skills.  Currently, the pre-absolute staff skills (rank right before Absolute) deal approximatively 40 to 50% more damage than the Absolute variant in PvP. Obviously it was a oversight. But, obviously the damage of the Absolute staff skills were simply way too low, since nobody seems to be complaining after almost two years of that bug playing out on the pre-absolute staff skills.

Last Edit : Nov 26, 2023, 08:54 (UTC)
# 9

Can we finally get a nerf for Fissure Wave to 7-9s cooldown and add new skills to our kit, that are fast to cast and have burst damage + float or knockdown on them?

At Underground Gyfins we have now the worst clear speed of any class. After tagging a few other classes, I realised how boring the current PvE combo of awk Witch is, which is just spamming Fissure Wave every 3sec.

Last Edit : Nov 26, 2023, 12:37 (UTC)
# 10

big problem for both awakend casters is they have to rotate their kits/cooldowns to stay protected and they barely have combo skills avaialble when needed due to this approach becasue they also have low number of skills due to bunnch of auto flows and pet based skills while other clases can keep on moving and saving important skills for when they really really need them for offense. so most other classes can play neutral game or sit in block and then when they land a cc or need o go in they have their offensive skills ready to use.

another big problems is really weird class modifiers. they shouldnt be lower than 95%

1 2

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