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UTC 1 : 55 Sep 14, 2024
CEST 3 : 55 Sep 14, 2024
PDT 18 : 55 Sep 13, 2024
EDT 21 : 55 Sep 13, 2024
[Succession Sorceress] Dead class. Everyone swapped already {just check TOP AoS players}
Dec 11, 2023, 20:55 (UTC)
3871 25
1 2 3
Last Edit : Feb 22, 2024, 07:46 (UTC)
# 1

Title: Sorceress Succession is Forgotten Q_Q

Family Name: Merlyn

Region: World

TL:DR - Class is still not finished since its launch. The class didn't get a reboot but just QoL changes. Class is not getting enough changes currently.
1. It's asthmatic in movement both in speed and stamina in PvE, and doesn't have any chase potential whatsoever in PvP.
2. It still has weird modifiers on its skills as if someone just input random numbers into fields without giving it a second thought making it lack severely in accuracy in its 2 signature skills.
3. It still runs out of skills to cast (at the highest level) when we're using e/z/shai buffs.
4. Its current damage cones and aoes don't match the current content whatsoever.
5. Its damage is currently B+ tier in her best spots - aka spots with low movement and aoe requirements. She is still not at the "aimed" Succession Woosa level (about 50% stronger) and weaker than something like the g0at Succ Witch (70% stronKpew).
6. It still has under-worked and unused skill inputs, skill flows/cancels, and skill add-ons.
7. It still has 7(!!!) unused and unusable skills in its kit.
8. It still has weird protection conditions. Works if you cast the skill like zis, but not like zis..just why...
9. It is missing Prime Succession skills. Some were even designed in the rework and then not added to the game..

Bonus. Sinister Omen says hi.

To inform yourself more about the context of this class from its tiny player base, I warmly recommend reading/watching the following content:

Kaiju's Sorc Rework "Short" Rant

Kaiju's Rework Suggestions

GameruRC's Sorceress Succession Thread

My Succession Sorc Analysis Pre These Buffs

The rework was just baseline Q-o-L changes for us, and these damage updates were both on weird skills and also NOT enough to bring Sorc up to {the intended} Succession Woosa level. I highly suspect that any kind of changes to her damage will not make a lot of difference as her gameplay problems lie elsewhere, she simply doesn't have the kit to do what she's supposed to be doing. In lieu of what the latest (flow) design philosophy has been for Woosa and Maegu, I warmly urge PA to revisit this class and not leave it forgotten in the gutter....again.

Here are the patch notes we need to get skill-by-skill.

Priority of adjustment:

Purple - Mandatory

Blue - Recommended

Green - Fair

Grey - Optional

Prime: Flow of Darkness *New Skill*

Added a new Prime version of Flow of Darkness for Succession Sorceress. Note: Just copy and sideways movement+attack skill from any other class and make it purple.

- Increased damage

- Increased movement distance

- Increased casting speed

- Added Super Armor and iFrame (in Pve) when skill is not on cooldown

- Removed Stamina cost and added Mana cost

- 4second cooldown


Flow of Darkness *New Skill*

Added a new Prime version of Flow of Darkness for Succession Sorceress. Note: Just copy Maegu's P:Bared Claws from A-to-B and change it into Purple Drip.

- Increased damage

- Increased movement distance

- Increased casting speed

- Added Forward Guard when skill is not on cooldown

- Added 6% +Accuracy or 9% -Evasion rate buff for 5s

- 4second cooldown


Prime: Absolute Darkness *New Skill*

Added a new Prime version of Flow of Darkness for Succession Sorceress. Note: Just copy P:Multiple Magic Arrow or Magma Bomb from Caster reskinned into purple sorc drip. 

- Increased damage

- Increased Aoe

- Increased DP debuff from -15 to -20 DP

- Can now be canceled and auto-cast for 10 shards with iFrame, Black Wave, Darkness Released, Dark Flame, TurnBack Slash, Shard Explosion


Prime: Black Wave

- Increased AoE spread by 10-50%

- Added Accuracy rate to hit of 15-25%

- Can now be cast independently of other skills by pressing S+LMB+RMB

- Increased Damage

- Reduced cooldown from 8s to 7s


Prime: Darkness Released

- Increased AoE spread by 50-100%

- Increased Accuracy rate from 12 to 15%

- Increased Damage

- Removed lingering stutter when casting the skill with W+F

- Removed backstep condition on Forward Guard

- Added equal forward movement when casting the skill with W+F as the backstep when casting it with S+F

- Added skill cancels following P:Midnight Stinger, P:Rushing Crow, P:Shadow Eruption, P:Abyssal Flame, P:Turnback Slash


Prime: Midnight Stinger

- Removed 'Consume 1 Shard of Darkness to Increase movement Distance'

- Increased movement of P:Midnight Stinger to match distance with shard use

- Added Accuracy rate to hit 10%

- Added Super Armor (iFrame in PvE) on use


Prime: Rushing Crow

- Removed 'Consume 1 Shard of Darkness to Increase movement Distance'

- Increased movement of P:Rushing Crow to match distance with shard use

- Increased Accuracy rate to hit 10-15%

- Increased DP debuff from -15 to -20

- Increased AoE by 50-100%

- Reduced cooldown from 4s to 2s

- Alternative (if not adding Prime: Flow of Darkness), remove DP debuff and add the Evasion buff from Flow on Rushing Crow just like in Awakening


Prime: Bloody Calamary

- Moved the skill's attack area to be more in front of your character.

Before :P

After :P

- Severely Increased damage

- Increased casting speed

- Increased AoE by 30-50%

- Increased Accuracy rate from 10% to 20%

- Increased bleed damage to 80 and duration to 12s

- Increased Accuracy Debuff duration to 12s

- Decreased Cooldown to 13s

- Changed Skill input from Space to Shift+C. Changed so that skill can be cast independently of other skills

- Changed Skill so that if the last Projectile Hit is charged, it can be cast after a single iFrame, same as with P:Dream of Doom

- Added skill cancels after P;Darkness Released, P:Black Wave, P:Dark Flame, P:Shadow Eruption, P:Abyssal Flame, P:Turn-Back Slash and Dark Tendrils. Not necessary if input is changed to Shift+C and skill can be cast by itself.

- Alternative if not buffing damage: Decreased Cooldown to 7-8s to match skills with the same damage and effect of other classes


Prime: Claws of Darkness

- Removed `max 3 hits` from both Attack Damage and Servant Attack Damage

- Increased Casting Speed buff from 5% to 15%

- Increased Casting Speed

- Added Accuracy rate to hit of 5%

- Increased aoe by 100%


Succession:Ultimate: Dark Flame

- Severely Increased Casting Speed

- Increased Damage

- Added Accuracy rate to hit of 10%

- Reduced Cooldown to 6s to always chain with P:Dark Flame

- Increased aoe by 50-100%


Prime: Dark Flame

- Increased Damage

- Increased AoE by 50-100%


Prime: Crow Flare

- Removed +15% Casting Speed on Blocks buff. Added to Claws.

- Increased AoE by 100-200%

- Added Accuracy rate to hit of 5%

- Added gain shard on hit


Absolute:Mark of the Shadow

- Increased Range

- Increased Casting Speed

- Increased Accuracy rate from -1% to 10%


Succession:Ultimate:Shadow Eruption

- Reduced Cooldown from 9s to 6-7s

- Increased AoE by 30%

- Increased Damage


Prime: Shadow Eruption

- Added +6% Accuracy Rate Buff for 10s. If you're not adjusting kick and add a new Flow of Darkness.

- Reduced Cooldown from 10s to 6-7s

- Increased AoE by 100%

- Increased Damage


Prime: Abyssal Flame

- Add 35-80 Burn Damage for 9s. The skill is called Abyssal F l a m e.

- Increased AoE by 70-100%

- Added homing towards a target if the target is >1m away from aimed location

- Added new skill cancels after P:Black Wave, P:Bloody Calamity, P:Shadow Eruption, Succession:Ult:Shadow Eruption, P:Dark Flame, S:U:Dark Flame, P:Darkness Released, P:Shard Explosion

- Added ability to cast a charged Abyssal Flame after iframing

- Removed P:Abyssal Flame charged into P:Abyssal flame skill cancel

- Added small Super Armor when casting skill instantly via cancelations

- Increased Damage


Succession: Imminent Doom

- Reduced Cooldown from 14s to 13s

- Added Imminent Doom in the Addons menu as a T3 Addon option


Prime: Dream of Doom

- Added 100% Critical hit rate (in Pve). Or 25% everywhere.

- Increased AoE by 10%

- Increased Damage


Bloody Contract

- Increased HP recovery from 35 to 350


Sinister Omen

Reworked Sinister Omen to work like Magic Lighthouse/Lava Field/Toxic Flood or ninja smoke screen, being insta-cast and lingering.

- Increased AoE by 100%

- Removed Pain Damage applied

- Added 35 Pain Damage every 3s for 12s

- Maximum targets increased from 5 to 10

- Reduced cooldown from 30s to 13s

- Added Sinister Omen to Addons list as a T3 Addon


Prime:Sinister Omen *New Skill*

Assuming S.O. was reworked...

- Increased AoE

- Increased damage

- Super Armor added

- Accuracy rate to hit 10%


Dark Tendris

- Cooldown increased to 13s so that it can be used as a T3 addon

- Accuracy rate increased from 8% to 15%-20%.

- Removed cancels during Abyssal Flame or Black Wave. We can always press Lmb to perform no2 instantly. This just makes us misfire the skill sometimes.

- Aiming Dark Tendrils is now possible with camera movement. Just like it is with mouse movement -_-

- Increased damage

- Increased AoE by 30%


Prime: Abyssal Vanguard

- Fragments created increased from 30 to 40

- Removed Critical Hit Rate 100% for 30s. Literally does nothing for us.

- Added AP +20-30 or Critical Hit Damage +20%


Prime: Turn-Back Slash

- Added new skill cancelations: C to cast after P:Rushing Crow, P:Shadow Eruption,P:Claws of Darkness,P:Darkness Released

- Increased Damage

- Increased AoE by 70-100%


Prime: Violation

- Added complete control of Violation's movement to keyboard. Pressing C only spins you in place. You always face where your camera is looking and can beyblade around with a keyboard (like Zerker). This is currently available with "Movement by Mouse", it shouldn't be advanced tech.

- Added "Hold C or W+C or S+C and consume 1 Shard of Darkness to perform the skill an extra time". Just like awakening 

- Increased AoE by 50-70%

- Increased Damage

- Increased Casting Speed

- Increased Movement Distance to Match Awakening


Prime: Shadow Kick *New Skill*

- Kick now teleports you behind your target on hit. Nullified during cooldown. This was already added before the reboot, why we didn't get it is a mystery..


Prime: Storming Crow *New Skill*

- Increased Casting Speed

- iFrame in Pve


Shard Explosion

- Reduced Cooldown to 13

- Severely Increased Casting Speed

- Added skill cancelations by pressing RMB after Dream of Doom, P: Dream of Doom, Bloody Calamity, P:Bloody Calamity, P:Abyssal Flame, P:Turn-Back Slash

- Changed input from quick-slot to Shift+Q or S+Q


Prime: Shard Explosion *New Skill*

- Increased Damage

- Added Super Armor or Frontal Guard Protection


Dark Trade

- Increased x30 Fragments to x40 Fragments

- Reduced Cooldown to 13s


Prime: Agent of Abyss

- Removed Max Mp +200

- Added HP +200 or Ignore Resistance 10%. We dont have grabs after all, can we at least land our ccs?
- Increased Max stamina from +100 (less than half an Iframe) to +300-500


Prime: Shadow Leap *New Skill*

Just copy awakening Shadow Leap.


Prime: Nightmare *New Skill*

Just copy awakening Nightmare.


Beyond this, even though the damage is grey, for PvE, damage should be revisited on most skills for the class. Sorc currently deals 7-12k on 5-7s skills, while other classes deal 12-17k. Sorc currently deals 5-20k dmg on its 10-13s cd skills, while other classes deal 20-40k. I dunno what tables PA is looking, and maybe just adding aoes and cooldowns will solve the damage problems with the speed that we're brring skills, but currently, it-is-not-matching-up with other classes whatsoever.

Last Edit : Dec 11, 2023, 23:42 (UTC)
# 2

Question to mods/CMs:

How is Sorc Succession feedback supposed to get through when there are only 2-3 Sorc players on the forum and the rest of the community has PTSD when they see anything related to the class?

Last Edit : Dec 12, 2023, 08:17 (UTC)
# 3

I struggle grinding with awakening sage and it's not fair here is my proposal to fix the class pa pls listen to me it's 0 bias and all about pve trust. Here we go. 

Increase aoe of the RiftStorm by 40% because I'm just bad at the game and can't aim.(even tho it's a 360 ability)


Add clone effect to spearbolt that comes after the actual character and does 2x more damage of the skill while recovering 1k hp make spearbolt iframe because I take damage during it.

Make lightning prison actual prison, 360 lightning prison with 8 seconds cooldown also grants me pa during cast so I don't die to mobs.

Divine executioner Rework, Infinite flight time and stamina, sage struggles with stamina in pve so turn this ability into perma flight time and stamina recover with iframe in mid air so I can grind more casual.

Implaing flash rework, make implaing flash gather the targets around sage and teleport to the intented target and slam them together for 2k hp per hit so I can lifesteal and make pack to pack easier. 

All these changes I asked is for *pve* purposes only.

You can trust me, I am rank 1 awakening sage in solare. Ty. 

26 207
Lv 66
Last Edit : Dec 12, 2023, 11:52 (UTC)
# 5


Last Edit : Dec 12, 2023, 12:32 (UTC)
# 6
On: Dec 12, 2023, 08:17 (UTC), Written by CCaJJ

I struggle grinding with awakening sage and it's not fair here is my proposal to fix the class pa pls listen to me it's 0 bias and all about pve trust. Here we go. 

Increase aoe of the RiftStorm by 40% because I'm just bad at the game and can't aim.(even tho it's a 360 ability)


Add clone effect to spearbolt that comes after the actual character and does 2x more damage of the skill while recovering 1k hp make spearbolt iframe because I take damage during it.

Make lightning prison actual prison, 360 lightning prison with 8 seconds cooldown also grants me pa during cast so I don't die to mobs.

Divine executioner Rework, Infinite flight time and stamina, sage struggles with stamina in pve so turn this ability into perma flight time and stamina recover with iframe in mid air so I can grind more casual.

Implaing flash rework, make implaing flash gather the targets around sage and teleport to the intented target and slam them together for 2k hp per hit so I can lifesteal and make pack to pack easier. 

All these changes I asked is for *pve* purposes only.

You can trust me, I am rank 1 awakening sage in solare. Ty. 

Make your own article edge-lord-box-lightning-boy. If you do, maybe someone that's not an a like yourself will come to support your cause. I don't know why you think this forum has the space for ironic posts that don't add to the conversation whatsoever. It is not PA why we're not getting changes, it's the community at large on this forum, trolling itself from the inside out.

If you think Succ Sorc is OP, swap to it, and demonstrate that. Saying that as a Sage (regardless of Box or Lightning) just makes your arguments seem even sillier.

On: Dec 12, 2023, 09:09 (UTC), Written by Loin

This ladies and gentlemen is a clear demonstration of the good ol' "Sorceress PTSD". It is a common ailment in Black Desert Online, especially on its forums. It mainly comes from an older generation of players who have a genetic trauma rising from the primal dominance of AWAKENING Sorceress over 5(!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) years ago. Unfortunately, their trauma doesn't apply to the current real state of the game, but that doesn't help patients afflicted by this dementation to get over it.

That's why they have to adjust and post compilation videos of the best (curated and several) moments of the best (top 3) succession playing sorcs in the game - from 9 months ago. F taking into account that the majority of those players switched off Succession or Sorc altogether because it's underwhelming. F taking into account that it performs 50% worse than succ woo and 70% worse than succ witch in pve. F taking into account that the community for this class is so small that there is >2 players advocating for it across reddit and these forums and >5% of sorc players play the spec. Just general F-lording all around, but we cant blame them, because they are sick of PTSD and it's not their decisionmaking.

On: Dec 12, 2023, 11:52 (UTC), Written by askore



Last Edit : Dec 12, 2023, 15:35 (UTC)
# 7

where my awa wiz rework lol

13 165
Lv 65
Last Edit : Dec 12, 2023, 16:12 (UTC)
# 8
On: Dec 12, 2023, 15:35 (UTC), Written by Piag

where my awa wiz rework lol

Make a thread, ill support the sh out of it. I've already supported all your other threads. Awa Wizard is definitely more clunky than Witch, even with all of the latest changes it still feels underwhelming compared to the effort put in.

Last Edit : Dec 13, 2023, 16:29 (UTC)
# 9

nerf succ sorc instead!

1 11
Lv Private
Last Edit : Dec 13, 2023, 17:55 (UTC)
# 10

what the actual F? 

1 2 3

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