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UTC 1 : 42 Jul 27, 2024
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Warrior Awakening PVE ideas.
Jan 28, 2024, 11:13 (UTC)
987 12
1 2
Last Edit : Jan 28, 2024, 11:13 (UTC)
# 1


Today I would to give some ideas for the Awakening.

Flow: Reckless Blow

Attack damage 2130% x5 before fully charged
Attack damage 2130% x10 when fully charged
Critical Hit Rate +100%
Accuracy Rate +25%
Maximum 10 targets
Increased attack area while charging
All Attack Speed +10% for 10 sec when fully charged
Super Armor while charging
Knockdown on hits
Down Attack
No Charging required during Berserker mode
Damage -69.2% in PvP only.

Reckless Blow starts to be seriously old. It has some linkeage, but it still not enough.
For example, after using Reckless, if we try to use Grave Digging, SHIFT+LMB, it won't work but instead the game will automaticaly recognize the LMB input and use Flow: Tempest instead.

The fact we still have to charge Reckless to deal full damage is incovenient. It would be great to :
- Make it like Ancient Wave, you still can charge but if you don't, you'll deal full damage
- Make the charge faster

Flow: Armor Break

Attack damage 1347% x5
Critical Hit Rate +100%
Maximum 10 targets
Recover 50 WP per hit
All DP -30 for 10 sec on hits
Push the target on hits (PvE only)
Spin the target on hits (PvE only)
Stiffness on hits (Nullified during cooldown)
Down Attack
Damage reduced during cooldown.
Damage -63.3% in PvP only.

Armor Break is a good skill. It needs only two things.
First one, make the range wider.
Secondly, improving skill connection. For example, we can do Grave Digging > Armor Break, but we cannot do Armor Break > Grave Digging
We cannot do Armor Break > Slashing the Dead.
Armor Break > Pulverize is clunky.
Armor Break > Frenzied Strikes is clunky.

Chain: Heaven's Cleave

Attack 1 damage 2170% x2
Attack 2 damage 2170% x4
Critical Hit Rate +100%
Accuracy Rate +10%
Maximum 10 targets
Floating on attack 2 hits
Air Attack
Damage -62.5% in PvP only.

Currently, we don't have any way to refesh the AP buff from the block. We can currently the DP buff from the block by using Slashing the Dead.

All AP +26 when using the skill

Flow: Slashing the dead

Grave Digging spin attack damage x4
Grave Digging smash attack damage x6
Maximum 10 targets
All DP +20 for 10 sec when using the skill
Super Armor during the skill
Bound on smash attack hits (PvE only)
Bound effect with the same duration as Knockdown will be applied.
No collision while moving
Down Attack

During the reboot of 2021, the skill got some change. First, the jump distance has been increase, and they removed collision when using the skill.
However, the jump is way too long.
The idea would be to make the jump faster when we link Slashing after another skill.

Secondly, the range of the skill needs to be wider. When we're grinding on a spot with a lot of monsters, Slashing has good range in front, but on the side it's not great at all.
It would be nice to make it a bit wider.


Attack damage 1753% x4, max 2 hits
Critical Hit Rate +100%
Accuracy Rate +25%
Maximum 10 targets
Critical Hit Damage +5% for 10 sec when using the skill (Nullified during cooldown)
Floating on upward strike attack hits (Nullified during cooldown)
Bound on downward strike attack hits (Nullified during cooldown)
Air Attack on upward strike attack hits
Down Attack on downward strike attack hits
Damage reduced during cooldown.
Damage -61.8% in PvP only.

The skill got a bit left behind. Beside now giving 5% critital damage during 10 sec, the animation still slow.
It would be great to make a slighty faster, and giving it good connection with the first hit and the second hit.

Flow: Overwhelm

Attack damage 1667% x4
Accuracy Rate +12.5%
Maximum 10 targets
Down Attack damage +10% for 10 sec when using the skill
Floating on hits
Air Attack
Damage -65.1% in PvP only.

Beside getting a bit more damage, the skill doesn't have any impact in PVE.
We mostly use it to flow skills.
It would be great to improve more in PVE.

Flow: Tempest

All damage applies Pulverize's damage x7
Critical Hit Rate +50% (PvE only)
Accuracy Rate +12.5%
Maximum 10 targets
Recover 150 HP per hit
Forward Guard
Down Smash on hits
Down Attack

Tempest is very nice skill. However, it can be only used after Pulverize or Reckless Blow.
It would be great to allow us using it when those two skills are in cooldown.

Solar Flare

Attack damage 1430% x5
Critical Hit Rate +100%
Accuracy Rate +20%
Maximum 10 targets
Recover 25 WP per hit
60 bleeding damage every 3 sec for 9 sec on hits
All Evasion Rate -6% for 10 sec on hits
Stiffness on hits
Push the target on hits (PvE only)
Air Attack
Damage -61.9% in PvP only.

The skill got completely left behing. First during reboot 2021, we lost many connection with the skill. And now, it didn't got any PVE buff.
It's really sad, it used to be a good skill, now it's a bis skill to debuff evasion.
Last Edit : Jan 28, 2024, 13:31 (UTC)
# 2

nice "pve" suggestions. 


Last Edit : Jan 28, 2024, 14:30 (UTC)
# 3
Écrit le : 28 janv. 2024, 13:31 (UTC), par : WhySoSeeryus

nice "pve" suggestions. 


thanks man

This was hidden by admin due to the reports it has received.
Last Edit : Jan 30, 2024, 01:34 (UTC)
# 5
On: Jan 28, 2024, 13:31 (UTC), Written by WhySoSeeryus

nice "pve" suggestions. 


Quite hilarious that you're replying here but not the Drak thread that involves skill cd reduction, more flows, and increased action speed for certain skills.

The troll aside, fully charged Reckless needs to do more than just twice uncharged PvE damage with a larger aoe. Reduce the skill cooldown to 8s as the class already struggles with clearing packs even after using its entire Awakening kit.

Flow: Armor break, Flow: Overwhelm, Balance Strike, Solar Flare could all use a conal area increase to make them more useable as filler in PvE if they're not going to adjust the rest of the kit in damage mod %. The class has such low PvE modifiers across main skills to filler - I understand that it's not just Awakening Warrior with this issue, and it's maddening to see already strong classes only becoming more powerful (Awakening Nova, Succ/Awakening Guardian, Succ/Awakening Witch and Wizard, Succ Maegu, and at this point I wouldn't even be surprised if they ended up buffing Succ Woosa come next Global Labs)

The class itself needs more flows - stealing from Yber's thread "Flow: Slashing the Dead: Improve hit detection (most hits don't land on the target), addition of flows from Balance Strike, Solar Flare, Flow: Heaven's Cleave into Slashing the Dead, addition of flows from Flow: Slashing the Dead into Headchase, Balance Strike, Flow: Heaven's Cleave. The skill is simply very clunky and slow," would be a big help for smoother gameplay.

Flow: Hilt Strike and Flow: Knee Kick should have been removed/replaced since yesterday. Knee Kick is locked for 99% of users. Get rid of it, introduce something else. Awakening Ninja's Sura ChaoSpree was reworked, I don't see why we can't get the same treatment. Shift Flow: Hilt Strike's accuracy buff onto Balance Strike, increase the duration slightly. Do something about our lack of AoE dr shred if Armor Break doesn't receive a range increase.

Merciless needs to be faster, have a ranged component ala Force Slash/Counter (mid-range attack) from the preawakening tree, and deal far more damage than current. Right now, all it is used for is a prebuff cancel. I won't delve into protections as everything up in the air, but it could use a Core change down the line.

Frenzied Strikes (an entirely PvE-only skill) in its current form is far too slow when the damage is majorily focused on the last hit, and has such little range compared to the long cast time. Another case of a skill that should have Forward Guard by default instead of relying on the Core - make Knockdown PvE-only.

Allow us to use Tempest off of hotbar so we can choose when to use it in PvE instead of Pulv->Tempest or Reckless->Tempest.

Per the auto attack input bug Yber's Awakening Warrior Bug Thread we should be able to lock our auto attacks until (if even) that bug can be fixed. Place the +26% crit from RMB autos onto Flow: Armor Break, and +26 AP (Q block buff refresh) onto Flow: Heaven's Cleave. Many, many current classes have permanent uptime on their class buffs without breaking tempo. This won't affect PvP overly as you're likely to engage with your prebuffs.

Edit: I'd recommend to update the OP to include that the skills listed are in their current form to avoid confusion (skill mods, etc)

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Last Edit : Jan 31, 2024, 00:16 (UTC)
# 7

Head chase travel distance way to short for these times in BDO, it should be increased at least 25% more.

All classes have teleports or fly and almost all are agile like some sort of ninjas, while our dash is like 2 steps...

Also i would add some energy blade skill that send foward a wave for stagger small dmg something... cause this class feels so outdated, nothing spectacular, meh effects... it could rly rly need an update.

3 38
Lv 61
Last Edit : Feb 3, 2024, 09:01 (UTC)
# 8

We pray for next Global Lab patch.

Also, like many other classes, Warrior could use a Rabam update. The third Rabam (Counter Slash/Dusk Slash) is often left unchosen because of how useless it is + introduces flows no one bothers for.

Last Edit : Feb 3, 2024, 09:30 (UTC)
# 9

Agree with everything.

I also think it's about time we got a proper Shift + F AoE/Cone Awakening skill and W + F Awakening movement ability like almost every other class has. Kinda crazy it's 2024 and we still don't have either of those.

Last Edit : Feb 3, 2024, 20:11 (UTC)
# 10
On: Jan 31, 2024, 00:15 (UTC), Written by Eus

Head chase travel distance way to short for these times in BDO, it should be increased at least 25% more.

All classes have teleports or fly and almost all are agile like some sort of ninjas, while our dash is like 2 steps...

Also i would add some energy blade skill that send foward a wave for stagger small dmg something... cause this class feels so outdated, nothing spectacular, meh effects... it could rly rly need an update.

Yep, and the sad thing is if you've done the Magnus quest, they kinda teased us with what our class is capable of with that Goyen boss fight, yet they haven't bothered to do anything with it. 

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