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Install Guide

1 Run BlackDesert_Installer_NAEU.exe to install the Black Desert launcher.

2 Start the game once installation is complete.


UTC 2 : 23 Jul 27, 2024
CEST 4 : 23 Jul 27, 2024
PDT 19 : 23 Jul 26, 2024
EDT 22 : 23 Jul 26, 2024
What is the goal of open world pvp in 2024?
Apr 17, 2024, 01:38 (UTC)
4634 221
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Last Edit : Apr 17, 2024, 01:38 (UTC)
# 1

At this point he's penalized so much that I'm surprised they haven't permanently eliminated him from the game.

All that remains are memories of those fun afternoons, when there were massive battles of guild vs. guild every afternoon.

The game is increasingly closer to becoming a shift + f simulator. You go from using shift + f on a weak monster to using shift + f on a more difficult monster. an infinite cycle of just killing monsters with more and more life, which I find super boring and doesn't motivate me to improve gear.

Could someone give me a reason to improve Gear? because killing monsters with more and more life does not motivate me at all, and pvp is increasingly penalized.

Last Edit : Apr 17, 2024, 02:41 (UTC)
# 2

The updates have only penalized PvP where at least one of the participants is unwilling to fight. If you want guild vs guild fights, then organize them. If by guild vs guild fights you mean you harassed people until they were forced to beg their guildmates to help them, then that most definitely wasn't fun for the ones who were harassed.

There are no penalties for duels, there are no penalties for guild wars accepted by both sides, there are no penalties between two flagged players, there are no penalties in Arsha. Therefore there are literally no penalties for PvP where both sides are having fun. If you try to fight people who don't want to PvP, that's only fun for you, not for them, therefore it's toxic. Of course PA doesn't want to encourage that.

Last Edit : Apr 17, 2024, 03:19 (UTC)
# 3
Publicado: 17 abr. 2024, 02:41 (UTC), Autor: felmagnac

The updates have only penalized PvP where at least one of the participants is unwilling to fight. If you want guild vs guild fights, then organize them. If by guild vs guild fights you mean you harassed people until they were forced to beg their guildmates to help them, then that most definitely wasn't fun for the ones who were harassed.

There are no penalties for duels, there are no penalties for guild wars accepted by both sides, there are no penalties between two flagged players, there are no penalties in Arsha. Therefore there are literally no penalties for PvP where both sides are having fun. If you try to fight people who don't want to PvP, that's only fun for you, not for them, therefore it's toxic. Of course PA doesn't want to encourage that.

The problem is that you also eliminate the possibility of defending yourself, if someone bothers you in the spot that you are going to do, you cannot kill him because the one who loses is you, so either you leave or you farm together as friends because you cannot declare war on him, because because he must accept it first.

Last Edit : Apr 17, 2024, 03:59 (UTC)
# 4
On: Apr 17, 2024, 03:19 (UTC), Written by Josuyelin

The problem is that you also eliminate the possibility of defending yourself, if someone bothers you in the spot that you are going to do, you cannot kill him because the one who loses is you, so either you leave or you farm together as friends because you cannot declare war on him, because because he must accept it first.

I agree.  there were some legitimate uses of one sided deccs - defending rotations was one of them.  Sadly, PA lumped all of them together

Last Edit : Apr 17, 2024, 05:01 (UTC)
# 5

just go red and don't look back lmao

Lv Private
Last Edit : Apr 17, 2024, 06:40 (UTC)
# 6

My thoughts are slowly moving away from wanting OW pvp, unless they want to reinvigorate the gvg system or come out with some kind of field battle system that has pvp at its core with a little pve to it. One where you might fight for a time to gain control of an area to grind in or a boss with a big payoff, have it temporarily until the next battle, and then repeat.

Arsha pvp these days consists mostly of ganking pve grinders running expensive buffs and griefing them, and the rare battle fiesta started by a big boi guild. I've been seeing Family, Cho, and a couple others fighting at late hours. Other than that, I don't really run into anybody besides the occasional guy that just wants to run me down with an eva build when I'm running pve spec, grief my time/buffs, and then leaves as soon as I swap to pvp and kill him a couple times. It's just not the same anymore, man.

Last Edit : Apr 17, 2024, 07:56 (UTC)
# 7

The  new goal of open world pvp in 2024   is  deleting open world pvp from the game and leave a few arsha channels. 

Also a few new features will be added in the game  to make  this kindergarten  perfect. 

- immediate recovery of marni room for pearls

- auto grind system in marni room

- hammers as rewards for daily log in. 

- pity system for everything you have in this game ( treasures, horses etc ), and no matter what is it > you must have 100% chance to get it one day. Like if you bought 1000 tickets for lotery and didn't win,  for ticket number 1001 you  win 100%. 

- quests for  pen bs and  base  fg armors.

- quests for pen ogre/basi/narcs/crescent to have full pen accessories from quests.

Last Edit : Apr 17, 2024, 12:40 (UTC)
# 8
On: Apr 17, 2024, 07:52 (UTC), Written by Briexdon

The  new goal of open world pvp in 2024   is  deleting open world pvp from the game and leave a few arsha channels. 

Also a few new features will be added in the game  to make  this kindergarten  perfect. 

- immediate recovery of marni room for pearls

- auto grind system in marni room

- hammers as rewards for daily log in. 

- pity system for everything you have in this game ( treasures, horses etc ), and no matter what is it > you must have 100% chance to get it one day. Like if you bought 1000 tickets for lotery and didn't win,  for ticket number 1001 you  win 100%. 

- quests for  pen bs and  base  fg armors.

- quests for pen ogre/basi/narcs/crescent to have full pen accessories from quests.

Sounds great to me, bdo would be an enjoyable 24/7 grindingsimulator. Well done PA.

Beside the features you mentioned, they should also remove alt+c completely from the game. How dare you pvp'ers.

And i'd like to see every 100 mobs 1 accessory, even deborekas.

For the seasons, i'd suggest to make it easier to enhance tuvala. Enhancing it to V is almost impossible without using a 40 fs.

Pls make it possibru PA. /s

Last Edit : Apr 17, 2024, 12:54 (UTC)
# 9
On: Apr 17, 2024, 07:52 (UTC), Written by Briexdon

The  new goal of open world pvp in 2024   is  deleting open world pvp from the game and leave a few arsha channels. 

Also a few new features will be added in the game  to make  this kindergarten  perfect. 

- immediate recovery of marni room for pearls

- auto grind system in marni room

- hammers as rewards for daily log in. 

- pity system for everything you have in this game ( treasures, horses etc ), and no matter what is it > you must have 100% chance to get it one day. Like if you bought 1000 tickets for lotery and didn't win,  for ticket number 1001 you  win 100%. 

- quests for  pen bs and  base  fg armors.

- quests for pen ogre/basi/narcs/crescent to have full pen accessories from quests.

You wanted to be sarcastic but it didn't work out, the changes you provided would greatly increase the playability and player pool.

The funniest thing is that for a long time bdo has been offering quest for pen items.

And one more thing. Items such as basi/narc/crescent have been out of date for many years, which shows how little you know about the real end game in bdo.

Last Edit : Apr 17, 2024, 12:50 (UTC)
# 10
On: Apr 17, 2024, 11:13 (UTC), Written by Inata

Sounds great to me, bdo would be an enjoyable 24/7 grindingsimulator. Well done PA.

Beside the features you mentioned, they should also remove alt+c completely from the game. How dare you pvp'ers.

And i'd like to see every 100 mobs 1 accessory, even deborekas.

For the seasons, i'd suggest to make it easier to enhance tuvala. Enhancing it to V is almost impossible without using a 40 fs.

Pls make it possibru PA. /s

Your both are very far. how dare to propose such things..there will be still effort..A new player should get on making acount with char with max gear and all items at max enc level. Also should be unkilabe, because imagine if some monster kills him... How can you be so cruel to new players...

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