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Install Guide

1 Run BlackDesert_Installer_NAEU.exe to install the Black Desert launcher.

2 Start the game once installation is complete.


UTC 2 : 19 Jul 27, 2024
CEST 4 : 19 Jul 27, 2024
PDT 19 : 19 Jul 26, 2024
EDT 22 : 19 Jul 26, 2024
Field Boss Trains
Mar 25, 2024, 00:33 (UTC)
898 22
1 2 3
Last Edit : Mar 25, 2024, 00:33 (UTC)
# 1

The current way to track the sever spawns and hp of field bosses using discord that relies on players is horrible. Can PA plz make something in game or discord to show us all the servers that they spawn on and the hp in real time?? This would save soo much time and would make it way more efficient. It would also get rid of people who kill and dont call it which I find very frusterating! Having the players checking all the servers and then reporting is a bad system. PLEASE PA, i'm begging you!

Last Edit : Mar 25, 2024, 04:03 (UTC)
# 2

I think they already announced changes to the fielbosses. They will be similar to worldbosses, they will share HP so you wont be able to swap and kill multiple times. 

Last Edit : Mar 26, 2024, 13:49 (UTC)
# 3
On: Mar 25, 2024, 04:03 (UTC), Written by Sariix

I think they already announced changes to the fielbosses. They will be similar to worldbosses, they will share HP so you wont be able to swap and kill multiple times. 

Yup, say goodbye to your up to 5 chances per train for Rawr Rawr heart + stones.  Now you'll have a chance for just 1.  Like getting multiple feathers by jumping 10 servers for Bheg?  Not anymore, you'll have a chance to get 1.  People should just keep their mouths shut sometimes.

137 1147
Lv Private
Last Edit : Mar 26, 2024, 04:53 (UTC)
# 4
On: Mar 25, 2024, 21:52 (UTC), Written by Picklenose

Yup, say goodbye to your up to 5 changes per train for Rawr Rawr heart + stones.  Now you'll have a chance for just 1.  Like getting multiple feathers by jumping 10 servers for Bheg?  Not anymore, you'll have a chance to get 1.  People should just keep their mouths shut sometimes.

For real. The boss trains are fun and relatively fast-paced.., and you get to interact with people outside your guild. 

Last Edit : Mar 26, 2024, 14:21 (UTC)
# 5
On: Mar 25, 2024, 21:52 (UTC), Written by Picklenose

Yup, say goodbye to your up to 5 chances per train for Rawr Rawr heart + stones.  Now you'll have a chance for just 1.  Like getting multiple feathers by jumping 10 servers for Bheg?  Not anymore, you'll have a chance to get 1.  People should just keep their mouths shut sometimes.

Currently, I don't have a chance to even get one heart because I don't care about a boss that has an rng spawn time.

And you probably haven't been on rawr-rawr for a very long time because PA increased his HP, and despawn is after 30 minutes (without loot if despawn), so you can kill a maximum of 2, and even then only if you have a lot of players. At 9 a.m. not even one will die!!!
In the same way, whale and khalk do not exist for me.
Also, after such a change, 10 times more players will fight field bosses, so 10 times more loot will be available on the market.

Feathers? No one cares about them because this is material that should have an infinite and simple source of access, e.g. from a gathering.

Every good mmo has constant daily/weekly activities and it should be the same in BDO. If it's like this with world bosses, it can be like this with everything else.

Last Edit : Mar 26, 2024, 14:22 (UTC)
# 6
On: Mar 26, 2024, 14:19 (UTC), Written by Senemedar

Currently, I don't have a chance to even get one heart because I don't care about a boss that has an rng spawn time.

And you probably haven't been on rawr-rawr for a very long time because PA increased his HP, and despawn is after 30 minutes (without loot if despawn), so you can kill a maximum of 2, and even then if you have a lot of players. At 9 a.m. not even one will die!!!
In the same way, whale and khalk do not exist for me.
Also, after such a change, 10 times more players will fight field bosses, so 10 times more loot will be available on the market.

Feathers? no one cares about them because this is material that should have an infinite and simple source of access, e.g. from a gathering.

Every good mmo has constant daily/weekly activities and it should be the same in BDO. If it's like this with world bosses, it can be like this with everything else.

Are you EU, because it's not like that at all on NA. The problem on NA is when they spawn on season servers screwing over the players.

Last Edit : Mar 26, 2024, 14:26 (UTC)
# 7
On: Mar 26, 2024, 14:19 (UTC), Written by Senemedar

Currently, I don't have a chance to even get one heart because I don't care about a boss that has an rng spawn time.

And you probably haven't been on rawr-rawr for a very long time because PA increased his HP, and despawn is after 30 minutes (without loot if despawn), so you can kill a maximum of 2, and even then if you have a lot of players. At 9 a.m. not even one will die!!!
In the same way, whale and khalk do not exist for me.
Also, after such a change, 10 times more players will fight field bosses, so 10 times more loot will be available on the market.

Feathers? no one cares about them because this is material that should have an infinite and simple source of access, e.g. from a gathering.

Every good mmo has constant daily/weekly activities and it should be the same in BDO. If it's like this with world bosses, it can be like this with everything else.

So, you're calling me a noob when you don't even realize that the ONLY reason why people are doing boss trains and RR (for the most part) are for the feathers..  SMH.   I take it YOU don't do rawr-rawr.  We kill 1 to 5 every spawn cycle.  Get with the times.  Minus one.  You're literally 100% wrong on everything you said, unless EU is just backwards compared to NA.

137 1147
Lv Private
Last Edit : Mar 26, 2024, 14:39 (UTC)
# 8
On: Mar 26, 2024, 14:23 (UTC), Written by Picklenose

So, you're calling me a noob when you don't even realize that the ONLY reason why people are doing boss trains and RR (for the most part) are for the feathers..  SMH.   I take it YOU don't do rawr-rawr.  We kill 1 to 5 every spawn cycle.  Get with the times.  Minus one.  You're literally 100% wrong on everything you said, unless EU is just backwards compared to NA.

Feathers and that power crystal from Bheg. Now, if only my workers in Morning Light could keep up the pace with supplying the crystal of decimation so I can make and sell the complete crystal for the 1 bil instead of only the power crystal for 380 mil.

Last Edit : Mar 26, 2024, 18:23 (UTC)
# 9
On: Mar 26, 2024, 14:23 (UTC), Written by Picklenose

unless EU is just backwards compared to NA.

In Europe, no one wastes their time on crappy content with crappy rewards. Even after adding feathers to field bosses, no one kills them (I don't count the 50 people who still do it, just like I don't count the 20 who go out to hunt whales) because these bosses only have a chance to drop (probably typical 1-5%).
Since adding feathers, I've been involved in killing Black Shadow over 15 times (over 60 bosses in total) and I haven't gotten a feather once!!!
Taking into account that feather costs 20m, this is how much you can earn from trash... in 5 minutes.

And considering how many you need them and the zero chance of success in getting a T10 horse, getting these feathers this way makes no sense.

Last Edit : Mar 26, 2024, 20:48 (UTC)
# 10
On: Mar 26, 2024, 18:23 (UTC), Written by Senemedar

In Europe, no one wastes their time on crappy content with crappy rewards. Even after adding feathers to field bosses, no one kills them (I don't count the 50 people who still do it, just like I don't count the 20 who go out to hunt whales) because these bosses only have a chance to drop (probably typical 1-5%).
Since adding feathers, I've been involved in killing Black Shadow over 15 times (over 60 bosses in total) and I haven't gotten a feather once!!!
Taking into account that feather costs 20m, this is how much you can earn from trash... in 5 minutes.

And considering how many you need them and the zero chance of success in getting a T10 horse, getting these feathers this way makes no sense.

Sounds more like you're speaking your personal opinion of bosses and feathers and not the general population.

137 1147
Lv Private
1 2 3


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