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Install Guide

1 Run BlackDesert_Installer_NAEU.exe to install the Black Desert launcher.

2 Start the game once installation is complete.


UTC 1 : 8 Jul 27, 2024
CEST 3 : 8 Jul 27, 2024
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#Gameplay_General #Returning #Update
8 years soon and our efforts are rarely rewarded in this game..
Feb 25, 2024, 09:24 (UTC)
2736 45
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Last Edit : Feb 25, 2024, 09:43 (UTC)
# 1

Do you know Palworld? It came out a month ago, I tryhard this game, I spent 400 hours (11h/day? in hard mod) improving my build, I loved playing it and you know what I liked the most? is that after a month of tryhard to get the perfect pals, I saw that it worked very well, I had the result of my many hours of playing, I had an accomplishment.

I also played bdo, 7 years and soon 8 years of bdo, and you know what? I'm at 301 AP :) no progress, no accomplishment, no pleasure, just rng.

 I've seen some Hundreds of players land on the game and in a few months onetape / twotape all their equipment, get 3 T10s in 10 clicks in total, they are even forced to click other T10s because they have crafted around twenty tries... people who have 3 pen debo in not even 5 clicks... and then you have the others who will spend 2 years clicking without any results, without any advancement... and then you have the CMs who will tell you, " you just have to buy them at the market place" :clown face:

I have also played other MMORPGs, and the difference with bdo? is that on these mmo the equipment is VERY varied, you have several elements and each build has its own stats and there 'has FULL of them, and very random, you can have one (+1 strength +38 intelligence +234 endurance +12 cc) as well as you can have (+878 strength +456 intelligence +4 endurance +1 cc).. the optimization is done there above and even if new equipment comes out and which will be systematically better, if you have perfect builds well yours will always remain viable. 

on bdo? fixed stats and that's limited to very few stats in all.. great. the only way to improve? it's to wait for God J to add to us once every two years a single accessory to gain 4 AP or an armor to gain 6 DP lol, variety of builds level 0, everyone can use the same build, there is no richess, no diversity, everyone uses the same artifacts, the same crystals, the same armor and weapons.. 

I am not here to criticize this system itself but just to point out the lack of diversity and especially the fact that unlike other games where progression is done precisely via this diversity, that of bdo is done by starting the same thing over and over again over several years.. click, breaks, grinding again, click, downgrade, grinding again, click breaks, grinding again.. 

And then there's the famous "rng" where you have mega carried people and others where the game sucks.. they really think that seeing players first try all their equipment in a few months while roofing struggles for years will this encourage you to enjoy playing? They think that by frustrating the players they will end up in cash shop?? even gacha are starting to abandon this mechanic (thanks Chinese laws)..

The most frustrating thing about this game is not not succeeding... it's trying hard and seeing that other people with not even 1/1000th of your effort manage to do much better just because the "rng "decided like this... that's what's frustrating about this game and that you hear players complaining about it all the time in discord.. there's no problem that the game is hard if everyone has an equal chance... but that's not at all the case... I'm talking about optimization and accessories that downgrade or breaks... but it's valid even for loot... for treasures and other rare resources..

I speak for myself but I took the example of other players and friends with the same feelings..

Last Edit : Feb 25, 2024, 11:36 (UTC)
# 2

Amazing story OP, now remove private settings to prove you actually play game.

Last Edit : Feb 25, 2024, 12:38 (UTC)
# 3


Last Edit : Feb 25, 2024, 12:42 (UTC)
# 4

Bdo isn't a fair game. It has nothing to do with skill. It's 2 people click the same button. One person clicks pen the other can't click pen in 40 tries. The 1st guy did nothing right the 2nd did nothing wrong.

I know a guy who got all 6 full pot pieces in less then 20h and another who had to full pity all 6. Nothing the 2nd guy could do but he's 120h behind the 1st guy. That's after the horror stories of people 300+ hours at bloodwolves before pity.

There is just rng and a culture that will brag all day that they clicked a button with no skill and got a positive result.

Play long enough you can overcome it. Play Palworld like you did for 400h sorry can't cry no progression when not putting those 400h into BDO.

1 131
Lv Private
Last Edit : Feb 25, 2024, 13:53 (UTC)
# 5
Écrit le : 25 févr. 2024, 12:41 (UTC), par : JR88

Bdo isn't a fair game. It has nothing to do with skill. It's 2 people click the same button. One person clicks pen the other can't click pen in 40 tries. The 1st guy did nothing right the 2nd did nothing wrong.

I know a guy who got all 6 full pot pieces in less then 20h and another who had to full pity all 6. Nothing the 2nd guy could do but he's 120h behind the 1st guy. That's after the horror stories of people 300+ hours at bloodwolves before pity.

There is just rng and a culture that will brag all day that they clicked a button with no skill and got a positive result.

Play long enough you can overcome it. Play Palworld like you did for 400h sorry can't cry no progression when not putting those 400h into BDO.

What he's saying is that if he'd put those 400 hours into BDO, unlike Palword, he wouldn't be guaranteed to have made any progress.
When I see that over the years I've been playing, I've lost one of them to a TET BS and another to PEN, and that during that time I've seen my guilds mates 1/2 all their stuff with not even a tenth of my grind time. I totally understand that some people are frustrated and feel cheated by the game.
What's more, this frustration is again felt in other parts of the game, such as the grind of treasures or accessories like deboreka. I don't think that adding pities like potions is a solution, because it's once again rng and therefore once again frustrating.
On the other hand, you could set a pity fix at a fixed number of tries or monsters killed, for example, because this time, whatever happens, you know that you'll end up making progress and that your efforts and time invested will finally be rewarded.

Last Edit : Feb 25, 2024, 14:21 (UTC)
# 6

thats why you still play bdo and you probably done with palworld

48 1797
Lv 61
Last Edit : Feb 25, 2024, 18:14 (UTC)
# 7
On: Feb 25, 2024, 13:53 (UTC), Written by Hitay

What he's saying is that if he'd put those 400 hours into BDO, unlike Palword, he wouldn't be guaranteed to have made any progress.

With 400 hours invested in BDO, you will be guaranteed a progress unless you're are the final stages of your gear progression (and you know what you're doing at this point), or you're a compulsive gambler.

And seriously, as much as I hate the idea of grinding endlessly for a treasure, the pity system is a good compromise if devs really want to keep going this way. 

And now, comparing progressions if exactly what I wouldn't recommend, that's the best way to lead yourself to the cash shop or to leave the game. 

Last Edit : Feb 25, 2024, 19:38 (UTC)
# 8
On: Feb 25, 2024, 13:53 (UTC), Written by Hitay

What he's saying is that if he'd put those 400 hours into BDO, unlike Palword, he wouldn't be guaranteed to have made any progress.
When I see that over the years I've been playing, I've lost one of them to a TET BS and another to PEN, and that during that time I've seen my guilds mates 1/2 all their stuff with not even a tenth of my grind time. I totally understand that some people are frustrated and feel cheated by the game.
What's more, this frustration is again felt in other parts of the game, such as the grind of treasures or accessories like deboreka. I don't think that adding pities like potions is a solution, because it's once again rng and therefore once again frustrating.
On the other hand, you could set a pity fix at a fixed number of tries or monsters killed, for example, because this time, whatever happens, you know that you'll end up making progress and that your efforts and time invested will finally be rewarded.

Of course he couldv'e progressed. He's 301 ap. Palworld hardmode is active af. Mob looks at you and you dead. So that's 400 active BDO hours which is like 400b. He ain't at pen debo stage where it's just a click and a prayer. You can buy 2 pen bs if you had too w 400b. And if you compare yourself to the lucky players you alrdy done. You don't know if this person is lucky, lies or swipes for crons or the 60b a week selling costumes. Half these treasures you don't need. So if you can't deal w rng don't bother playing BDO. It is the entire game. The keep making things easier. Add pities to pots can buy um. Add dekia to the compass spots. Add dungeons can even get merchant ring pieces. They give you a tet bs and 2 dream horses for fucks sake. Hammers crons eventually you'll hit something

Last Edit : Feb 25, 2024, 20:21 (UTC)
# 9
Écrit le : 25 févr. 2024, 19:38 (UTC), par : JR88

Of course he couldv'e progressed. He's 301 ap. Palworld hardmode is active af. Mob looks at you and you dead. So that's 400 active BDO hours which is like 400b. He ain't at pen debo stage where it's just a click and a prayer. You can buy 2 pen bs if you had too w 400b. 

In my case, I have to click on PEN Deboreka, even if I farm for 1000 hours, I have no guarantee of progressing in the game, so I totally agree with him.

Écrit le : 25 févr. 2024, 19:38 (UTC), par : JR88

You don't know if this person is lucky, lies or swipes for crons or the 60b a week selling costumes. 

We click on stream on discord so it's complicated to lie about the one-tap.

Écrit le : 25 févr. 2024, 19:38 (UTC), par : JR88

And if you compare yourself to the lucky players you alrdy done.

Except that even if you don't want to compare yourself, when you see everyone moving forward around you and you're still clicking on the same item without passing it by for a year, it's hard to ignore.

Écrit le : 25 févr. 2024, 19:38 (UTC), par : JR88

Add dungeons can even get merchant ring pieces. 

Can you really loot in a dungeon? I've been doing them all in elvia since they came out, and I've never looted or seen anyone loot it in my group.

Écrit le : 25 févr. 2024, 19:38 (UTC), par : JR88

Hammers crons eventually you'll hit something

Out of all the hammers they've given me, I've never passed anything.

Last Edit : Feb 25, 2024, 21:08 (UTC)
# 10
On: Feb 25, 2024, 20:21 (UTC), Written by Hitay

In my case, I have to click on PEN Deboreka, even if I farm for 1000 hours, I have no guarantee of progressing in the game, so I totally agree with him.

We click on stream on discord so it's complicated to lie about the one-tap.

Except that even if you don't want to compare yourself, when you see everyone moving forward around you and you're still clicking on the same item without passing it by for a year, it's hard to ignore.

Can you really loot in a dungeon? I've been doing them all in elvia since they came out, and I've never looted or seen anyone loot it in my group.

Out of all the hammers they've given me, I've never passed anything.

Hence why I said he could of progressed. IDK why you think anything I said solely applies to you and legit said if you are at pen debo tap stage you could get stuck. He is not there. He's playing with pokemons.  I am talking about the entire games playerbase not you and this guy and your guild in discord. People spend money people lie people link garmoth heart after every garm to make others jealous. To compare yourself to others you gonna get upset. Sorry you haven't got anything off a hammer 1000's have. Sorry you ain't got a ring piece and the 4 others you group with haven't so that means they can't drop. And why am I talking to his representitive. Great you agree with your buddy. So surprising. No interest in talking to a representive of a cry baby in a rng game. So keep DV my comments and you and your guildies upvote his and yours cuz that means your right. 

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