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UTC 2 : 13 Jul 27, 2024
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Proposed PvE changes for Succession Nova [December 2023]
Dec 1, 2023, 13:49 (UTC)
2095 37
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Last Edit : Dec 7, 2023, 12:53 (UTC)
# 1

Title: Succession Nova's PvE performance, part 2.
Family Name: Quoratum

Region (NA/EU): NA

Suggestion/Comments: The comments I am about to get into are meant to impact, for a second time since July 2023 ( check our previous post, dated 5th of April ), the PvE performance for succession Nova. They have been compiled from Succession Nova mains in-game and in the class's Discord server, particularly geared towards improving our performance with newer endgame spots. Generally speaking, succession Nova has never been stellar at grinding an the latest balance patches have left her somewhat behind in comparison to other classes, most of us are really disheartened by the fact she hasn't gotten anything so far and these are some of the things we would like to propose:
 1. Succession Nova has, to our knowledge, the lowest kit AP (base AP + whatever you can get through skills) in the entire game sitting at 53. To give you some context, something like succession Sage has 116, that's several Deboreka accesories worth of AP. We would like it if a +20 Melee AP buff was added to her kit through any of her skills, though one good option would be Rime Ice - S+F. We consider this necessary due the fact higher AP cap zones keep being added and we have a tougher time competing, this is particularly noticeable in places like Tungrad Ruins where you also have to optimize for accuracy, which ties to the following point.
 2. She also has no accuracy buffs (+acc%) or evasion shred (-eva%) debuffs on any of her skills. It's important to note that her summons don't get any benefit from accuracy noted on skill tooltips so they are effectively 0 base acc without add-ons. This isn't the case with classes like awakening guardian or awakening Woosa where they get an innate 50% bonus PvE acc on their "summons", the fire trails and mines. We propose either a 9% accuracy buff or a -9% evasion shred debuff is added to one of her skills, one good candidate to have one of these would be Prime: Swooping Ring - W+C. This skill on its own has very limited functionality to begin with.
 3. The innate DP shred on succession Nova is -15 (can check Prime: Passed Pawn III for more info on it) while for most other classes it's -20, this would be a simple numerical change but it'd definitely help our class in endgame spots.
 4. Most commands have significant cooldowns that don't allow succesion Nova to have extended combos without facing a significant DPS drop-off, this makes her burst damage good but her sustained damage on mobs that are tankier much worse. This also becomes an issue when you have a support that can accelerate your casting, IE Shai. 
Skill name - Current skill cooldowns Skill name - Proposed skill cooldown changes
Prime: Fianchetto III (SHIFT+LMB) - 8 seconds Prime: Fianchetto III (SHIFT+LMB) - 7 seconds (-1)
Prime: Frozen Darkness (SHIFT+RMB) - 8 seconds Prime: Frozen Darkness (SHIFT+RMB) - 7 seconds (-1)
Prime: Stamma's Mate IV (SHIFT+Q) - 9 seconds Primer: Stamma's Mate IV (SHIFT+Q) - 8 seconds (-1)
Prime: Blooming Icy Thorns (SHIFT+F) - 10 seconds Prime: Blooming Icy Thorns (SHIFT+F) - 8 seconds (-2)
Prime: Frozen Earth (Shift+C) - 14 seconds Prime: Frozen Earth (Shift+C) - 12 seconds (-2)

 5. Some skills in the class kit are very low damage and they serve as the glue that holds together most if not all PvE combos. Improving their PvE skill modifiers would also help improve succession Nova's sustained DPS and maybe open up avenues for different combo variations. There's also Frozen Chain, a pretty much PvE exclusive rabam that sees little to no use.

Skill name - Current skill modifiers Skill name - Proposed skill modifiers
Absolute: Command: Rime Ice (S+F) - 844%x4, 844%x6 Absolute: Command: Rime Ice (S+F) - 1097%x4, 1097%x6 (25% increase)
Absolute: Face the Darkness (F) - 986%x4 (affects Mauling Star too) Absolute: Face the Darkness (F) - 1281%x4 (30% increase), remove Stiffness
Absolute: Icy Kiss (also F) - 561%x3 Absolute: Icy Kiss (also F) - 1402%x3 (150% increase), BE ABLE TO QUICKSLOT
Absolute: Chain Strike (LMB+RMB in some situations) - 829%x4, 829x3 Absolute: Chain Strike (LMB+RMB in some situations) - 1409%x4, 1409x3 (70% increase)
Succession: Vengeful Star (W+RMB) - 1353%x4, 1353%x4, 1353%x5 Succession: Vengeful Star (W+RMB) - 1759%x4, 1759%x4, 1759%x5 (30% increase)
Prime: Icy Thorns (S+RMB) - 1023%x3, 1023%x6 Prime: Icy Thorns (S+RMB) - 1534%x3, 1534%x6 (50% increase)
Frozen Chain (Shift+X) - 1095x1, 1095x2 Frozen Chain (Shift+X) - 1642x1, 1642x2 (50% increase)

 6. Spot dependant buffs like Underground Gyfin's colored buffs, Serendia Elvia weapon buffs and Tungrad Ruins green buff don't interact with summons at all, significantly gimping the class's damage and opportunity to do better. This is also true for any special attack modifiers that come from gear and buffs (summons always do 200% critical damage for example and never benefit from frenzy draughts, exquisite cron meals or even crystals). A change in this regard alone could elevate class DPS greatly so would probably have to come with an adjustment to summon mods, after careful observation.

As usual, anyone is welcome to add their suggestions and grievances, hopefully this gets enough traction to be seen and our class gets positive changes. All the numbers put here are tentative and not set in stone in any way, so feel free to discuss them too.

Last Edit : Dec 1, 2023, 13:58 (UTC)
# 2

good one

15 266
Lv Private
Last Edit : Dec 17, 2023, 16:30 (UTC)
# 3

she doesn't need pve buffs lmao. she's top 5 in all tower/stationary spots, and above average in most relevant spots. check garmoth individual class numbers lol. same energy as maegu asking for pve buffs. go give support to awakening kuno instead of this misinfo

p.s don't ask in their discord about the forbidden freeze combo

Last Edit : Dec 1, 2023, 15:32 (UTC)
# 4
On: Dec 1, 2023, 15:10 (UTC), Written by CoId

it is indeed the lowest base AP in the game. would be nice if we had an actual E-buff (currently it's just DP & a small crit buff), or a self-heal like other classes have, e.g. zerker.

Afaik it's 50% crit rate so not really that small. The issue I see perhaps is the fact this e buff is 100% geared towards PvP, it's rather pointless in PvE except for the small QoL of not having to press F for 30 seconds.

Last Edit : Dec 1, 2023, 16:26 (UTC)
# 5

Nova has been left in the cold for far too long.  It's time that she again reclaim her throne.

Justice for Nova!

Last Edit : Dec 1, 2023, 20:17 (UTC)
# 6

Succession Nova Needs major passive rework/accuracy scaling. Pets should just have 50% accuracy.

New artifacts also nerfs her.

Definitely needs a buff.

Last Edit : Dec 1, 2023, 21:12 (UTC)
# 7

Remove 2 seconds off all command skills except for Rime Ice, and remove 3 seconds off of Queens Gambit and 

**passed pawn** currently it only recalls pawns when you press spacebar. This is not useful., let it do an extremely large PvE AoE Taunt. 

**vengefulstar** remove attack 1, add its damage straight in to attack 3

**facethedarkness** 50% crit from 5s to 10s (woosa got this change) 

**icythorns** **Rime ice** add 800% to these +1 more hit

**prime_swoopingring**- rework the entire ability, choose a new skill it doesn't work properly 

**mauling star** change its damage formula to that of prime_frozendarkness

**Rabam: BitterStar** add 800% 

**QuoratumsEarth** add 800%

**All command skills:** add 400%

**Rime ice** Buff from 30hp to 60hp per hit

**Prime storming star**: Buff from 50hp a hit to 85

**Queens Gambit** Buff from 30hp a hit to 60

All of this should be somewhat similar to buffs every single class has obtain if even that

This was hidden by admin due to the reports it has received.
Last Edit : Dec 3, 2023, 00:27 (UTC)
# 9

The fact that Nova summons get NO SPECIAL ATTACK MODIFIERS (down attack, back attack, or even buffs from Elvia realms or Ulukita... the list goes on) severely hurts her damage in almost every end-game grind spot as well.

Chain attack damage should not be a thing, especially when the intention is for mobs to constantly move towards you and succ nova has to CONSTANTLY move back to have proper positioning to maximize damage. Lahns dont have to deal with chain attack damage, so why do we??

Largest shield class and yet (not counting block) we only have 3 forward guard skills (2 you have to take rabaam options to get??)? None of which are part of a damage combo. How does this make sense?? Awak Nova has the same number of forward guard skills in their awak kit...

Several bugs like freeze functionality and duration. Pawns and Axian still attacking the wrong targets and locations. Freeze on Icy Prison only working when used to summon Axian. No protections on grab except when it FAILS... The list goes on and yet we get skipped over for PvE changes. The only explaination is that PA has no idea how this class works and doesnt care enough about it to fix it.

Last Edit : Dec 3, 2023, 00:36 (UTC)
# 10
On: Dec 3, 2023, 00:27 (UTC), Written by Krisydra

The fact that Nova summons get NO SPECIAL ATTACK MODIFIERS (down attack, back attack, or even buffs from Elvia realms or Ulukita... the list goes on) severely hurts her damage in almost every end-game grind spot as well.

Chain attack damage should not be a thing, especially when the intention is for mobs to constantly move towards you and succ nova has to CONSTANTLY move back to have proper positioning to maximize damage. Lahns dont have to deal with chain attack damage, so why do we??

Largest shield class and yet (not counting block) we only have 3 forward guard skills (2 you have to take rabaam options to get??)? None of which are part of a damage combo. How does this make sense?? Awak Nova has the same number of forward guard skills in their awak kit...

Several bugs like freeze functionality and duration. Pawns and Axian still attacking the wrong targets and locations. Freeze on Icy Prison only working when used to summon Axian. No protections on grab except when it FAILS... The list goes on and yet we get skipped over for PvE changes. The only explaination is that PA has no idea how this class works and doesnt care enough about it to fix it.

I can't believe I didn't add the special modifier bonus interaction (or rather lack of) into the original post, I'll do it with your permission if you don't mind.

It's also true spot specific buffs don't work with summons (Gyfin colored buffs, Tungrad Ruins green buff, Serendia Elvia weapon buffs) and that really gimps the class.

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